Just got my foot in a plaster case


Party Escort Bot
Oct 20, 2004
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It's pretty weird to walk around with crutches, but I'll get used to it I guess :p

It has to be in a plaster for a week because I sprained my ankle appallingly bad (or so my dad (=doctor) says) and it might turn into a recurring injury if nothing was done about it. The way I sprained is actually really weird: Two days ago, I had fallen asleep on the bus to my school and just before it arrived at the bus stop where I had to get off, I woke up. Everyone was already out of the bus, so I hurried up and wobbled towards the exit, hearing an odd cracking noise.

I looked down and noticed that my right foot was turned to the inside by about 90?. Attempting to correct this position, I noticed that my leg was asleep. Unfortunately I was still in motion and wanted to get off the bus. I made a slight jump from the bus onto the sidewalk and heard a rather loud crack. A dull pain shot up from my foot.

I had jumped with my 70kg body onto pretty much solely the bone of my ankle onto the sidewalk :| Then my leg started to wake and needless to say it hurt D: Nevertheless, the pain was only mild after five minutes and I had another bus to catch for a school trip. I came back yesterday evening and at home my dad told me I had to get it plastered, so here I am :p

Now, to give this thread a slightly longer life, what silly movements or mishaps have occured to you that resulted in spraining / breaking / dismembering ( D: ) one of your limbs?
Oh great, another guy with crutches. Is this the HL2.net curse? To hobble on crutches?

And no, I've managed to refrain from injury. However, I managed to:

a) Split open my chin
b) Break someone elses nose
c) Break someone elses wrist
d) Laugh at my brother for falling of a half foot wall and breaking his wrist
Not me, but both my siblings have broken bones in fairly odd/painful ways. I actually inadvertently caused my brother to break his leg, now I think of it. He was standing on a couch for some reason, I called down to him that dessert was ready, and in his rush he slipped off, face forward. Which wouldn't have been quite so bad if his foot hadn't gotten tangled in something on the way down.

My sister broke both her wrists on two seperate occasions doing handstands at gymnastics. The second time was the very day she was told she'd healed up enough from the first time to go back to gym. >_<
^ ow D:

This reminds me: a girl my friend was in school with once broke both her wrists at the same time by running into a wall at high speed (some game where you have to tag a wall as fast as possible and then return to a line that gets moved further and further) :|
Despite being a daredevil and a show-off all of my life, i've never broken any bones or done myself any serious injuries. I'm unbreakable.
I broke my left arm when falling off monkey bars. I like let go and put just my left hand down to cushion the fall. Bad move.
^ ow D:

This reminds me: a girl my friend was in school with once broke both her wrists at the same time by running into a wall at high speed (some game where you have to tag a wall as fast as possible and then return to a line that gets moved further and further) :|
My cousin also broke both his wrists after being thrown off the front of a horse and trying to brace his fall. :x
When I had crutches, they were teh_suckk.

That's my contribution for the day.
It's pretty weird to walk around with crutches, but I'll get used to it I guess :p

It has to be in a plaster for a week because I sprained my ankle appallingly bad (or so my dad (=doctor) says) and it might turn into a recurring injury if nothing was done about it. The way I sprained is actually really weird: Two days ago, I had fallen asleep on the bus to my school and just before it arrived at the bus stop where I had to get off, I woke up. Everyone was already out of the bus, so I hurried up and wobbled towards the exit, hearing an odd cracking noise.

I looked down and noticed that my right foot was turned to the inside by about 90?. Attempting to correct this position, I noticed that my leg was asleep. Unfortunately I was still in motion and wanted to get off the bus. I made a slight jump from the bus onto the sidewalk and heard a rather loud crack. A dull pain shot up from my foot.

I had jumped with my 70kg body onto pretty much solely the bone of my ankle onto the sidewalk :| Then my leg started to wake and needless to say it hurt D: Nevertheless, the pain was only mild after five minutes and I had another bus to catch for a school trip. I came back yesterday evening and at home my dad told me I had to get it plastered, so here I am :p

Now, to give this thread a slightly longer life, what silly movements or mishaps have occured to you that resulted in spraining / breaking / dismembering ( D: ) one of your limbs?

Ouch. Hey, at least it's only for a week.
I'm on crutches for about six months. It feels natural to walk on them now, but it took a couple of weeks. It will probably feel really strange to walk properly again.
I almost chocked to death last night on some pocket lint. I started coughing uncontrollably and almost drove off the road.