Kliener, Wolf in Sheep's clothings?

Feb 16, 2005
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Ok I had a discussion on BM Forums about this.. I just copy and paste the quotes..

Yes you have a point, G-man got the HEV suit and gave it to Kliener for some years of tinkering, Upgrading the transmitter on his suit, so Alyx could patch in and use his HEV as a Radio thingy.. After Kliener was done with the adjustments, he had G-man involved in the liberation. and he thought "Ok were prepared now for a war, Let Gordon Freeman Loose"..

Alyx and Barney, are merely pawns in this sick game of chess, G-man is the referree, and Kliener simple wants revenge from Dr Breen wrecking Black Mesa and the world..

Weridly enough, i think this is a good theroy
I hate to be a stinker about it, but that theory doesn't really fit Kleiner's personality very well.
Yer, But im sure Kleiner wants to appear all innocent, and he probally is an evil genius

Strive for your next breath. Believe that with it you can do more than with the last one. Use your breath to power your capacities: capacity to kill, to maim, to destroy. And just where do your capacities come from? Why do you always go where I want and do what I say? Perhaps you're just running a fool's errand, doing everything as I've planned, never able to change your course. You would do well to believe that I know the outcome of your battle with the Combine already, just as I can decipher the chaotic motion of gas molecules in the clouds of Tau Ceti IV.

Or, perhaps, that is not the case.

Perhaps, you are doing what you were meant to do. Your human mentality screams for vengeance and thrives on the violence that you say you can hardly endure. Your father told you as a child to always fight with honor, but to always fight. Do you care about honor, or do you use honor as an excuse? An excuse to exist in a violent world. Organic beings are constantly fighting for life. Every breath, every motion brings you one instant closer to your death. With that kind of heritage and destiny, how can you deny yourself? How can you expect yourself to give up violence?

It is your nature.

Do you feel free?
VALVe would never let us suspect Kliener is evil!.. and Viewer made a perfect script for a battle with kliener...

hmm Im posting this on all the forums

Which I have done, Discuss!
lol, so the final boss will be mecha kliener, in his HEV robo suit.
Ha! If Kleiner is evil, than he and the G-man are in it together. It's up to Alyx, Barney, and Otis (yes, Otis, the fat man with the big gun!) to rescue Freeman and stop his mad schemes!

*laughs* That's just silly.
the thing Viewer posted was excelent, definetly HL quality speech. Hell, even novel quality. I really liked it. Or was it stolen from some other source, but some things swipped out with HL terms?

anyways, I doubt Kliener is evil :)
i highly doubt that kleiner is really evil, but i would bet that him and other resistance members do have some sort of alliance with the g-man
It could work...

But i don't think you'd be battleing Kliener, just watching him sob while holding a gun. He tells you to leave, and the gun sounds.
can someone help me whenever i start steam an error message pops up it say
Steam.exe (main exception): Win32 structuredException at ######## : Attempt to read from virtual address 88 without appropriate access rights.
if anyone can help me email me at [email protected]
WTF did you post that here?
Rofl to the extreme. Look at all the rest of his posts. :LOL:
iceman6422 said:
can someone help me whenever i start steam an error message pops up it say
Steam.exe (main exception): Win32 structuredException at ######## : Attempt to read from virtual address 88 without appropriate access rights.
if anyone can help me email me at [email protected]

Haha, you better go post in the Help Section before an admin gets you :)
I highly doubt it, but the citizens are probably in cahoots with the G-Man. I mean Cubbage and the G-Man meet, and they have all of your stuff too. But Kliener evil? No.