Just Finished Thread(Spoilers)


Dec 19, 2004
Reaction score
Worth every penny. Started 6:30pm to 11:49pm. It was like you were in a movie. Its was... no word can describe how the experience was. I'm definitley going to play it again tomorrow. Good Night. Eastern Time Zone.
i was just gonna say: worth every penny
absolutely brilliant
valve have done it again!
im trying to explain to my friend, who's hesitant about spending $20 for 3-5 hours of gameplau, how fantastic the experience is
sigh, his loss right?
I'd pay twice that much for it (but don't tell Valve! :eek:). It was incredible.
Tell ur friend to get this game!! it was outstanding!
Just beat it, kicks ass. Now gotta beat it in the other two difficulties for the hell of it! CANT WAIT FOR EP.2!!!
Took me 4ish hours with minimal deaths.

A few parts were cool, but frustrating. Basically the entire omg its dark area.

In fact, the same was too dark overall. At least the next episode will be outdoors. Or should be anyway.

Anyone else find the zombine a bit too tough? They just seemed... annoying. And the fact that they were all totally identical was bothersome. Seems like a few of them ought to try to use a gun or something, though that might be difficult with claws.

Though it was nice to see that Alyx isn't invincible, I've never had her die before. This time she died once while waiting for the elevator in the dark maze. Her new gun (glock?) was cool and her animations were nice too. Dog didn't do much either outside of the very beginning :(.
Infern0 said:
Anyone else find the zombine a bit too tough? They just seemed... annoying. And the fact that they were all totally identical was bothersome. Seems like a few of them ought to try to use a gun or something, though that might be difficult with claws.

I actually liked those things, they forced me to rethink my tatics on several occasions.
Infern0 said:
Anyone else find the zombine a bit too tough? They just seemed... annoying. And the fact that they were all totally identical was bothersome. Seems like a few of them ought to try to use a gun or something, though that might be difficult with claws.

Well no zombie has any sort of intelligence, and shooting a gun requires that. It seems to me that their pulling out grenades is an accident, as not all of them do it and once the the grenade is activated they don't seem to know what to do with it, they either just hold it or they drop it at their feet.
yea the zombies were a bit tough. also it felt like my bullets werent hitting them for some reason
i was getting very annoyed because i have to play on carpet, so my mouse will sometimes jump around as the texture changes, plus my scroll wheel sometimes scrolls without my touching me (because it'll sometimes stop in between 'clicks') so it would switch weapons mid-battle sometimes, PLUS alyx kept getting in my way, i was getting very frustrated. I may play through it again in a day or two slower..
The zombine were a bit more intelligent than the regular zombies. There was a part where there were several zombies & zombine on the other side of a fence from you, but they could easily go around. That is, if they were smart enough to do it-- the zombies weren't, the zombine were.

I thought it was interesting how the zombines had no head. Not sure why that would be.

Oh, and hey Valve: The elevator that traps you underwater with no way out is a pretty cheap trick. :p ;)
Lol, awesome job Valve. The bad thing is that I didnt get all out of the game because of my crappy Radeon 9800xt which is getting out-dated and didnt run with full effects etc... The game was truly awesome, but it crashed few times... I think the problem was with my graphics card drivers (installing older 6.4 catalyst helped)...
mikese said:
Oh, and hey Valve: The elevator that traps you underwater with no way out is a pretty cheap trick. :p ;)

That elevator was pretty easy to get out of..Hold space and exit through the top?
I just beat it this morning, seemed kina short but that's ok. The beginning was a lil confusing but did the vortigaunts basically "free" you from the gman? And how long can they hold him at bay.
TST_Devgru Seal said:
That elevator was pretty easy to get out of..Hold space and exit through the top?

Sounds like a certain John Carpenter film :thumbs:
Did Breen survive? (Wikipedia said he did but i know wiki's reliability is put to question at times)
Yeah, I wouldn't trust Wikipedia on opinions like that. I could easily log on and change it to say that Alyx is pregnant with Gordon's crowbar-weilding offspring...

/me shrugs

The suppression field was turned off...
Ok so we still don't know if he is alive. ( I think he is dead)
Has anyone e-mailed VALVe to ask if they can confirm if Breen is dead or alive?

Edit: I will :)
Ask about when we will get revelations about the G-man (they wont answer me :( )
Who did you send the message to? Shoot - I already sent the message before I knew you posted..

Forums should be put into Web 2.0 :-\
Laidlaw, I asked about race X, the aliens from Xen who did not originate in Xen (vorts, controllers, grunts and nihilanth) and when we will find out about the G-Man (this was a month and a half ago with no response) :(
If Gabe sends me back an email confirming Breen's status I'll reply and ask him your question..

By the way, check your PMs, AHA...
Ah, my god...Gabe is so funny..

From: Gabe Newell <gaben[AT]valvesoftware[dot]com> Mailed-By: valvesoftware.com
To: George Devgru Seal <devgruseal[AT]gmail[dot]com>
Date: Jun 2, 2006 2:55 PM
Subject: RE: Question about Breen
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Thanks for the mail, Devgru. Or is that Mr. Seal?


From: George "Devgru Seal" [mailto:devgruseal[at]gmail[dot]com]
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2006 11:00 AM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: Question about Breen

- Hide quoted text -
Great job on the game, Gabe. Absolutely loved it.

However, I (and others on community boards, more specifically, the one I come from, halflife2.net) are not sure if Breen survived. Care to confirm?

Or are you, "Not at liberty to say"? hehe :p

Devgru Seal
- IT/Tech & PC Geek -
» June 1st: HL2:Episode 1 Release! «
That does not say much, please ask about my points especially the Gman revelations.
I'm not sure how to word it :p You could try e-mailing Gabe himself..He responded within an hour! :p
no one has responded to me before but i will try what is his email address?
TST_Devgru Seal said:
That elevator was pretty easy to get out of..Hold space and exit through the top?

Was it? crap... I tried popping open the "hatch", but it didn't do anything.... I assumed that I had just that few seconds to jump out of the elevator as it paused on it's way down. Oh well-- I guess that's something else I'll have to check out when I play it over again for the 10th time this weekend. ;)
Awesome. Incredible. Can't find words. The wait for EP2 will feel like a eternity... and maybe thats what it is.
after finally making it through the endless crashes, I thought it was great!
I just would like to know, if you survived the blast of City 17 getting wiped off the map at the end.
That's a question I'm afraid Gabe will refuse to answer.
BeaverMon said:
I just would like to know, if you survived the blast of City 17 getting wiped off the map at the end.

Er, wtf. Hello?
Does the fact that there's another two episodes to come not answer that question? What about the fact that Alyx addresses the player as Gordon in the Ep 2 preview video? Doesn't that give you the smallest clue?
Jesus wept :O