Kramer racial comments

But the black guy is just some random in the audience. Noone cares what he says, because he's a random.

Richards is a well known figure, shouting slurs at a heckler. So of course he's going to be decried.

People are going to say "Wow, I never knew he was so biggoted"
whereas they can't say that about the random heckler. Because he could be Hitler's cousin for all everyone knows.
When it all comes down to it, you both have a point, Absinthe and Xcellerate. The audience member retorted with another racial slur, its not really a great way to combat other racial slurs in the long run...yet n***** has a more degrading and more insulting aspect to it due its use in history. Yeah words can hurt, especially if you've gone the struggle the blacks from the past have gone through. I'm not saying they were the only ones to struggle, but in this country they didn't have a very good experience up until recently. Neither was right, but again Michael did the dirtier deed.

My two cents. :P
I believe there IS a difference between n1gger and nigga TOWARD BLACK PEOPLE. I say "nigga" a lot myself around many of the black people I know. But, I know damn well if I said, "Wassup my n1gger?" instead of "Wassup my nigga" that totally changes it up.

Most people I've seen who called other people n1ggers don't even know what the words mean...

I've seen black people call white people n1ggas...
Its racist... Period
Most people I've seen who called other people n1ggers don't even know what the words mean...

I've seen black people call white people n1ggas...
Its racist... Period

Do you understand that "Nigga" is slang? That "nigga" and "n1gger" can and sometimes do mean different things? Why do you guys keep on trying to deny this?****** (replace the *'s with n-i-g-g-e-r)

As of 2006, the word nigga is used, without intentional prejudice, among all ethnicities in the United States, including African-Americans, Latin Americans, Asian-Americans, and White Americans. [1] [2] [3] In practice, its use and meaning, when used in reference to another individual, is heavily dependent on context.

Some African-Americans express considerable offense when referred to as a nigga by white people, but not if they are called the same by other African-Americans, or by some other minority. [3] In this case, the term may be seen as a symbol of fraternity [4], and its use outside a defined social group an unwelcome cultural appropriation. Critics have derided this as a double standard. [1]
So do you think I could walk up to a bunch of a black guys and say, "what's goin on niggas?"

on a side anybody black on this forum?
It's all relative I guess. Are those black guys your friends? Are they shy? Are they really friendly? Are they hostile? I mean, you could do so if you would like to try.

You think it's cool if I walk up to some hillbilly's and say, "Hey dude! What's happening?"
I imagine seinfeld george and kramer talking

seinfeld:"did you really say that?"
kramer:"I hav to.."
george:"for what?"
kramer:"my honor"
seinfeld:"what honor?"
kramer:*walks around and shout*"he started!"
seinfled:"thats your big honor?"
george:"and why you continue"
kramer:*angry*"is for will never understand and I will let everyone know it!"*walks away,hits wall,exit trought the door*
seinfeld:"you would hav done the same?"
Uhhh, why is it that so many white people have to carry the burden anyways? I bet out of all the white people here maybe at max 2 of you are even distantly associated with someone who owned a slave. That automatically makes us all free of the crime and therefore the association cracker is a lie and offensive. Much more than the N word.

I am not going to talk much about morales but if we should do what is done to us every damn single time we'll just end up killing everyone. That is karma, and you really should forget the idea that someone has the right to shove the same illegal act back just because they're a victim. Isn't a victim if the victim is making new victims. That's just a criminal with some reason to do crime.
That was kinda hard to do since the Seinfeld himself decided to leave, thus ending the show.
I think all the dipshits should start referring to each other as dipshit, and that way it won't be offensive.

But it will ONLY WORK if dipshits call each other dipshits.
cracker wasnt a bad thing back then though, if someone called you a cracker, you would of said "THANKS!"

On the other hand, (my right, your left) nigga was used as slang and and insult.....they are both bad but theres no denying that the latter isnt worse today.
Again - whites aren't a persecuted minority.


My hopes in humanity have disappeared.

Your idea of equality is to treat someone over someone else just due to the color of a person's skin? Sounds like you're supporting everything you're against.
Uhhh, why is it that so many white people have to carry the burden anyways? I bet out of all the white people here maybe at max 2 of you are even distantly associated with someone who owned a slave. That automatically makes us all free of the crime and therefore the association cracker is a lie and offensive. Much more than the N word.

I am not going to talk much about morales but if we should do what is done to us every damn single time we'll just end up killing everyone. That is karma, and you really should forget the idea that someone has the right to shove the same illegal act back just because they're a victim. Isn't a victim if the victim is making new victims. That's just a criminal with some reason to do crime.

wtf are you talking about? white man's burden? are you paying some black tax that's I'm unaware of? does your family sponsor some black kid in brooklyn that you havent told us about? Is there there a neighbourhood collection that comes once a week that says "pay to support the black peeples?
Oh boy, now the guys are apparently going to sue. They have some high priced lawyer. I'm sure by the end of the week they will have an agent too, gotta cash in. Maybe they'll get a tv or movie deal out of this. :rolleyes:
O.o... ... Are you serious?

I hate to break it to you, but what you're saying is pretty much true. Taxes do go into food stamps, prisons and quite a few funds based completely on blacks. Take for example Colored Universities, yeah.. Try to do that with a white one.
I am not saying that these are completely occupied by blacks I am simply saying that the stereotype is true whether you like it or not. Opinions are nice, but don't shit your pants because the facts don't go along.
By the way, many businesses do systematically pick blacks over whites simply to not seem racist. Harvard does intentionally ignore better students of other color if their quota is not met and Mc.Donalds has downed a few of my friends who were more experienced than the darker counterpart. I don't know if it's in or not right now but at one point they gave 20 free credits just for being black to go to college. (This was like 4 years ago)

That and this shit happens the opposite way nearly every week of my life here and I have never seen it blown to these proportions. Some people who do it are actually our city officials.

I am truly beginning to wonder if you are just conditioned to ignore the obvious.
Why not? What's the difference between calling a black person a ni**er, a white person a cracker, a Jew a kike, or a Chinese man a chink? But I guess I forgot it's alright for black people to call us crackers since somebody their same color was sold into slavery.

Why is it one racial slur gets no attention (cracker), yet if somebody calls a black person a ni**er, then their whole life is ruined? I mean clearly it's not the word itself, because black people take no offense when another black person calls them a ni**er. So it must be the person who's speaking it, and is that not racist in itself when you only consider a word offensive when the person who speaks it is of a certain color?

edit: normally I wouldn't ** the word, but this website blocks it. Go figure, you can call somebody a chink, raghead, queer, kike, or cracker all day long, but heaven forbid you call somebody a ni**ger...because apparently that's the only offensive racial slur. What if I said I was totally offended by the slur 'cracker', could I get that filtered also?

i totally agree with the above post, in fact so do all of my black friends. They were also offended by the black guy on the tape calling richards a cr@cker, because it showed that they didn't care if they themselves said a racial slur, only if a white guy does. People offend me EVERY day by putting other races down, inluding their own and I find the name "cr@cker" very offensive myself. I would urge the admins to ban the word "cr@cker" from the posts on this website.
Sorry the word cracker will not be filtered.
I was having some cheese and ******s one day and my ****** broke and I spilt ****ing crumbs ****** all over my ****ing ****.

****ing ******s.
without fail every single time a white person is accused of calling a black person a ****** someone always points out that black people use the same term and that it's not fair that they get to use it and whites dont if that somehow excuses the person making the racist statements .. "well they do it, why cant we" ..what does that have to do with Richards, someone please enlighten me
I say that positive discrimination doesn't go far enough.

Black people should be allowed to be crackers.

They should also be allowed to own slaves.
Also, perhaps these guys in the audience, in saying "You're crackers!" meant "You're barmy/mad/insane!", as a playful jibe.

For example, my mother always says that I'm crackers.

Maybe I should see her in court!
i still don't see why ni**** is to be filtered but cracker will not... it's a double standard! Jesse Jackson is now saying that the N word shouldn't be used in movies or music, yet (ironically) i'd say over 60% of rappers who are using the term are BLACK! in a turn to oppose racism, I would ban all artists, white or black, who use the N word in their lyrics. Hopefully no limit and shady labels will still thrive without their artists....
also a traditional christmas ...thingy


look! two crackers! and they look like they mean business!!
You racist Stern.

Honestly, I expected better from you :E


Also, let's put this into context:

Heckler: You white slave driver! Mother****er!

Kramer: Oh yeah? Well you're [my?] black slave!
I have been a victim of racism, I have had Latino's & Blacks call me things like "Cracker", "Nazi", 'White trash" & so on. But it is just very wierd that blacks call other blacks Nigga's. Do they realise they are putting down themselves?

No offense, but african americans have their own channel like B.E.T(Black Entertainment Television), but if there was W.E.T(White entertainment television) people would complain. African Americans were treated badly, yes; but I personally think the Jewish were treated worse. The Jews' were exterminated & faced extreme form of genocide, let us not forget that.
without fail every single time a white person is accused of calling a black person a ****** someone always points out that black people use the same term and that it's not fair that they get to use it and whites dont if that somehow excuses the person making the racist statements .. "well they do it, why cant we" ..what does that have to do with Richards, someone please enlighten me

It's not a matter of fairness. It's because that its racist in itself to only allow certain people to say certain words. It happens with other words besides ni**er too; homosexuals and "f*g" is the first to come to mind.

I mean, there's only one race on this planet that can say ni**er and not elicit a response from people, how much worse can a word get?

....I hope that makes sense I have to run to class typed this in bit a hurry.
Since the 1980s, nigga has been used as a synonym for accepted slang words such as dude and guy. In an interview in the documentary Tupac: Resurrection, Tupac Shakur claims that there is a distinction; "******s was the ones on the rope, hanging off the thing; Niggas is the ones with gold ropes, hanging out at clubs." [sic]******#Nigga


The use of the word ****** by blacks reflects this hatred, even when the user is unaware of the psychological forces involved. ****** is the ultimate expression of white racism and white superiority no matter how it is pronounced.
without fail every single time a white person is accused of calling a black person a ****** someone always points out that black people use the same term and that it's not fair that they get to use it and whites dont if that somehow excuses the person making the racist statements .. "well they do it, why cant we" ..what does that have to do with Richards, someone please enlighten me

Because you can't pretend to be insulted by it when a white person says it, and not care when a black one does it. That's racist too, making a judgement ("should I be insulted or not by 'nigger'?") based on the race of the person.
yes but who's pretending either way? it's not like the black dude and richards screamed their racist comments at the same time ..and have you watched the video? richards comes across as a loon

It's not a matter of fairness. It's because that its racist in itself to only allow certain people to say certain words. It happens with other words besides ni**er too; homosexuals and "f*g" is the first to come to mind.

I mean, there's only one race on this planet that can say ni**er and not elicit a response from people, how much worse can a word get?

....I hope that makes sense I have to run to class typed this in bit a hurry.

there's a world of difference between this

"you ****ing cracker they should string you all up! blacks should keep you damn crackers in your place ..see? see? that's what happens when you cross a black man YOU ****ING CRACKER!!!"

and this:

" i was stopped at the light and this big bubba of a cracker says "hey boy" ...."

and again I dont know why I cant seem to drive this point in ...gays using the word "fag" is taking a hateful word used exclusively by homophobes (in the 70's ..fag doesnt have the same meaning any more) and reclaiming for gays and at the same time deflating some it's hateful meaning ...same thing applies to blacks and the word ******