Kingdoms Collide


Apr 17, 2009
Reaction score

I've decided its about time to let people know about a game that a friend and I have been developing for about 5 months now.
Announcing: Kingdoms Collide, a total conversion fantasy MOD for half-life 2!

The idea of the game is to have really fun and balanced online multilayer combat with a very high potential range of skill and is all found within a beautiful fantasy setting, the character using a third person camera (so the melee aspect makes sense, unlike FPS camera melee games where people run around like headless chickens unable to see their suroundings). Also, like most typical fantasy RPGs we wanted to have a good level of character customisation in choosing a unqiue weapon and skill set that suites you - as well as making each player able to have unique role within their team enabling incredible depth to teamwork, tactics and strategy!


SKILLFUL MELEE: The sword fighting system, which is meant to be the basis of the game, is very complex but can be used in a variety of ways depending on your skill.
You can either play with lightning fast reflex responses and win every fight, play by randomly parrying and attacking, which yields some success, or by choosing a shield and ignoring the melee element of the game entirely.

SKILLFUL ARCHERY: The bows and arrows are not easy to use like a gun in HL2. There is no crosshair, the arrow does not fire directly down your line of sight or towards the center of your screen (so you can't mark a dot in the middle) and the arrows can be fired at different speeds depending on how long you pull the sting. BUT, before you think (THIS IS MADNESS!) Fear not, the archery system does make sense and you can master it to the point of being able to place an arrow wherever you want but it takes a lot of skill!

HEAPS OF MAGIC: The magic in Kingdoms Collide doesn't exactly require skill to use, instead, it is the mark of a good player to be able to wield magic effectively and increse their overall killing power by stategically choosing spells that work with their weapons well and using them in clever combinations.
What spells are there for example?:
Teleport -instantly transport yourself forwards about 6 meters
Fire cicle -blow up an area around youself
Stealth -be invisable while standing in shadow
Glacier -summon a great spike of ice to block narrow roads or create walls
Ensnare -summon roots from the earth to hold an enemy in place for a time
Blizzard -spray your enemy with freezing wind to eventually freeze them in place for a time
Fireball -throw a ball of fire
True Sight -all units glow bright with their team colour and leave behind a trail (even when in stealth)
Thats just a shortened list of the most tactical spells, I'll bet you can think, just from reading those, how you could use and combine them.

20 unique magic skills/spells
10 unique custom weapons
5 unique custom characters
100+ custom animations
and much more!

So please, we made this game so the people like you could have fun, enjoy it, get involved;
We're currently looking for a handfull of people to do some final alpha tests online before releasing the beta as well as kind people to host both the game servers and game files. See forums about that

- Leigh




Wow. Impressive amount of work you've put into this. Watching you on ModDB.
Dayum, looks like some serious work.
what is the name of the song in your video on the alpha? and by whom is it by
Jesus! Nice maps , effects and models man! Just might have to start following this ;).
Impressive for 5 months work! I love the look of the maps! Great looking magic effects too. I'll keep an eye out for this :)
wait wait wait...


holy ****
Good lord. This will be awesome.

Glacier -summon a great spike of ice to block narrow roads or create walls
Oh man. It's Ragnarok Online all over again, whoring ice walls to funnel people to their death.

Also, what's the list of weapons look like? Swords and bows...will there be axes, knives and spears? Maces?
I came into this thread as a cynic, but I must say you've converted me. This looks bloody impressive.
Yeah, I was also going to go "hoo boy, you want to show US your puny little mod?" but for a second there I thought it was, well, a cooler-looking oblivion. Instant convert.
The Kingdoms Collide Development Team is extremely proud and excited to announce that the Kingdoms Collide Beta WILL be release on the 19th of February 2010!
Along with our first public release we’ve put a tone of work into making a place for the community. With a new website at, new, faster, ad-free forums at, a facebook page and Twitter page so you can easily keep up with updates as well as a Steam Community group to help you find KC players and servers easily once the beta is released!




Hopefully this little media update has been enough to get you excited about playing the beta! Just remember, as with all MOD’s, we do not have the resources to be able to host powerful dedicated servers whenever or wherever we want, WE NEED YOU (the player) to make this MOD happen, so get on the forums and the facebook, spread the word and let’s make it go off with a bang! :D
Looks like a receptive Dark messiah, being a mod I'm guessing the modders will nurse it like a baby. Rather than neglect babies like Ubisoft does.

Edit:// Looking great!
Dude, I am seriously impressed that just two of you managed to make such an impressive-looking mod. The weapons look like the have some real weight to them, which I love.

Keep up the great work!
That's pretty cool, you made a completely different game. Must have been a lot of work. Good job.