Kleinoh's Sorrow - a love story

Sep 9, 2004
Reaction score
My friend made this video and I uploaded it for him. I was there when he made it... probably the reason why there's bananas. Here's the story of Kleinoh's drinking making his love walk out on him... tragic really. Tongue in cheek tragedy. :LOL:
And Kleinoh is Kleiner but me and my friend always babytalk and says "Kleeeeinoooh" instead of Kleiner. We've shot him so many times in Garry's that it feels unnatural when you can't kill him in episode 2.
May not be an art picture or anything but it's art in the form of series of pictures in context or something. :)

Hey it was my friend who made it so... :p
But he's an asshole, a serious asshole, so I can take that award anyways :)
I'm moving this to the Garry's Mod forum, because... it's not art :p