killing bugs gets old...

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ne0_shiny said:
lolz i never really knew what those did except "bark" at you
at least thats the only thing they did to me....
they are pretty pointless.. :dozey:
They emit high-pitch sound waves that can burst internal organs.
I just played through hl1 for the first time finally. Understanding that it is now 2004, I still think Xen is easily the worst part of the game. I like some of the effects they used, which I'm sure were cutting edge at the time. But it certainly ruined the whole "mode" of the game for me.
One of the few things I liked about doom3 was how "hell" started to take over the base. Like when a floor would drop down in front of you, and you'd see a bottomless pit of fire below. Good stuff. I hope hl2 uses this approach instead of "transporting" us to a low gravity jumping world with super sized spiders and behemoth baby heads.
whiskeychaser said:
I just played through hl1 for the first time finally. Understanding that it is now 2004, I still think Xen is easily the worst part of the game. I like some of the effects they used, which I'm sure were cutting edge at the time. But it certainly ruined the whole "mode" of the game for me.
One of the few things I liked about doom3 was how "hell" started to take over the base. Like when a floor would drop down in front of you, and you'd see a bottomless pit of fire below. Good stuff. I hope hl2 uses this approach instead of "transporting" us to a low gravity jumping world with super sized spiders and behemoth baby heads.

I rather liked Xen conecept wise, but gameplay wise it sucked. Too many boring puzzles. Extended low grav segments (especially coupled with jumping puzzles) are horrible ideas and should never be done.
I really enjoyed the whole of HL, Xen especially. I felt that the jumping puzzles were completely in-context.

And the aliens in HL are some of my favourite game monsters...
I am having a hard time to understand what the hell the thread starter is saying. Are we fanboys if we like xen or say the aliens aren't bugs (Well, that was pathetic.)? OOOOh...

I liked Xen. It offered a new funny enviroment and wasn't that long so I wasn't bored with it.

And if he likes to call the aliens "bugs", let him do that, many people do! It's really confusing to understand these "they arnt bugz0r, theyrre alllliens!" thing :upstare:
And why are some people calling Xen "Zen"?!!
whiskeychaser said:
I just played through hl1 for the first time finally. Understanding that it is now 2004, I still think Xen is easily the worst part of the game. I like some of the effects they used, which I'm sure were cutting edge at the time. But it certainly ruined the whole "mode" of the game for me.
One of the few things I liked about doom3 was how "hell" started to take over the base. Like when a floor would drop down in front of you, and you'd see a bottomless pit of fire below. Good stuff. I hope hl2 uses this approach instead of "transporting" us to a low gravity jumping world with super sized spiders and behemoth baby heads.

Most likely it will. Valve talked about that you won't go to Xen this time around, but parts of Xen will come to Earth. In HL1, you could already see some 'xenified' parts in the base.
Guys dont you understand, this guys opinion is FACT, A COLD HARD FACT.

Which stage do you want me on mrs.minelli?
whiskeychaser said:
I just played through hl1 for the first time finally. Understanding that it is now 2004, I still think Xen is easily the worst part of the game. I like some of the effects they used, which I'm sure were cutting edge at the time. But it certainly ruined the whole "mode" of the game for me.
One of the few things I liked about doom3 was how "hell" started to take over the base. Like when a floor would drop down in front of you, and you'd see a bottomless pit of fire below. Good stuff. I hope hl2 uses this approach instead of "transporting" us to a low gravity jumping world with super sized spiders and behemoth baby heads.

yeah this is why i think hl1 was over hyped and fictional remembered as a great game. it was a good game with many advancments to fps type games, but xen was a show stopper. a game that was holding my attention and a hell of alot of fun went to the shitter. it went from good to gay just like that and i never looked back. games i enjoy, i play more then once...i couldn't even finish hl1 nor any of my friends and very few ppl i i know on the net as well. u guys are the first i have heard who actually like the pathetic end to that game...well some of u more...let us say "dedicated" types...

this is why i haven't been too over-anticipating hl2 and i hope it doesn't just turn into a bugfest of boredom...
Freakaloin said:
saved the game? u like cher by chance?
Bugs in Half-life? lol... do u take the short bus to school by chance?
hey rimmer, if u wanna think they didn't look like bugs go ahead...if that makes u feel better...
Freakaloin said:
hey rimmer, if u wanna think they didn't look like bugs go ahead...if that makes u feel better...
Well if you wanna think they do look like bugs go ahead... if that makes you feel better.
yeah humanoid aliens are much better...lets hope they keep the bugs to a minimum cuz it will get old real fast...

just say no to bugs...
So tell me, Freakaloin, do you like living under that bridge?
Grow up.

I think bugs are find, and antlions look really cool.
Freakaloin said:
hmm...why would ppl so excited about bugs? they always are lame in whatever games...daikatana is a nice example...the bugs in hl1 made me lose the desire to finish the game...the game went lame at xen...9 out of 10 agree...i just hope they are nuicance enemies now and then...

hehe how many threads have the MODS had to close by you today?

Yellonet said:
Hey, I remember this thread... thought it got closed :)

Nope that was the other 15 threads by Freakaloin today
thats why it's taking so long:

They are getting rid of all the bugs in the game!


sorry couldn't resist that kind of assist
You're A Winner!

Congratulations, Freakaloin!

You have once again managed to create a bunch of extremely *STUPID* posts and make a gigantic ASS of yourself!

For a person who seems to dislike the original HL and not have such high hopes for HL2, it sure is funny that you stick around this forum! And for that, you deserve the...


...For all the hard work and dedication you've put into being one clueless sonnuvabitch!

Keep it up, little man! We want to see you march towards that Special Bus with pride! Allow the world and I to thank you for making apparent the large distinction between an opinion and a retarded crock of shit worthy of execution!


*cue flashing lights and inspirational music as a fat lady is lowered to Freakaloin via rope and proceeds to put big sloppy kisses over his pock-marked face*

And I completely understand if this post gets edited/deleted and I'm given a smack by a mod.
I've read this entire thread and it just seems to me that someone (feakaloin) was a little let down by the sequel to Starship Troopers.

So much so, in fact, that he now has this massive vendeta against all aliens in movies and games.

I swear on my Grandfathers dirty date that once you read the PC Gamer review (which I have) that your opinion will change and you will once again be caught up in the mystique that is and forever will the Half Life universe.
killing bugs = fun
hell, killing anything = fun
as long as you kill something...

im hoping for big-ass monsters in HL2...
did i get any?? NOPE! (i dont know yet..)

or do i?
Freakaloin, were you dropped on your head when you were a kid?
This is a F***ing forum for people who are fans of HL, and (hopefully) the HL series, you have not written one F***ing thing to show me you are a fan, so leave the forum if you must, but don't ask for our oppinions and then shoot them down because you don't like them.
I think many people will agree, that we don't want you here, there is a difference between having a oppinion, and forcing it upon other people.
I came to this forum hoping to chat with other fans, and to have something to do in my spare time, and i'm sure others have too, so if you must degrade us for enjoying a F***ing game, then leave...please.
BTW: feel free to delete this post, just make sure Freakaloin reads this...
just put freakaloin on ignore and you won't have to read his posts.
BetaMaster said:
So tell me, Freakaloin, do you like living under that bridge?
Grow up.

I think bugs are find, and antlions look really cool.

You revived an old thread just to flame someone? :|
poseyjmac said:
just put freakaloin on ignore and you won't have to read his posts.

As much as I hate the turd, I can't bring myself to ignore him. He's something I can focus my anger at, and he serves as a decent punching bag despite the fact he drives me insane. It pisses me off even more that this guy is probably some jerk putting on a facade to rile people up.

This is my curse.
No, I also had a comment on it. I'm sorry, but I couldn't help it. I'm putting him on ignore as soon as I post this, and I won't be bothered by him again.

Yay, I'm a bullsquid!
Spugmaster said:
I've read this entire thread and it just seems to me that someone (feakaloin) was a little let down by the sequel to Starship Troopers.

So much so, in fact, that he now has this massive vendeta against all aliens in movies and games.

haha.. I choked on my water when I read this :) nice
I loved Xen. One of the best parts of game.
Yes, When I was going threw HL a second time I couldn't wait to get to XEN. It was the most challenging part of the game (on Hard) and I simply loved the environments.
She said:
killing bugs = fun
hell, killing anything = fun
as long as you kill something...

im hoping for big-ass monsters in HL2...
did i get any?? NOPE! (i dont know yet..)

or do i?

k thx for trolling and whining again she ... :cheers:
i dont remeber seeing bugs in hl1

i remeber aliens but not bugs

you must be in the wrong game forum
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