Keep or remove shield in CS:S?

Keep shield in CS:Source or remove it?

  • Keep shield

    Votes: 74 57.8%
  • Remove shield

    Votes: 54 42.2%

  • Total voters


Jun 1, 2003
Reaction score
What would you guys think if we gave the shield the boot?

Seems like a good poll topic to me. :)
Surprised there isn't one already.
I think it should be like this :
1) Keep shield and make it more balanced
2) Remove shield and make some 1.5 fans happy :)
I could think of some adjustments for the shield to make it fit better in the game, but it still wouldnt belong to cs. [x] Remove.
I think shields will probably still there but not used to much, as drivable vehicles such as tanks and apcs will provide enough cover.
Take out shield and bring in Manipulator!

You can use barrels as shields :D
Keep it in. If it bothers people that much, there's plenty of servers that don't allow it.
Why not like the guy who hosts the server decide what guns can and cant be used?
Thereby its up to the host for any gun to be used\not used
I dont c why not?
Keep the shield! Source is BOUND to have better hit detection methods than the HL engine.. fix the bugs, better hitboxes and tada, you have a perfectly functional, balanced piece of metal
remove it if it looks so bad.

Keep it if you make it like a true shield and have it totally clear.
No Shuzer you are wrong, the shield takes alot of the speed out of the game, if its to be interesting for spectators we should not do that. Even if the hitbox is perfectly correct the shield blocks a huge part of the body forcing an enemy to come close and try to walk passed the shield. Thus using a shield to camp/block passages leads to extremely annoying and unrealistic situations. Remove the shield.
Venger said:
No Shuzer you are wrong, the shield takes alot of the speed out of the game, if its to be interesting for spectators we should not do that. Even if the hitbox is perfectly correct the shield blocks a huge part of the body forcing an enemy to come close and try to walk passed the shield. Thus using a shield to camp/block passages leads to extremely annoying and unrealistic situations. Remove the shield.

Never once had a problem killing people with shields, as they're at an extreme disadvantage if you're any good..
Really, not many people use shields, and those that do are usually newbies. I still see no problem with it.

By the way, I'm not "wrong," as my opinion is my own. Thanks for trying to be the authoritative figure, but you're wrong.

BTW, CS lost all its "speed" through the various updates. 1.6 is as slow as a slug, and it's no longer the speedy game it once was.
Shuzer said:
Never once had a problem killing people with shields, as they're at an extreme disadvantage if you're any good..
Really, not many people use shields, and those that do are usually newbies. I still see no problem with it.

By the way, I'm not "wrong," as my opinion is my own. Thanks for trying to be the authoritative figure, but you're wrong.

BTW, CS lost all its "speed" through the various updates. 1.6 is as slow as a slug, and it's no longer the speedy game it once was.

Actually you are, now you may not have a problem with the everyday pub noobs using a shield to see how it works (because your such a GREAT csplayer), but consider the shield in tournaments, consider SK|SpawN holding a deagle and a shield, and even though whatever team they're playing has 5 Ak's he can drop his guard for a sec and HS them in an instant. Its overpowered and boring.

BTW: Your opinion can be and is wrong, just because its your "own" doesn't make it right. If it was my opinion that 2+2=10 then I would still be wrong.
And just so is the shield not balanced with correct hitboxes.

BTW#2: Just because its been slowed down by some updates doesn't mean we have to put it to a standstill.
Venger, I never said I was a "GREAT cs player," as you put it. Besides, I don't play in CAL anymore. I don't give a goddamn crap about it these days, as it's just a bunch of elitist jackasses. Such is why I quit CAL.

Anyhow, past that, if CAL doesn't like something, CAL doesn't need to use it. Just because CAL doesn't want it, doesn't mean it shouldn't be in CS. That's ridiculous.

Alot of VALVe's fanbase (most) are players playing for fun, not competitively. I see no reason why my opinion should be wrong for that very reason.

Edit: I take back part of my first statement. I have respect for cal-i players, but in my experience, m and im are absolute morons who think they rule the world. (I'm not saying this is you, but a certain amount of them...)
Last time I checked SK|SpawN didn't play CAL, but thats beside the point. Also what I said had nothing to do with what a tournament "wanted" it had to do with what the shield causes, in matches and in pubs. And that is a low gamespeed, and annoying situations.

Your opinion isn't wrong because most players aren't playing competitively.
Your opinion is wrong because you say fixing hitboxes and bugs will make the shield balanced, and it wont.
Venger said:
Last time I checked SK|SpawN didn't play CAL, but thats beside the point. Also what I said had nothing to do with what a tournament "wanted" it had to do with what the shield causes, in matches and in pubs. And that is a low gamespeed, and annoying situations.

Your opinion isn't wrong because most players aren't playing competitively.
Your opinion is wrong because you say fixing hitboxes and bugs will make the shield balanced, and it wont.

Give Ts shield, and it'll be balanced ;)

Either way, I think there needs to be some median found.. I agree it's an advantage, but I'm sure it can be fixed
I just don't believe removal is the answer
Thinking on the shield issue, if you couldn't hold a weapon period while holding a shield, that might be semi decent. You can still have a pistol, just not use it until you drop the shield..

thoughts? Maybe I'm crazy, but it almost seems like a plausible solution

Edit: I know all of you are like "omg this d00d n00b cuz he wuntz shield~" but, sometimes it's fun to use simply to piss people off.. or take a break from actually trying, the same gameplay sometimes gets a bit meh after awhile. And I'm no longer dedicated enough to play competitively
I think that'll still leave you with some guy sitting behind his shield while another with an ak empties 3 clips on it while trying to get close. The shield guy will just be walking backwards and causing another one of what I previously described as "an annoying situation" for everyone who is already dead and whoever is trying to kill that damn noob with the shield :p. Also a 2 man team with one shield would still be nearly unkillable given the right position (ie infront of the T doors leading to aztec bsa, one with awp behind the shield and one of the ridges, shooting through a small gap the shield leaves with the wall).
Yeah.. I'll admit that shield can definitely be annoying as crap in the right hands.. but I just don't want to see it go, as it's nice to have the option, you know?
Venger said:
Also a 2 man team with one shield would still be nearly unkillable given the right position (ie infront of the T doors leading to aztec bsa, one with awp behind the shield and one of the ridges, shooting through a small gap the shield leaves with the wall).
Fighting shields requires you to think a bit more (a quality not typical of the average CS player). If they block that path you take another path and flank them or try to lure them into a trap. I would still like to see the Ts get some sore of special anti-shield measure, but even if they didn't I would want the shield to remain in the game (perhaps with some tweaking).
I want the molotov cocktail promised for the Ts! lol, on a completely unrelated note.. ;)
OMG go back to your public servers... remove the shield!
tUrbulenz said:
OMG go back to your public servers... remove the shield!

Thanks for the input. :|

Constructive posts are the best.
I'm finding it funny how everyone is trying to lecture me on "how to fight a shield" when i've played this game since beta 7 and can easily tell you that the stupid thing is overpowered, especially in the art of annoyance. Now while your genious mind may be able to find another path, this shield guy also has a mind and he has a shield, and seeing as how a shield is overpowered, you are screwed.

PS. The molotov is available in the form of a HE nade.
Venger said:
I'm finding it funny how everyone is trying to lecture me on "how to fight a shield" when i've played this game since beta 7 and can easily tell you that the stupid thing is overpowered, especially in the art of annoyance. Now while your genious mind may be able to find another path, this shield guy also has a mind and he has a shield, and seeing as how a shield is overpowered, you are screwed.

PS. The molotov is available in the form of a HE nade.

Bah, molotov's supposed to light people on fire.. not blow them up ;)

Anyhow, I have the same feeling. I've been playing since 1.0 (played all the betas too though, just not when they were the current versions), and whenever I defend the shield, everyone jumps on the "you're a n00b" band wagon. I don't agree with the shield as it is, but I believe there's hope for it.. I'm quite optimistic about such things ;)

BTW, I may have been a bit too emotional/angry in my original responses to you, Venger. You seem like a nice guy, sorry :cheers:
Be nice to play a game of CS with you one day, as I respect a vet who's not an asshole or above others (as almost everyone I've ever talked to who thinks they're "good" at CS.. )
It'd be my pleasure :)
And its ok, wouldn't have been able to express my feelings concerning this matter if you hadn't disagreed with me.
Removing the shield will be the best for the eSports scenario, since no championship in the world allow the use of the shield now, I belive it wouldn't be wise to keep the shield. Because since it's being improved they might allow it... Changing the whole idea of the game.

Just not smart to keep it.
I would remove it from 1.6 as well on the next steam update
I say if they give Ts a flamin' cocktail, I'd be all good. It would be so sweet to have a CT flaming and dropping the shield in pain. Ahh CS Source will be o so sweet...
Another thought, if FBs made CTs drop the shield, that'd be.. interesting
Venger said:
I'm finding it funny how everyone is trying to lecture me on "how to fight a shield" when i've played this game since beta 7 and can easily tell you that the stupid thing is overpowered, especially in the art of annoyance. Now while your genious mind may be able to find another path, this shield guy also has a mind and he has a shield, and seeing as how a shield is overpowered, you are screwed.

PS. The molotov is available in the form of a HE nade.
I'm finding it funny that people think playing since beta 7 makes them special. I started messing around with CS during the original beta when the total population of CS players was probably below 500... but that doesn't make me special. It has no bearing on things that occur dozens of versions later.

Shields may be good against one person at a time, but a shield is almost useless when facing several enemies since they will tend to split up and attack you from more places than the shield can defend at one time (or when you open the shield to attack one of them when he/she runs out of ammo another one could kill you). The more people that are in the game the less useful a shield becomes (except maybe in maps that have a choke point in one hallway with no alternatives, but that is the level designer's fault).

Also, I never said I thought the shield was perfectly balanced. I said they either need to add a good counter-measure to the shield or make it less powerful. If they can't get it balanced just right they should just let servers have the option of turning it on or off. There isn't a good reason to completely remove it if it's already in the game and lots of people (maybe not the majority, but lots of people nonetheless) like it.

PS: There are two major differences between an HE grenade and a molotov cocktail. 1) A molotov cocktail ignites on impact while a grenade is timed. In many cases, with a grenade, that gives your target enough time to get away and avoid a really damaging hit unless you can somehow suprise them. 2) A molotov cocktail can also make a small barrier of fire and/or catch the enemy on fire.
Shuzer said:
Keep the shield! Source is BOUND to have better hit detection methods than the HL engine.. fix the bugs, better hitboxes and tada, you have a perfectly functional, balanced piece of metal

agreed :)

u know.. i never understood the shield whiners.
i mean if u hate it, don't play the game or whatever..
if it bothers u that much.. maybe use one urself and annoy the heck out of other whiners.

there is a place for the shield in the game.. and i hope it stays :p
The majority of CS players dont use it, so you may just remove it...
The shield is just to big of an advantage against a AK or AWP or whatever...
If you gonna keep it, atleast make it weaker, an awp should be able to shoot trough it..
Its also lame that you can knife trough it, but if you spray 30 bullets with an AK47 it make 0 damage....WTF is that BS?
remove shield = the most dumb thing ever in cs, shield its just for stupid nubs, that dont want really play, they just want to survive and piss off all on the server

maybe if u will make it penetrable, but unpenetrable its just gay thing to bother peoples that wanna play and dont want watching some invincible asshole
sk4r said:
maybe if u will make it penetrable, but unpenetrable its just gay thing to bother peoples that wanna play and dont want watching some invincible asshole

lol, that would really defeat the purpose of the "shield". If they can do it and do it well, then might as well keep it in.
I play from the UK, and was refered to this site by
The ENTIRE community there, thinks that the shield is utter shite, and shouldn't even be in counterstrike and this is the view i also share.
This community is the leading UK players speaking, so they know what they're talking about.

Do the right thing, and remove it plz.
I second that Inferus :cheese:

I don't know a single member on UKT that doesn't despise the shield. I'm just glad that Valve are giving us the opportunity to vote on it!
Keep the shield but make it penetratable by the higher powered guns. Also allow hits on unprotected parts (sides, the feet) to cause damage.
Bahhh... I think the shield will stay.. look at the votes :\