Just Finished.


Nov 19, 2004
Reaction score
Hi all,

I have just finished HL2 and would like to thank the person who helped me through "follow Freeman"; sorry I can't find my original thread.

Anyway I can see there is a wide range of opinions, not just on this forum but many others over the net.

I enjoyed the game very much and have none of the problems with crashes or bugs that other subscribers seem to have had. The game ran smoothly and never glitches or crashed once, although like I did find the load up times some what long.

The carry on I had with installing the game via steam was some what annoying and took some time but hey I only had to do it once.

On to the game itself. I promised myself I would not compare it to Doom 3 but find I have been doing so. HL2 is, in my opinion far superior to D3 by virtue of the fact it has a story and the environments are changed in each level. D3 starts dark and gloomy and remains this way through out. The novelty of the superb graphics soon wears thin after two or three hours in dark rooms armed with a torch.

HL2 again, in my opinion offers equally good graphics but outshines D3 in its superior game play and far better set pieces.

HL2 was much hyped and being a big fan of FPS’s have played many over the years. Sad as it may seem I remember playing the original Doom on my P75 years ago. I certainly won’t rant on about all the games I have played but of them all I have always had a soft spot for HL1 and Opposing Forces, so HL2 had a lot to live up to. It did a pretty good job on the whole. Whereby D3 took itself very serious I think that HL2 gave me a game that was entertaining, fun and best of all story driven. It didn’t treat me like an idiot. Many FPS’s treat the players as though we are mindless, violent people who like to glorify violence. I feel that HL2 broke this mould and took me to a totally believable world.

All in all HL2 was and is a bench make game for FPS and like many classics before will stand the test of time. Hopefully other game developers will see that FPS games will only succeed with a decent story line, believable characters and most importantly it is here to entertain.

Maybe I enjoyed HL2 too much but my only gripe is that it did seem short; I had maybe 15 hours game play out of it.

Like I said it was not my intention to compare these two games, maybe it was the closeness of there release dates but having played them both I know which one I will remember with fond memories.

As to whether HL2 is the best FPS ever is a matter of opinion but mine for what it is worth is that it certainly ranks as one of them.

I couldn't agree with you more, D3 is tedious and has almost no replay value, iD seem to think that a superb graphics engine is everything. Whereas I can't stop replaying half-life 2, there is so much detail and things that are easy to miss, the outside environments are simply incredible, plus it has a storyline that keeps you glued to the screen.
Cheers Baxter. I agree: D3 is a tech demo compared to HL2.
I'm with on the agreeing part, D3 is more repetive with it's dark enviroments, and more dark enviroments, while in HL2 there's more details to see, one of the reasons being the outside enviroments, it took me almost an hour to find the pipe to the Vortigaunt with the sore throath. Somehow it felt easier to get stuck in HL2 while it felt easier to get lost in D3..

Oh well, bottom line is I agree with you all: HL2 is the better game. All to short indeed, but still the better one, one of the reasons being you can replay it, one other being the lovely use of NPC's (dont get me started).
I live in it 23/7

The missing hour is spent on me dreaming sitting alone in my room, in complete darkness, with only the dim light of Alyx moving in a small hallway enlighting the room...
I just found a new way to handle the snipers! Use a dumpster! Who says this game is boring now? Much more fun than D3. :D