Just Released: Splinter Cell - Chaos Theory BETA

The only wait that's killing me now is for the SP demo or full vers...
Gargantou said:
The only wait that's killing me now is for the SP demo or full vers...

heh, hell yeah :D, cant wait!

So, you still havent recieved your key, of even played the beta yet ? :(
Nope, I've played through the tutorials in the beta but deleted it, have been waiting for nearly a day now and no key, if I get one I'll download it again, only takes like 10-15 mins on my connectio n anyway, I hate FP; when I signed up for the SWAT 4 closed beta I got a key in 5 minutes, this's insane, may I ask, anyone here htat've recieved their key yet so I know if it's just me?
Mind if you sneak me the file ? ;) *evil laughs*

I'm dying for some SC goodness! \o/
Don't have it left, lol, sorry mate :p
I'm playing the SCPT MP demo now instead, more fun til I get a serial if I do :)
If I do and I download it again I'll keep you in mind, do you hang on QNet?(I'm banned form the official channel so.:p)
Gargantou said:
If I do and I download it again I'll keep you in mind, do you hang on QNet?(I'm banned form the official channel so.:p)

s1mmo is the name :D
Gargantou said:
Ok :) I'll remember that!

weee awsome!, thanks m8ty :thumbs:

Btw, to bring this thread back on-topic heres a wittle vid of the new moves in the beta :D:

Does anyone know if the public beta too will require keys?:\ I think it might be my mail that doesn't like the serial email..:(
whoa! thankyou for sending me it :D, Sorry I didnt talk, I was playing through doom 3 cause I was bored :p
Np :) Still no serial, bleh, I want to rip FPs throat off.
Yay, got the key now, anyone who's playing, ym server name'll be GargaServer :D:p
Gargantou said:
Yay, got the key now, anyone who's playing, ym server name'll be GargaServer :D:p

yay!! :D

Be sure to post some 1337 pics and vidz ;) hehe

edit: online action ;)

edit2: Well, I found a nice 7MIN! vid of the beta :bounce:
I think this game is much, much better on the console. The controls for the PC are sluggish and don't work well at all. The new map is OK, but the spies never seem to win. It seems impossible to grab someone from behind as a spie, you are never told how to do it or what button to use, there are two action buttons and a use button and I mash them all down when I get behind a guy and I still haven't figured out what button to use. I might pirate this game for the PC, but I will probably buy it for xbox, and xbox live. All the ****ing nubs without a mic piss me off, but on XBL everyone has a mic.
I changed my mind, the graphics are much better up close and I am now used to the controls, much better game now.
I just that it didn't ask for my key when I installed the game. Maybe I have once I go online and play, but I think everyone can still play the practice maps without key.
Where like politicans now :)
*Imagines Kerry and Bush saying*
Bush: Your a flip floper
Kerry: Am not
Bush: Am To
Kerry: Am not!
Bush: Am to!
Kerry: My older brother will beat you up.
Bush: Still dosn't change the fact that your a flip flopper.
Kerry: Stop making fun of me!
Bush: Flippy!
Kerry: Thats it!!!
Bush: Ohh what you gonna do
*Kerry steps on bushs toe*
Kerry: How ya like that
Bush: Hey! that hurt!
I don't really flip flop too much, I just don't like sucking at games so I blame the game, and whine and bitch until I am decent at the game, then I whine and bitch about cheap kills. Lamest thing happened to me in CT today, when you are a merc and you hit the use button you melee if there isnt anything to use selected, and if you are moving your mouse you swing in a cirlce when you do it and hit what is behind you. Well, I was a spy hiding in the corner and a merc comes up not once looking around just where he is running, so I follow him for a bit and then he stops at a console which he cannot access and but tries to use it, which resulted in him hiting me and knocking me down and then him raping me while I was on the ground.
lol, I might just check it out when I can...

Well hope you have a better day...well...today as its 12:06 here.
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post screens, but then again, I wasn't sure if I was allowed to spread the beta to s1mmo...
It's funny using the camo suit, I sneaked up behind this dude when he was standing with the flashlight(which looks awesome when others use it), I shot him, grabbed him, wrote "I want to touch you." then snapped his neck...:p I found it funny, but it'd been more fun if he answered "You may...:D"
Gargantou said:
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post screens, but then again, I wasn't sure if I was allowed to spread the beta to s1mmo...
It's funny using the camo suit, I sneaked up behind this dude when he was standing with the flashlight(which looks awesome when others use it), I shot him, grabbed him, wrote "I want to touch you." then snapped his neck...:p I found it funny, but it'd been more fun if he answered "You may...:D"

Well, people are posting pics and vidz on the official splintercell forums :p, so I guess its ok :D
As soon as I got my key, and installed it and played it, and saw that online it only supported 4 players. that's when I said to myself, "Why am I wasting my time?"

I didn't like doom's 4 player multiplayer, i'm not going to like this. lol.
Oh you would like it, I did.:p Nothing like going 3 mercs v 1 spy :)
s1mmo, might post some screens if I figure out which button to use, and some video if someone wants to offer me some hosting space lol, I've had some really hilarious DMs :)
s1mmo, when the open beta opens come join me at my server ;P
Think of it as a favour for me sending it the beta to you :D
You're going down you stupid mod!:p lol j/k :)
Gargantou said:
Oh you would like it, I did.:p Nothing like going 3 mercs v 1 spy :)

I'm kind of partial to large numbers of individuals in my multiplayer games. Like counterstrike, or battlefield, etc.

I enjoy games that have developed levels of team interaction, among many players. I don't like death match games either, simply because I love working with others far more. Heh. Team deathmatch is fine.
Same here sorta but I've had a great time with SCCTs MP :)
SWAT 4+Mics = Great tactical fun!
Gargantou said:
You're going down you stupid mod!:p lol j/k :)

Oh its on! :smoking:

Ive got some space to host vids and pics for you if you want :D

pm on teh irc!
I just need to fix FRAPS then hehe, the latest vers, wonder how long the video can be without it being raped to hell by space.:)
Oh well, I'll make sure to get some SS, when the open beta starts we could have some private games where we film some funny stunts :D Believe me, you can do the most insane shit, and some people do the stupidest shit, I had jumpedout of a vent on hte new level, and is shooting at this merc, and this other stupid spy jumps down on me so that I pass out?!:p Bastards...:p
By the way, if you have MSN could you PM me it?:) Easier to communicate that way!;)
lol, awsome :LOL:

Havent got MSN, not a big fan of it tbh ;(, but i'm on IRC tho :p
kk :) I'll talk with you in a hour or two(I'm stuck in school now and not admin so can't install IRC ;()
i'm reeeeeeally enjoying it but for those who played scpt's multiplayer, they've made a lot of tweaks to it and makes it a lot more difficult to be a spy. you could be an agressive spy before but not anymore...theres a 3 second cooling period when you SS a merc so you can't grab them straight from that, you can no longer SS a merc and jump on them or YOU die (electric shock i'm guessing) but in a way it makes it more exciting

the camo suit adds a whole new element...i've lost count the number of times i've snuck up on someone with the camo and grabbed them...i'm loving the new networked camera for the mercs aswell ...really good. favourite mode so far is deathmatch because its quite tense to play as a spy when you know you've not got the upper hand

so far i'm happy with it
Doppelgofer: Is it true that if, for example, the spy's where using microphones to talk to each other, the mercs can hear them when they come in range ? :O
not in range but if you point your sniper scope at the spy or if you've managed to tag them with the spy trap, you can hack their communications and listen in :)
Doppelgofer said:
not in range but if you point your sniper scope at the spy or if you've managed to tag them with the spy trap, you can hack their communications and listen in :)

Sweet!! :D...shame hardly anyone uses a mic tho ;(
gargaone...i watched your video and you do know that once you've knocked a spy down and pinned him, as soon as you've got him down, you can tap use again to strangle them straight away
simmo said:
Sweet!! :D...shame hardly anyone uses a mic tho ;(

quite a lot are doing with the beta :)

it seems a bit better quality aswell with not as much cutting off and crackling like it used to
Doppelgofer said:
quite a lot are doing with the beta :)

it seems a bit better quality aswell with not as much cutting off and crackling like it used to

Excellent, thats nice to hear :)
YES! if you haven't played it yet but were a PT veteran, you'll probably not like it at first...i didn't but you warm to it very quickly

only thing i truely don't like about it is the new map...but there will be a lot that disagree