Kleiners lab discussion here

Originally posted by Paco
The LAST thing Kleiner says right before the strider bursts in is "Oh fine."

I disagree, sounded to me like "Oh fie" which is just expressing his disapproval.

This maybe me but if you listen to it, it seems to be louder than the rest of the conversation, also Gordon is turned around and the sound seems to fill both left and right channels evenly, could just be my setup.

If it is different, like it was voiced in over the top, it could mean something. i ran FIE through an acronym finder but didnt really find anything i could spot as useful - http://www.acronymfinder.com/af-query.asp?p=dict&String=exact&Acronym=FIE

what do you guys think?
maybe he said oh fine like OH fine! like kinda pisted but sucked it up cuz he knew he had to go...
yeah, I think he just said Oh fine! He said it because he was angry that he had not finished what he had to do and was being pulled away by Alyx.
That scene alone must have had like 30,000 or more polygons.

/me 's GeForce2 GTS knows it's days are numbered
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Thats the input-output feature in the engine Gabe talked about. It's basically the same effect as with the video camera in the tech demo. I can imagine all kinds of uses for this in mods.

Yep, I can't wait to use security cameras to shoot through walls and see where it's hitting on the monitor.
just to clear up- when dr. kleiner 'jumps': this is due to glitches in the demo recording/playback code. gabe stated these would be fixed.
I liked how Kleiner's Glasses reflect the light.

I loved how the wires hanging from the ceiling swings back and forth.
didnt he state that the interpolation issues were fixed? and that these videos would be near enough to the final version?

anyway it was a truelly amazing video, the only other bug i could find (on closer expection, ie i wouldnt notice it when playing the game) is a double shadow through the table, of that..er..thing next to the monitor he pushed off


(btw, this is mearly an observation, not a critasism, so dont flame me caus its a great vid)
Originally posted by switch
didnt he state that the interpolation issues were fixed? and that these videos would be near enough to the final version?

anyway it was a truelly amazing video, the only other bug i could find (on closer expection, ie i wouldnt notice it when playing the game) is a double shadow through the table, of that..er..thing next to the monitor he pushed off


(btw, this is mearly an observation, not a critasism, so dont flame me caus its a great vid)

Oh yeah, I saw that too but I thought it was just some pee next to the PC. :)

I suspect it's because the the Scanner (even a dead one) is a model separate from the props and their shadows are rendered differently.
all i know is if we can hack a vid tomaro its going to be a great one all the lesser vids are out of the way at this point...
The video was great. What I thought was really cool though was towards the end, where you hear the Strider walking close and all of the sudden... blasts thru the wall, and if you have a good sub it sounds awesome. The graphics of course was really nice, even without AA and AF enabled. Can't wait for the next videos :)

Ya know on second thought the effect on the magnifying glass has to be a shader, not the input/output system. If it was the IO system then the glass would only reflect Dr. Kleiners hands, but when the player moves and looks through the glass again it reflects his coat. In order for this to happen you would have to hav the camera for the IO system move according to Gordons position. Anyone understand what I'm saying?
There's no reflection of Gordon in the monitor. I was kind of curious whether he'd reflect. It's probably a good thing they decided to put resources elsewhere.

I never noticed that you could see the scanners out the window before.
Originally posted by qckbeam
Ya know on second thought the effect on the magnifying glass has to be a shader, not the input/output system. If it was the IO system then the glass would only reflect Dr. Kleiners hands, but when the player moves and looks through the glass again it reflects his coat. In order for this to happen you would have to hav the camera for the IO system move according to Gordons position. Anyone understand what I'm saying?

Oh yeah, I didn't nottice that. Well that's even better, isn't it?
Yes it is, but I wonder if it will make modding any more difficult. From what I hear creating a shader is no easy task since it is a texture along with a heavy amount custom coding attributes. I am a good mapper and I can create textures well enough, but creating custom shaders requires a good knowledge of programming. Time to start learning I guess!
Originally posted by qckbeam
Yes it is, but I wonder if it will make modding any more difficult. From what I hear creating a shader is no easy task since it is a texture along with a heavy amount custom coding attributes. I am a good mapper and I can create textures well enough, but creating custom shaders requires a good knowledge of programming. Time to start learning I guess!

I heard that it uses a C++ like language for shaders unlike Doom 3 which is similar to assembly. I have no clue what the code would look like, or how long it would be, though.
Anyone notice that some kind of zoom effect is used? When the movie starts, the view is zoomed in on Alex's head. As the camera turns to the right to view the doctor, it unzooms. It zooms in on Alex again later when she is speaking. I wonder if this was done just so people could see Alex's face better for the demo, or if this is some kind of in-game feature...
The character detail is amazing. I doubt I'll ever be able to smack Alyx with the crowbar. I'd feel too guilty..

..is that weird?
As I've said before, what they are showing us appears to be e3 in every respect. As in, this is the e3 build of the engine, without a single change in anything. That's... kinda weird really. I mean, Gabe said that they already fixed the green HL1 good, and yet there it is. He said that they fixed the demo interpolation bug, and yet it seems to be in. The crowbar animation was something they had JUST started putting in when e3 started, and said that they had already started tweaking it... and yet that's exactly the same too.

I wish we could get official comment on this: why no AA, why no updated build. What are they holding back?
i dunno i was under the understanding that we were getting a vid of the E3 reran though with the newest of fixes and addons... wierd..
These videos are just direct feed of the E3 videos. They didn't remake them or update them. There was no AA on during the E3 demonstration either, it's just really hard to notice due to quality limitations.
I suspect that the new media that is realeased after the E3 videos will contain a more updated build of the game.
That's what i'm hoping for anyways.
did any one notic the text on the moniters in the lab were that same and never changed when he was typing? really minor complaint :rolleyes:
um no that wouldent work they would make us fill our HD's that much 6 e3 vids then 6 more e3 vids higher qual that sounds dumb
Perhaps he meant other footage but a newer version then previously seen..
I dunno. They said it was a direct feed of the E3 presentation.
To me that means it's what they played on the screens at E3 that the reporters etc. video taped.
Originally posted by loaf
There's no reflection of Gordon in the monitor. I was kind of curious whether he'd reflect. It's probably a good thing they decided to put resources elsewhere.

Gordon also has no body if you look down where your feet would be. You don't see yourself--they decided to do it that way.
they said they made it like that just like in HL1 when there was a mirror on the wall you coldent see the reflection you do not see gordon in any HL ever..
you all will have to wait for the game to see all the shiznitz