KOTOR how did u defeat.....



that huge sewer monster rancid, i couldt shoot at him or nothing had to use like 5-6 frag grenades to take him down. how did u guys defeat him? hehe i know i just got this game yesterday :p
Rancor right??

Theres 2 ways:
Defeat for big exp points:
1. Use any of your characters that has the stealth field generator.
2. Sneak to the attack range of the Rancor
3. Throw your grenades, run back to the entrance
4. Repeat until dead

2nd way (Most amusing way)
1. Use your character that has the stealth field generator
2. Go to the corpse pile
3. Place synthesized odor and a grenade in their inventory (the corpse's) (just 1)
4. Watch him get FLAMING indigestion :thumbs:
i think i remember this. just before you enter the chamber there's an arm with some rancor scent on it, take the rancor scent. all you have to do is approach the bodies in the middle of the chamber, give it the scent and a frag grenade then watch a little cutscene :cheers:
Speculator said:
2nd way (Most amusing way)
1. Use your character that has the stealth field generator
2. Go to the corpse pile
3. Place synthesized odor and a grenade in their inventory (the corpse's) (just 1)
4. Watch him get FLAMING indigestion :thumbs:

lmao, i just used the grenade , run back to safety grenade safety kill. goto try that one tho :D
Knight of the Old republic.

Man this game is cool, I think I am going to dowloand it tomorrow.:)

its 2765MB 4CDs.
all you have to do is place a grenade and synth odour in the pile of corpses and you get a cut screen showing the rancor eating the grenade and it exploding in its mouth...

If you have any other questions ask me as ive completed the game several times...
What I did was throw all my frag grenades at it, that took it to about 1/4 health then set up minor frag mines and led him into them and BOOM... :D that worked... though I didnt think about the whole makeing him swallow the frag grenade but oh well :D
Yeah place the odor and grenade in the corpse pile. No need for a stealth generator. I love KoTOR.
G0rgon said:
Man this game is cool, I think I am going to dowloand it tomorrow.:)

its 2765MB 4CDs.

Seriously mon, this game is defeantly worth the money you pay for it. One of the best games I've ever played.
If you splash out the money, you won't regret it:)
It's the best game in the whole wide world!
*Goes back to playing*.

I usually go to the strat guide @ GameBanshee when I have problems (like the rancor one).
I just ran past the rancor after a few tries, and the quest list acknowledged that I did.

And yes, KoTOR rocks the hizzouse. :bounce:
i dont wanna give away any plot "spoilers", but i'll tell ya things get alot more fun on future planets. You have to think through your technique, how you want to attack, who to attack first, what to use, etc. btw: spacebar (pause) is your best friend.
lol, I have a better trick... I beated him with my sharp blades hehe :)

Rush him from the right and when he approaches you go to the left and run for the exit... The rancor will attack your teammates and obviously kill them... Oh.. you have to finish the combat to enter the door... hum... No problems... Approach him sloly on the "bridge" (where he cannot reach you beacause he is too big) attack him once then retreat! He won't have the time to attack you... repeat those steps and you'll eventually kill him without wasting nades (I beated him in less than 3 minutes) you can even save after each succesfull hits...

I really like to do discover those little bugs... It's up to you to use it or not :)
While we're on the subject of hitting big ugly monsters and not letting them hit back, I was playing through KOTOR the second time and came to the room with the two Terantateks on Korriban.
Not wanting to go through the process of fighting them, I just ran past, pulled the lever and went through the door, thinking that I could kill them safely from the other side.
I was wrong.
As I was happily snipering away at one of them, he bursts through the door, and starts to chase my poor scoundrel/consular around the room. It was really frightening *thanks God for Knight Speed* :p :x
Man....when I was playing KOTOR, my characters were soooo high leveled, it brought me to an important storyline mission 1 planet earlier then I was suppose to have. :cheers: