killing bugs gets old...

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I do agree, bugs do suck in games (if you fight them repeatedly)...but these are xen-like bugs ;)
Ok, great, you've stated your point Freakaloin, but you should realise, there's no point trying to convince people about something this deep and trying to make them totally alter their thoughts to match your view.

You've stated what you like, we stated what we like, great, no need for this much conflict...
If there were no aliens, well then what would be the point? More humanoids? Go play Star Trek, where every damn species is just the same as a human except with pointy ears, head ridge, etc. Anyways about being uncomfortable in an alien world, well I think that's kinda the point.....
difficult uh no...boring yup...seems most ppl agreed at the time too...the best thing about hl1 was fighting marines...this was the consenus at the time...u guys new to half life or something?
Freakaloin said:
most pp l agree bugs suck in games generally speaking and most ppl didn't like xen...

Well, I'm another one of those 1 out of 10 who liked Xen. I thought it was a refreshing change of pace.

I guess some of the aliens in HL had bug-like qualities, but I wouldn't describe them as bugs; I'd describe them as aliens. You're going to be hard pressed to find someone that can create a descent alien civilization that doesn't contain some bug-like qualities, and the reason is quite simple: the images inspire fear in many people. I don't know about you, but if I see some big-ass bug, it kind of freaks me out. I'm not saying it scares me, but I'd prefer it dead rather than alive. That's what so many games/movies/TV shows give those kind of characteristics to alien kinds of characters. It creates a primitive reaction of fear/uneasiness in the viewer and helps draw them into whatever form of media they are participating in. Humans, for the most part, just aren't scary.
AzzMan said:
If there were no aliens, well then what would be the point? More humanoids? Go play Star Trek, where every damn species is just the same as a human except with pointy ears, head ridge, etc. Anyways about being uncomfortable in an alien world, well I think that's kinda the point.....
I don't feel uncomfortable in the right way when on Xen.
Black Mesa is like the early mysterious X-Files, secrets intact.
When on Xen it's like the late seasons of X-Files where everyting was exposed and explained. No mystery left.

Sorry if the metaphor sucks.. but that's the best I can do.
so they are aliens that remind me of bugs...i call them bugs big deal...whatever they are they are boring and lets hope its kept to a minimum in the game...maybe 1 or 2 levels with the lamers is fine and a few dune-buggy run over bugs levels as well...any more then that and this game will suck imo...
Freakaloin said:
difficult uh no...boring yup...seems most ppl agreed at the time too...the best thing about hl1 was fighting marines...this was the consenus at the time...u guys new to half life or something?

Bzzzt! The reason Xen was crap was because of the jumpy level design, not the monsters. And personally, I preferred fighting the zombies and other unintelligent creatures in the game, though the marines definately added to the game's quality.
hehe remember those stoopid rising columns with bugs on the...rising up and down...lame...
Freakaloin said:
hehe remember those stoopid rising columns with bugs on the...rising up and down...lame...

Yeah, those sucked. The showdown with Nihilanth was pretty good though. (At least, I think it was.)
Freakaloin said:
so they are aliens that remind me of bugs...i call them bugs big deal...whatever they are they are boring and lets hope its kept to a minimum in the game...maybe 1 or 2 levels with the lamers is fine and a few dune-buggy run over bugs levels as well...any more then that and this game will suck imo...

Ummm....if you're only fighting humans, then what's the f*cking point? This IS an alien invasion story.
kaellinn18 said:
Ummm....if you're only fighting humans, then what's the f*cking point? This IS an alien invasion story.

That's a point- hopefully we'll be fighting some organised alien forces at some point in the game.
Freakaloin said:
so they are aliens that remind me of bugs...i call them bugs big deal...whatever they are they are boring and lets hope its kept to a minimum in the game...maybe 1 or 2 levels with the lamers is fine and a few dune-buggy run over bugs levels as well...any more then that and this game will suck imo...
Uhmm... the (accidental)alien invasion is what HL is all about.
And aliens will probably contain a fair amount of aliens.. although we havn't seen any confirmed aliens. Have we?
Yellonet said:
Uhmm... the (accidental)alien invasion is what HL is all about.
And aliens will probably contain a fair amount of aliens.. although we havn't seen any confirmed aliens. Have we?

Clarification on that last sentence?
kaellinn18 said:
Ummm....if you're only fighting humans, then what's the f*cking point? This IS an alien invasion story.

Yeah, no crap. Wtf, getting old? Your getting too old to play the game then.
just keep the annoying aliens bugs to a minimum or the game won't hold my attention. hl1 was good but its so over-hyped. i don't know anyone who completed the game becuz they got bored...and i know dozens of ppl (real life)who have played it. on the net the numbers i know who stopped at xen or finished dissapointed are countless..
AzzMan said:
If there were no aliens, well then what would be the point? More humanoids? Go play Star Trek, where every damn species is just the same as a human except with pointy ears, head ridge, etc.

Emphasised. It's like saying the terminator movies would be better without all those dumb robots.

So, basically, Freakaloin would prefer it if every creature was human and carried a rifle ?


Freakaloin said:
just keep the annoying aliens bugs to a minimum or the game won't hold my attention. hl1 was good but its so over-hyped. i don't know anyone who completed the game becuz they got bored...and i know dozens of ppl (real life)who have played it. on the net the numbers i know who stopped at xen or finished dissapointed are countless..

Waitaminute! People who write with "becuz", "ppl" and "sentences with random periods but without any capitalisation" can't focus on completing an entire game before getting bored? Shock!
Mediocrity said:
Clarification on that last sentence?
Hmm... I forgot about the headcrabs... embarrassing :eek: they're aliens of course, but they could just be remains from the accidental invasion. Have we heard anything about xeniens in HL²? the ant lions could just be some gene manipulated bugs(;)) Possibly being breed by the Combine and placed where they don't want anyone to be... and the other watery thingy... I don't know...
So your asking us on the forum to keep the 'bugs' down in half life 2? roger that i'll do all i that i can.....

pointless thread.

I see aliens in this game. I call all of them bugs, even though only three of them are.
I am bored of fighting bugs because they are different. I quit.

I hope the sequel to this game that I disliked is less original.
freakaloin why do you persist in you Friggn retarted argument
Expecting HL2 to have a small amount of aliens in it is like expecting counter-strike to have Mario in it. Look elsewhere. :)
this is kinda pointless. if you want to be fighting a whole bunch of marines with no bugs go play a tactical shooter. there are hundreds of tactical shooter games or mods out there. Here, this is halflife. we fight bugs and marines. The bugs are part of the story. and as much as people disliked xen, (i liked it by the way) the game would have sucked without it. People would not have any closure as to where the aliens where from and the game would end up feeling incomplete.
the only bug i remember was in opforce, the shock trooper used it as a weapon, then so did you.
AJ Rimmer said:
Alright now lets see here. Headrcabs look like bugs...
That's about it... Maybe the Garg looks kinda lika a beetle. But that's it for Half-life.
The strider oh sure, definately, granted a real weird alien bug but it sure looks like a bug. Antlions... Well... They look like bugs of course.
Conclusion; There are bug-like creatures in HL and HL2, Xen don't look one iota to me like anything bug-like. I thought Xen a bit boring for the same reasons as someone said above. But the games still rocks! What's wrong with bugs in games?

You seem to have forgotten about the biggest bug yet. The Gonarch (or Big Mother Spider with a Hanging Sac).
Personally, I just dislike that all the aliens are just being thrown under the umbrella of "bugs".

Blatently, they're not bugs. Bugs don't have skeletons. But biological pedantry aside, I actually enjoyed the Xen levels too. Well. To a point. The level you're on when "Interloper" comes up as an example was terrible. Too much platforming, it was tedious. But on the whole, Xen was pretty good. You were completly alone in a completly alien world, and the isolation, and the feel of being somewhere completly different to your expectations was kinda refreshing.

But yeh, the aliens had some variety. Like, there was a different way to fight the vortigaunts to the marines to the alien grunts.
The aliens/bug enemys dont bother me, but I do agree I didnt like the xen levels. The reasons were as most people said : the environments felt very uncomfortable, and certain things were diffrent like all that stupid jumping. Maybe its just me but leave jumping levels in 3rd person games, it just doesnt feel right at all on fps it just bothers me. usually its kept to a minimum though like on hl1, so if its the same on hl2 I probally wont even complain about it.
Fighting the same kind of human soldiers constantly would be boring in this kind of game, I think it's fun with abit of contrast with fast and terrifying aliens and zombies.
The only thing that got to me in hl1 were the endless miles of ventilation ducts and sewer pipes...
Well, killing bugs can't possibly get as old as killing 439483209843298349023840983 imps in Doom 3. :p
My thoughts on the Xen levels.

It's not that it wasn't a good idea, I just didn't like how it was executed. If they had kept the gameplay itself more or less similar but changed the atmosphere, it would have been great.

On the subject of bugs: I guess it's a matter of presentation. Most games do it badly, but there are some that do it decently (ref: Doom 3, original Half Life before Xen) Of course I wouldn't want to fight all aliens all the time, but they make an interesting change of pace.
I kind of liked the Xen levels. The factory was a little weird though.
Freakaloin said:
difficult uh no...boring yup...seems most ppl agreed at the time too...the best thing about hl1 was fighting marines...this was the consenus at the time...u guys new to half life or something?
Most people liked the aliens. You new to half life or something?
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