Ladder Theory

I like how this topic has produced the revelation that ****ing hot idiots indicates a lack of standards.

I find this funny, because I thought this was simply an indication of having a dick coupled with a biological urge to screw silly members of the opposite sex. Physical attractiveness is a huge factor in mate selection. Don't downplay it. If you had a choice between a philosophy-debating heffer or a dumb-as-rocks hotty, would you seriously spend your time ploughing the Pillsbury Doughgirl? As annoying as stupidity is, you can't tell me it overrides a perfect pair of boobies. If it does, then congratulations. You're probably a better man than I am. But I don't consider you to be normal.

The ladder theory is, of course, nothing but pop psychology. But I'll damned if taking advantage of dumb (read: easy) pussy is considered too base or primitive. Especially by a bunch of guys on a forum who are mostly between 16 to early 20's, a time in which most males would hit almost anything that moves without giving two shits about things like personality or intelligence.

Pfft... "standards".
Both arguements have their merits.

If a girl walked into my room naked and said "Let's do it and never stop", I wouldn't be able to resist(as long as there was no chance of pregnancy or diseases, not depressed or if I wasn't spoken for) In addition, if I was thrown in a situation where I was to choose either an attractive dumb woman versus a smart ugly woman to have sex with for only one night and never see her again, I would choose the dumb one since there would be no intention of making a relationship. Sex doesn't require much intelligence or thinking; just emotion and tangible ideas. It's not like we would be debating the string theory during cunnilings(though I'd like to). :naughty:

But these situations are hypothetical. They will rarely if ever happen. Whether it be a bar, a party or waiting for a bus, I would make sure to get to know a person before taking more serious steps in a relationship. If I sense that a girl is an idiot or is ignorant to common world issues by having no opinions, then I am seriously turned off and I wouldn't even bother making friends with her.

A smart average-looking woman is something entirely different. Last year there was this girl in my class who I enjoyed talking to but our friendship was merely platonic. However, after finding out that she had strong opinions on issues and was frighteningly smart, I began to feel physically attracted to her but I prevented myself to taking the relationship further due to that I knew her boyfriend. We still keep in touch though and I would rather have her as a friend than not having her at all.

I also have an attraction to normal looking females, so that's just me.
I think a lot of you actually have no idea of the concept of being turned on and off. You can have the hottest, but dumbest, bitch talk shit to you, but if she's steaming for your cock and gyrating all over you, you will be turned on.

You should all stop thinking you're the better man. Guys love pussy, if you claim you don't you are lying to yourself (or gay).
nice assessment of popular stereotypes but totally ridiculous in real life
Where exactly did I say I was better?

I think a lot of you actually have no idea of the concept of being turned on and off. You can have the hottest, but dumbest, bitch talk shit to you, but if she's steaming for your cock and gyrating all over you, you will be turned on.
I believe being turned on is a process created by the mind and then sent throughout the body due to that the body senses things the person likes.These necessarily do not need to be physical. Feelings of disgust or hate could easily override attraction in many people.
Ex: This same person then cuts you off while driving home and almost causes a collision.
Note to people I don't pay attention to (or treat like garbage): I really just want to be inside you.
Just because someone turns me on doesn't mean I'd **** them.
Because physical attractiveness is not always the only criteria for sex.

If you get a hard on looking at a girl you will **** her if given the chance. I don't care who you are.
I'm certainly horny enough to have sex with any girl more attractive than my hand.
And man enough to admit it.

What is going on with the world when guys turn down sex even though they have a hard on? Still I think you're still lying to yourself. If you've got a raging hard on, where she has been before won't be running through your head.

Or do you get an STD check on every girl you want to sleep with, because technically, unless you do you have no idea where any of them have been.
I don't think any of you guys have been in a situation where that has happened if you are going to sit here and seriously say you would deny sex from a hot chick because you had no feelings for her. I call bullshit. Pussy is pussy and its a shit load better than your hand.
So what you're saying is, the fundamental revelation of the Ladder Theory is that people have a libido.