lack of gay representation in US television?

becuase i dont really need to defend it anymore. I say i dont like it, you say you dotn care. thats i just got a huge promotion at work and my minds elsewhere......:)
Please don't post here again if your going to say something stupid, then jump out and have people waste their time replying.
Tyguy said:
becuase i dont really need to defend it anymore. I say i dont like it, you say you dotn care. thats that

opinion is meaningless unless backed up with something ..anything
I was under the impression that your contributions as a content writer were pretty much jack. Not like it matters though, since you aren't one any more and the position is independent of whatever crap you post on the forums.
Speaking of stupid posts...

and who are you to tell me not to post here? I was a content writer for a good amount of time with this website. How about you think before you speak.
You seem to be missing the point.

See, we here in Politics have this thing called "reasoning". It's usually comprised of three key parts: "opinion", "objectivity", and "evidence". This so-called "reasoning" allows us to have educated debates regarding political and social issues.

You, on the other hand, seem to have a severe deficiency of objectivity and evidence. This deficiency leads you to show, through your posts, that you do not in fact have anything to offer to the debate.

As such, it's probably best that you leave this thread. You don't want to come here with an open mind, and we don't want to waste our time debating with someone who is quite clearly incapable of the act.
I was under the impression that your contributions as a content writer were pretty much jack. Not like it matters though, since you aren't one any more and the position is independent of whatever crap you post on the forums.

Hahaha, someones tough....I guess when all else fails, try insulting the person, that usually works. Grow up a little.

You seem to be missing the point.

See, we here in Politics have this thing called "reasoning". It's usually comprised of three key parts: "opinion", "objectivity", and "evidence". This so-called "reasoning" allows us to have educated debates regarding political and social issues.

You, on the other hand, seem to have a severe deficiency of objectivity and evidence. This deficiency leads you to show, through your posts, that you do not in fact have anything to offer to the debate.

As such, it's probably best that you leave this thread. You don't want to come here with an open mind, and we don't want to waste our time debating with someone who is quite clearly incapable of the act.

[edit] Nevermind. Ignorant, but not quite childish enough for blocking.

[edit2] Actually, never mind. Childish pretty much covers it.
alright guys take a deep breath ...Tyguy you have to expect that your opinion will be questioned especially when they're so controversial you have to expect people will question your reasoning because it doesnt seem like its based on anything of substance
Are you going to block me, oh mature one?
Hahaha, someones tough....I guess when all else fails, try insulting the person, that usually works. Grow up a little.

Irony at its most delicious. Somebody that feels the need assert his hetero-manliness and then pretend he doesn't care about the argument he's partaking in is accusing me of acting tough. And after posting a dated, lame picture calling somebody a fag, I'm childish.

I'm curious as to where you think I actually insulted you. If memory serves me correctly, your contributions were sparse and you were essentially dead weight. That was the objective reality of your time as a content writer, correct?
tyguy you're purposefully being a jackass ...I'm not going to defend you if you cant add to this conversation in a constructive way
Don't bother. He expresses the same clueless dumb****ery in nearly every one of his posts.

There. Now I insulted him. Guess I better get back to growing up!
tyguy you're purposefully being a jackass ...I'm not going to defend you if you cant add to this conversation in a constructive way

Constructive left a few pages ago as soon as the personal attacks started.
Gotta love stirring sh!t up in the politics room
Gotta love stirring sh!t up in the politics room

Tyguy, maybe you should just stop posting. You can't tell me that you posted legions of biased, unjustified and largely idiotic responses for the sole purpose of pissing us off.
intentionally stirring up shit has led to quite a few bans around here ..I would prefer that you actually debated points/ideology than flame for the sake of flaming
Gotta love stirring sh!t up in the politics room

Not really. :P

Less trolling Tyguy, or you're gone.

Tyguy said:
I was a content writer for a good amount of time with this website. How about you think before you speak.

Less of this as well. You were removed from the team for a reason.
intentionally stirring up shit has led to quite a few bans around here ..I would prefer that you actually debated points/ideology than flame for the sake of flaming

Hopefully it will lead to one more

I was just kidding around, wasn't meant to be taken seriously.
I was a content writer for a good amount of time with this website. How about you think before you speak.
Indeed, it would seem we got a lucky break when I decided to remove you from this content team. And this attitude you are displaying is most concerning, you can forget any further follow ups from the PM's you've sent myself & Pi about moderation status, you've displayed some crazy behaviour here, which doesn't impress one bit.

I firmly believe that we as human beings are continually evolving, but not physically so much, but through our beliefs and attitudes. As time goes by we should be progressing to states of mind whereby we are more accepting of a vastly varied society and the people within it. This gay debate is just one example in a large mixed bag, but I do think everyday things are moving on to a near perfect acceptance level. Going to take some more time, but evolution of ideas is in practice, it's clear to see.
wow Tyguy you really escalated this non issue into a big lets all point fingers at Tyguy ..but you only have yourself to blame ...anyways it's funny how some antiquated POVs survive the test of time

I find that while people are generally more progressive than they were 20 years ago I also find that the flipside are far more vocal than ever doesnt matter what issue it is someone will always find something to find disagreeable ..especially when it comes to individual rights ..oddly enough it's alm ost always attached to some religious moral principle in conclusion kill all religions and we'll progress faster :)
Right, so do any real people have reasons why gays shouldn't be presented neutrally on network tv?

I like to think of it this way: where was the last time you saw a statue honoring the man who prevented civil rights?
And then, who would want a statue made of themself for that purpose?
I'm pretty sure we don't teach our children to celebrate "The Guy Who Shot Martin Luther King Jr. Day" or "Strom Thurmond Day"
It should be blatantly clear that society at large doesn't stand for this bullshit, which is certainly why folks like tyguy have to bring it to the internet.

So much for the gays being socially unacceptable and harmful to children.
This may not be much of a point, but imagine sex ed for kids if they had to learn about gays then, too. It might not be too bad for kids who had gay parents already.
ummm why would sex ed have to get into details about gay sex? the only reason why it's even discussed in hetero couples is because of the reproductive process ..and could they just say: "everything that applies to heterosexual sex applies to homosexual sex ..except penile/vaginal penetration"
I dont i the only one who would be concerned if the gay community was no longer a minority?
ummm why would sex ed have to get into details about gay sex? the only reason why it's even discussed in hetero couples is because of the reproductive process ..and could they just say: "everything that applies to heterosexual sex applies to homosexual sex ..except penile/vaginal penetration"

I forget how I came to that conclusion. It was an interesting process.

soemthing like, "And sometimes, they take it in the pooper" and the kids are all like, " D: "

I dont i the only one who would be concerned if the gay community was no longer a minority?

And why would that happen?
but that could be taken for heteros too ... "and sometimes seamen inexplicably ends up in someone's mouth" and the kids are like D:

I dont i the only one who would be concerned if the gay community was no longer a minority?

if it's a majority do you have so little faith in your own heterosexuality that simple peer pressure would have you all of the sudden wanting man-cock?

"hmmm they all seem to like it, maybe it's not all that bad, perhaps if I just tried it ..."

the only explanation I can come up with to explain your thought processes is that you're self-loathing closeted gay ...or as I explained before you're not sure where you stand sexually and are just looking for support/derision so you can finally make up your mind

of course I'm speculating, perhaps your god demands you hate gays
but that could be taken for heteros too ... "and sometimes seamen inexplicably ends up in someone's mouth" and the kids are like D:

Oh! Now I remember. I don't really know how it's done nowadays, but the videos from fifth or sixth grade, as far as I can remember, were along the lines of "when a man and a woman love each other very much..." except with diagrams. It was still a bit mind blowing, or at least is was for those of us who were still innocent. And then to learn immediately afterwards would be like, a mind scramble. Like fried eggs leaking out of our ears. I dunno, TBH I was a stupid little kid.
but that could be taken for heteros too ... "and sometimes seamen inexplicably ends up in someone's mouth" and the kids are like D:

if it's a majority do you have so little faith in your own heterosexuality that simple peer pressure would have you all of the sudden wanting man-cock?

"hmmm they all seem to like it, maybe it's not all that bad, perhaps if I just tried it ..."

the only explanation I can come up with to explain your thought processes is that you're self-loathing closeted gay ...or as I explained before you're not sure where you stand sexually and are just looking for support/derision so you can finally make up your mind

of course I'm speculating, perhaps your god demands you hate gays

There we go, another personal comment....