Just had a random thought.

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Egyptians, who invented a bit of that stuff used it big time, for calculating the area and perimeter of various plots of land when the Nile flooded.
While you're at it, post practical applications of geometry, besides architect/carpenter.
Pool? All vectors, my friend.

And another thing: No, no one does geometrical proofs on the job. But doing those proofs helps you understand the concepts - concepts which are used in architecture, engineering, etc.
OvA said:
Lou...every word that rolls off your tounge excites every bit of hate in my soul.

Yeah, but thats just what he wants.
I wrote a 3d engine before, just for kicks. Well it wasn't a real 3d engine, you just entered a series of polygon coordinates and the program did the geometric calculations and rendered the polygons on the screen :P The whole program was a series of trigo calculations.
I wish they'd teach more practical subjects, like Computers or Military Sciences.
Tactics, shooting guns - all will come in handy for the apocalypse/American invasion/Imperial Takeover/Communist Invasion/Austrailian Invasion/UK takeover, and of course, it will get you a job in the military, perhaps even as an officer.

For that stuff, why don't you just join the army? Let's be honest, it's not really that practical or useful in today's society (or maybe it is in yours...from your rantings it always sounds like you're on the edge of total war).
Sulkdodds said:

For that stuff, why don't you just join the army? Let's be honest, it's not really that practical or useful in today's society (or maybe it is in yours...from your rantings it always sounds like you're on the edge of total war).

Eeh, my rantings are not my best skill.

I'll have to finish off university education, get conscriptrd as an officer. Stay as an officer.

But really, its way better than music.
No one here really likes you, Inkheart. I suggest you leave and go join the facepunch forums or somewhere... else.

Agreed. I'm just waiting for him to do something really stupid so the mods have a good excuse to ban him.
ah my bad i was replying to another thread when my post was put in here
im sorry and Persmega screw you i know no one likes me and what the hell is facepunch?
It's when somebody smashes your face by punching you hard. In the face.

And it's a forum. that's why he said facepunch forum.
Man, fuck this shit. Inkheart, try paying attention when you post in future.
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