Kristen Perry Interview - Submit your questions here

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Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
As the thread title suggests, we are going to be conducting an interview with fantastic Valve artist, Kristen Perry.

Kristen has created works of art such as this, this and this, and is also responsible for world concept art in Counter-Strike: Source as well as texture artist for CS:S, CS:Xbox, CS:CZ and Team Fortress 2.

Community input is always important to us and Valve and therefore we would like to give the community a chance to submit some of their questions to me for the interview.

You can submit your questions by reply to this thread or by e-mailing me at [email protected].

Please also be aware that due to time constraints with Kristen's time at present, we won't be able to use everybody's questions, but we will use the best and most original questions, giving full credit to the author of the question.

I may alter the questions slightly for spelling, punctuation, grammar and wording.

CHRIS_D EDIT: To make my life a little bit easier, can you please ensure that you only ask questions in this thread. Any discussion or comments, unless accompanied by a valid question, will be deleted.
How is it like to be a concept artist? is it stressfull?

How is TF2 doing? is it coming along well?

How long have you been working for Valve?
What inspired you when you were drawing the combine in order to make them look so menacing and scary in that subtle "he has power over me" way?
Although you didn't work on the first Half-Life game, would you estimate that assets for Half-Life 2 take longer to create? If so, how much longer, and what is the reason for the increase?
Sorry - but there is only one question I have to ask any valve employee - even if it's the janitor, CEO, concept artists, anyone.

Does HL2 have it's own MP (in the HL2 universe) or not?. Period.
It looks like the Combine art is foreground from a render, with a very nice transition.

So i guess my question will be.

What did you go through, step by step, to make it?
How does the concept art process work? Does Valve tell you what kind of alien they need and then you try to recreate what they tell you as best as possible, or do you scatch many different creatures and they go through them and pick which ones they want to be in the story?
What do you usually use for getting inspired when you make art? I'm talking soundbanks, renders, music, etc.
How did you break into the business? Do you work exclusively as a concept artist for the games industry?
Will a benchmark tool be released for everyone before HL 2 release?
What role do you play in the game development process? Do you for instance consult with the level designers on levels as far a artistic composition goes? Is everyone at Valve directly integrated into the design of the game, as an artist do you have a say during the cabal process for instance?

How would you describe the atmosphere at Valve, especially coming up to release?
Would you say that it is easier to get on with digital artistry skills than it is with the more traditional painting and drawing skills in the games industry today?
Diablo2k said:
Will a benchmark tool be released for everyone before HL 2 release?
Not exactly a question you ask an artist...
Anyways, my question is being I want to get into the same field as Kristen, what did she start doing, how young was she when she became interested in computer arts, and what programs, tools and steps do you take to make a finalised peice of work.
Have we seen all CS:Source has to offer or will we be even more suprised by some of the CS:Source level's we have yet to see??

or this one..

Are we going to see any expansive CS:Source level's that allow the players more freedom in terms of where they go??
Do you do these by hand or by mouse in photoshop (making every pixel that is in the picture perfect)?

I'm a n00b and I am curios. :(
What methods do you use to create a texture? (Which programs do you use?)

What can we expect in terms of graphics from Team Fortress 2? Are all textures being bump-mapped?
How do you usually go about drawing materials like clothing? Do you sometimes draw from a photo, or try to visualize the light sources in the scene? Do you work it out mentally until the shading of the character or object is consistent with the environment?

I'm not an artist myself, but your realistic style fascinates me.
Have you been asked to create more concept art for future HL2 mods, such as DoD, TF2, etc.?
wowzer! she drew my avatar concept art! dats some serious skeeelz! ne way, back on topic...

is this your first time creating concept art for a video games? or have you done it before, is fo which other games? and which was the most enjoyable to work on?
What were the main sources of inspiration when the appearance of the Combine was designed? (Worded awkwardly because I have no idea whether she designed the Combine or not.)
When you make textures, do you create them from scratch, or do you use photos as reference?

Do you have any tips on how to create textures from scratch?
Just a simple question that some people might find interesting to hear an answer on.

Q: Do you use a tablet for your digital work? and what kind of tablet, (brand/model/size).

edit: and another one

Q: Do you have any tips for the young talent to get into the game delopment buizness and what are the qualifications you should have, to not get into shock because of strees in the bizz :D.

Q: How much money do you make? (might sound rude, but its an answer I would love to hear, after I had a couple of chat's with Dark Horizon (modeler @ ritual entertainment) about the farytale that the people in the gamedevelopment bizz make alot of money and what they get payed yearly @ valve (I knew that they get 6 numbers @ id software (because he works @ a project on the DOOM³ engine), but he didnt knew how much the valve employee's get))

So yeah.. ask that :D
Two questions I would love to know:

1) What hardware/software does he use to help create his images?

2) Does he also help painting textures ect?
I'm really interested in the mentality of the job...

As a graphic artist, like any other creative process - i'm sure you have ups and downs, creative flows and creative blocks.
How do you deal with these times while you're working on such a high profile production? Do you have time to take a breather to refresh your creative flair?

I'd love to hear what someone with industry experience like you has to say. Thanks for giving us all this oppurtunity to learn :thumbs:
i love the work you did for DOD. did you study actual pieces of propaganda from the peroid to give you an idea of what you wanted to achieve?
A bit off topic perhaps, but can you release your Astronomer picture in desktop wallpaper format? (1600*1200 / 1280*1024 / 1024*768)

It would be greately appreciated! ^_^
When is Half-Life 2 coming out?

Ask it, damnit. Sometimes the most basic questions get answered -- someone from Valve answered a question about TF2 and deformable terrain a couple days ago.
I really love your art, and appreciate your attention to detail.
I mean, those CTs are just fantastic. The intensity of the gaze, the tension in the elbows and the realism of every fold of the material in their clothes really stand out.

Do you have a great deal of input into TF2's character design? (I really hope so; wake up, VALVe) What aspects of the game's look do you influence?

Can you tell us about the process of designing the look of a character or a map at Valve? Is there a lot of collaboration among the artists and if so, how does it work?

What is the most difficult thing for you to do [in your work on projects]?

Will TF2 achieve the natural/organic feel of the outdoors that can be seen in games like Call of Duty and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. ? What is the "theme" or a "vibe" that you're going for in TF2? What are the design goals?


Stan R.
Do you do much traditional art out of work (casual drawing or painting on paper and canvas)?

What are your favorite tools? Any favorite brands?
For people trying to get into the game art industry, what advice would you give them?
brisck1 said:
Two questions I would love to know:

1) What hardware/software does he use to help create his images?

2) Does he also help painting textures ect?


My question:

What other job do you think you would have if you didn't work at Valve?
What kinds of new and improved textures will we be seeing?

Will TF2 have the same or better visual quality than cs:s?
What sorts of creatures and characters have you drawn for HL2 and which is your favorite creation?
What type of tools(program-based) do you find yourself utilizing the most during the development process of your artwork?

What do you find to be the most useful personable(how to act) attribute in regards to getting your foot-in-the-door of the computer games industry?

And guys, I think it would be safe to say that questions should relate directly to her position at VALVe, NOT gameplay specifics. Just a thought.
I hope this question is put forward...

Q) Are schedules/deadlines set by valve relaxed enough to allow the creative freedom it takes to create your artwork or is there always something more you wish you had done to the final outcome if given more time.

Tristan. K
How do you become a concept artist?

How easy is it to enter the Industry? Are there a lot of jobs in concept art? Do you have to be in america to be succesfull?
Some of her hardware questions might be answered by going to her site, which has a variety of articles. Just a thought.

Do you typically have to make (major or minor) revisions on a piece a few times before it gets the "A-Ok" or do they take the style/character of the work without asking for revisions?
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