Just thought...


Aug 1, 2003
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Just thought...

We havent seen Multiplayer in play or movies or pictures...

I was thinking...This could be VERY possible Well at the E3.

first presintation SP

second MP

what do you all think.

Why would they show TWO presintations of Both SP!? wierd ay.

Just a wonder
if they show two presentations of sp then more people will have the chance to see it, and i'll be happy if they don't show any mp, i like surprises
Because one is being hosted at ATI and probbally has more eye candy.. at least thats what i was thinking, I would like to know about MP though :)
i pretty much doubt that they'll show mp mostly b/c ever since the first preview valve's stated that it wants to keep mp a surprise and after all this new media in the past few weeks still no word on mp yet
hmmm true. just wierd that there is going to be two presintations which are both showing different movie samples. so these movie samples would show different things. so i was just wondering what would you lot think it one of them was MP?
I doubt it that they will show MP...
It's funny how the source code has been stolen, a shit load of media has been released and loads of people have been to the Valve offices, yet no-one is none the wiser about the MP aspect.

I like it! :D
I'd laugh if on the release day they shouted: Half-Life 2 has no multiplayer, Surprise!!
Murray_H said:
It's funny how the source code has been stolen, a shit load of media has been released and loads of people have been to the Valve offices, yet no-one is none the wiser about the MP aspect.

I like it! :D
hehe very true indeed.

Hmm i would love to see all players with a manipultor! i mean! WOW instead of bullets it will be chairs, tables...People wizzing through the air! LoL

vehicles maybe :O wow.

i mean the player phsics on farcry online is funny. So Hl2 is just going to be so dam classic!
wow either valve is making it so that no one outside themselves and gabe's dad know about the mp (may be not even him...)

well it is kind of odd that all these people that went to seattle to visit valve didn't even get a glimpse of hl2 mp, probably it's in a seperate room that has no windows and is constantly locked, and may be it's team fortress 2.......

well according to valve we'll find out in a few weeks
I'm actually upset at valve in a way. Long ago they didn't want to give out to much but just this past month they have greatly and i dont understand why they have. I really hope they just mention a few things about MP i guess and if its TF2 id love to hear details.
Crusader said:
I'd laugh if on the release day they shouted: Half-Life 2 has no multiplayer, Surprise!!

things that keep a game alive are...

1) gr8 sp moments
2) Multiplayer
3) SDK to make custom levels and release them
4) BOTS this is for the 56ks or anyone new to hl2 MP who want to play offline for fun and practise. *I LOVE BOTS* so fun.
well i kind of have doubts that it's tf2 now b/c i mean last i heard they were still converting to source technology and since the game may be out in a month or two i doubt that they're already done with the converting

well.....here's to a real sequeal to counter-strike!
Id laugh at valve so hard if they were like haha we figured the mod community could do something, we decided to not do anything with MP..sorry!
I hope it's not gonna be MP demos, I want singleplayer stuff and showing the AI.
They should mention something about TF2 because they promised after HL2 was announced details would be given. Well it's been announced forever and i am also having doubts but it's always possible. The 2 videos are either both SP of HL2, one SP and one MP, or one SP and something about TF2. Knowing valve they could easily show off TF2 next year at E3 and then release it months later..or wishful thinking showing both games this E3 and releasing TF2 very soon after HL2...there has gotta be some suprises....i remember in old interviews guys saying ";) Wait and see" and etc about the multiplayer....
and watch the huge surprise of mp be that it was the originall hl mp, deathmatch and....THAT'S IT
i hope it is just sp but hmm if it is mp i think they will show some but keep things secret :D.

CRAZT HARLJ i love your avator hehe.

hmm no it has to be two different hl2 movies not tf2 they would of said already one is CS2 or TF2.
hmm no it has to be two different hl2 movies not tf2 they would of said already one is CS2 or TF2.

what do you mean by that?
why announce mp already if they want to keep it a surprise and a big secret?
yeah they have wanted it as a secret because TF2 is going to come with HL2 but i bet it will be for some special deal like through steam or something, maybe not in the retail box. What else would the damn suprise be...TF2 or CS2...thats it.
im sure they said it wouldn't be a team game which leaves out all but DM really.
or the mp could be just an original game that has something to do with one part of the story of hl2, kind of like in mp of pandora tommoro.
it really could be anything
confussed about TF2
is it going to be the same Great graphics as HL2 will give and all the phsics. Or is it going to be the same graphics as TF. sorry i just seen some TF2 pictures in the past and the graphics were the same as TF. so i was just wondering about that.
i heard that they're gonna convert tf2 to source as previously stated.....
commando said:
confussed about TF2
is it going to be the same Great graphics as HL2 will give and all the phsics. Or is it going to be the same graphics as TF. sorry i just seen some TF2 pictures in the past and the graphics were the same as TF. so i was just wondering about that.

Yeah it'll be converted to Source. I wouldn't be surprised if it was HL2's multiplayer simply because of a few things. A. It was supposed to be released right after Half-Life's 1998 release which means they've been working on in MUCH longer than HL2. B. They've kept completely mum about it. Do you think they'd be so silent about it if they were just releasing something similar to HL1's MP? Doubtful.
cool thanks for clearing that up Deadlor. Didn't know that hehe.

Well whatever MP is going to be i know that it is going to be so fantastic if they are saying NOTHING at all about it!
It's very possible it could be HL's multiplayer....we deserve it anyways.
i doubt it'll be on hl2 mp just b/c of how long it takes to convert an entire game to another engine, and also b/c no one even knows if tf2 is even done
also do you think the two movies will match up to the same length as the Last yr E3 movie (I mean both movies around half the size as the E3 last yr 600mb we saw) so both together come to about the same size in time length viewing
i think it'll be the same movie in two booths
and where are you getting your info that the movies will be half the size as the one last year...
did i miss something?
Jesus Christ, one magazine says that TF2 is gonna be the multiplayer and everyone agrees with them!! How many emails has gabe answered saying that that's not going to happen!! TF2, according to Valve, is a completely different game!!
Sai said:
i think it'll be the same movie in two booths
and where are you getting your info that the movies will be half the size as the one last year...
did i miss something?
no i was wondering if the 2 movies will go up to the same length time or not that is all.

Also no the two movies are two DIFFERENT movie clips ;)
which magazine are you talking about, i thought everyone was just speculating....
I think the MP will emerge a while after HL2 releases. I usually play mods a hell of a lot more than the HL DM ... so I think we will need to wait for these mods to emerge.
that's true the time some of these people have been waiting for this game to come out is just insane
Team Fortress 2 was converted to source a few years ago, it hasnt just been converted. That is the reason nobody heard anything about TF2 for absolutely ages, because if they said anything then people would know about source and HL2.
Sai said:
that's true the time some of these people have been waiting for this game to come out is just insane

Whenever I feel that way I just look at DNF, I know its become the cleche of all delays but man there are people in there forums that have been waiting for that game for 6-7 years (or whatever it is now), and the doom3 fans havnt exactly had a swift release either.
We will find out about the MP aspect in online official previews no doubt. And magazines later.

But anyway, I am extremely interested in what the multiplayer aspect will be. I mean, it could be anything from simple deathmatch to a whole new concept.

Either way I am sure it will be great. They allready said that a great deal of work went into the netcode and multiplayer aspect of the engine. It should be spectacular! :D