Keep or remove shield in CS:S?

Keep shield in CS:Source or remove it?

  • Keep shield

    Votes: 74 57.8%
  • Remove shield

    Votes: 54 42.2%

  • Total voters
I think the shield is "fair" but it does leave a gap in the Terrorist and Counterterrorist balance...Terrorist should get Molotov Cocktail(was to be implemented in CZ I think but then changed developers?)...Molotov could perhaps set fire to the shield, making it a threat to the user rather than something of aide
Grrrr....most people are think of the shield in it's current state, what you gotta remember is that in CS:Source you'll most likely be able to shoot any limbs like legs, feet and arms that will be sticking out. This will make the shield a lot less effective while still providing a decent amount of cover. Sod the molotovs, that should make it balanced enough as it is!!
i specially signed up for this!

i'd say : remove the shield, it has no tactical role in counter-strike, most people use it for camping, laming and pissing about. It slows the game down a lot, and it makes the game unbalanced. They just cover themself with the shield, run towards you, you empty you magazine, and they shoot you in the head. Maybe when the hitboxes are better it will be okay.. but in 1.6 the shield is a joke, bugged as hell!
I don't understnad why everyone is saying it "balances the game". The most played mode in cs is defusal maps, so thats what i will take for my explanation. Terrorists have the advantadge of the galil and the AK, which are cheaper than the CT's colt and famas. Whereas CT have the famas and the Colt, which are more expensive but a bit better. Both teams are allowed awps, deagles, mp5, and usp, which are the main used guns. How can one team allowed a sheild, the DEFENDING TEAM, be classed as balancing? The T team do have an advantage because they have cheaper weaponary, but that is instantly negated by the fact that the CT side is in defensive positions!! Remove hte shield, how does it balance the game? and i will also voice as many others that, if u do HAVE to keep it, make it selectable 0/1 on servers :p

ps. btw guy who said SK|SpawN doesnt play CAL, yeah thats because CAL is American, and he is Swedish, and alos CAL stands for Cyberathelite Amateur League, whereas SpawN plays in CPL which is Cyberathelite Proffesional League. The Whole CS community doesn't revolve around the American community ya' know?
If people still think its not even then give the T's some multive cocktails. That would own the crap out of the sheilds.
With the better hitzones with source(i think) why not just make it possible to shot through the window? That way they cant just stand still taunting the Ts.

I think we should keep the sheild but Terrorist get to buy 2 HE grenades.
If they leave it in, they need to make it a little more realistic. I mean, after a certain amount of rounds hit it, it should be penetrated. And caliber should make a difference also. I mean, a 7.62X39mm would tear through that shield any day of the week :p
On the one hand I'd say 'leave it in', though the major leagues (sa. ESL) won't allow the shield to be used, so there's no point in keeping it in the game.

So one could say 'make it more balanced', but that would be a hard thing to do I think. Say the shield has 1000HP; it would take x AK47 bullets to be 'destroyed' or y AWP shots. But in situations like italy, where you need to run through a long passage, you'd be dead anyway.
The reason, why so many leagues don't use the shield is because it is a living bug.

If they fix it properly, it may be inlcluded :)

LEAVE THE SHIELD IN *screeeeeeeaaaaaaam*
Give terros a better gun or something to replace the god awful galili...molotov cocktails would have been a much better item in my opinion, you could throw and hit a shielder and have damage overtime...also maybe could cost less than a nade but be more effective in a smaller damage radius, like explode on impact blah blah blah
The problem with the shield comes when it is over used, and you end up with every CT running around with one. The solution is to restrict the number permissible. A good T team should be able to handle 1 Shield user.
Hate em too !

I Can see why the "uk terrorists" dont like shields ! Why don´t you ask the "uk Ct´s" ? lol :/
Actually im joking. I am against the use of shields, but it doesn´t really bother me much as i play in some prety competetive servers that don´t allow shields, camping, using map bugs, and that limit the number of awp´s per team. what i mean is if it bothers you as much as it does me try another server !
Keep It

hey guys... just one rule : only one CT can carry the shield ... its not a good idea ? =/ so u can warning a rush quickly
Well, combine the new frag grenades in CS:CZ that do 50% more damage and have a 50% larger damage radius with people that run slower than normal because they are holding a huge metal plate... and you get some dead shield users.
gives a MASSIVE advantage to CTs. Imgine 5 players with shields. Unhittable with any gun. Pro gamers or decent gamers that have pistol aim that is second to none. They just have to sit there and stop the Ts coming close, and if they see an oppertunity, easy kill followed by instant protection from anyone trying to shoot back at you. Silly? I'd say so.

Or you could just throw grenades at the tightly packed group of slow moving targets with poor weaponry...
Alright. IT has been forever since I have done any gaming AT all. Close to a year. I quit playing when 1.6 came out because is was shitty and boreing, and I was(and still am) more interested in guitar. Schoole had just started, I didnt have time for everything, so I just kind of quit. Then I heard about CS source and thought that it was kind of a idea. then when I read no shield, I decided that I would indeed play it.

Now, for CS:S, I would say leave it alone. Just keep the game as close to a 1.5/1.6 gameplay as you can.

However, for CS2 I would like to see a charater class type thing, with limits like 1-2 snipers. different limits for different levels, and this would bring weapons similar to the shotguns and submachine guns more into the mainstream.