**** labor unions. (Flamethrower video)

You launch the claim that the people resisting him are on the far right and thus their information not to be trusted? Exiled cubans are the ones with these claims and opinions... and you just write off what they say about him just like that, just because you have your trump card in your mind that says "Conservative = not to be trusted"? How do you know they're far right?


? you read far too much into what I said ...I'm merely "quoting" the wiki entry just like you guys were

or did you just gloss over this part?

wiki said:
Although much criticism of Guevara and his legacy emanates from the political center and right, there has also been criticism from other political groups such as anarchists and civil libertarians, some of whom consider Guevara an authoritarian, anti-working-class Stalinist, whose goal was the creation of a more bureaucratic state-Stalinist regime.
You admire him for his fierce resolve, passion, and spirit. Particularly during his earlier years. I've read two huge biographies on him - and as you all know, I'm a rabid pacifist - so it's his earlier years, the ones the Motorcycle Diaries are based off of, that I particularly care about. It's also that most people don't really know all that much about Che, they just admire the revolutionary spirit he stands for (though that's been bastardized beyond belief by this time).
Why don't they wear Hitler shirts then? He had that same stuff if not even moreso.


I'd take some of that with a grain of salt ..most of the criticism being leveled at him is from the far right (his enemies) ...it says as much in the wikipedia article that you guys seem to be quoting word for word

oh and Rakurai, careful where you fling mud ...your beloved country has trained/armed/supported death/torture squads that would make Che look like a freaking boyscout ...google Dan mitrione, UNITAS, SAVAK, bolivia's Black Hand, Orden and Ansesal of El Salvador (El Mozote), School of the Americas, guatemala's La Mano Blanco, Haiti's FRAPH, Battalion 3-16 etc etc etc

I don't have them in my avatar, nor did I ever talk about the US etc.

This is about the avatar itself. He said people were offended by mine, I said his is more offensive because it's a guy that actually went out and killed innocent people- far more 'offensive' than a cartoon of some long dead dude who claimed to be a prophet.
Yes. I was so rabid in my desire to attack and insult Solaris that I skimmed through the article in 5 seconds, taking only the information from it that I thought would be useful for my cause, and ignoring all else. Completely unaware of the fact that anybody else could read the article and post something that differs from what I say.
I cant even tell what your avatar is rakurai ..except that it's some guy with a turban ...anyways who cares? it's just an avatar ......oh and che is hardly hitler
I cant even tell what your avatar is rakurai ..except that it's some guy with a turban ...anyways who cares? it's just an avatar ......oh and che is hardly hitler
It's one of thoose cartoons drawn by that swedish newspaper that started all the who ha, it's a drawing of the prophet Mohamed with a bomb in his turban
well ok ..coming from rakurai I cant help but think there's a motivation behind it but again it's just an avatar, if you want to use it (to your own detriment I might add) then by all means go ahead
Why don't they wear Hitler shirts then? He had that same stuff if not even moreso.


Che's passion overshadows the people he killed, because it's very uncertain - probably even unlikely - that he actually killed that child, since that source kinda sucks, given that Cuban exiles like the one who told that certainly have reason to make up lies about Che because they hated him. Hitler's, on the other hand - no. Far too much death.

Also, Godwin's Law has been evoked.
well ok ..coming from rakurai I cant help but think there's a motivation behind it


I cant even tell what your avatar is rakurai ..except that it's some guy with a turban ...anyways who cares? it's just an avatar ......oh and che is hardly hitler

No, he's only different from hitler that he killed by political affiliation and how much money you had, rather than race.

Anyway, the 130 that got arrested will be "prosecuted as far as we can do". Which might actually mean hard time.