Lamada Symbol?

I thought that all elements decayed, it's just that non-radioactive elements decay a lot slower...
Either that or I'm just crazy.
When I saw this was from 205, I also dreaded the necromancer's coming beating.
Newbie talking about thread revival in a thread revived by a newbie!

This can only mean that you two were destined to fight, flipsides of the same coin. Only one of you will survive. I hope it's you.
Ok but you've still got to kill the dread necromancer. Kill him, and bring me back his right hand, his "Post Reply" hand. If you do this you will be fully accepted as a member of this forum and will also receive 20 gold.

This quest is yellow to you.
Sliver Slave, if you bring me both of Darkside's hands, I'll give you 60 gold, or 30 gold per hand.
Insufficient level to attain this quest.

Also, were someone to slay me and take my hands, once every quarter-hour the hands would attempt to coerce the holder into chopping off his or her own hands and replace them with my own. The holder must roll a will saving throw, adding any wisdom bonuses. If it fails, the Hands of Darkside will replace the wielder's own hands and grant them +5 argument skill points and gives the holder of the hands the skill barbarian rage as if you were 10th level. Three times per day the wielder of the hands can use "Charm Person," and once per day "Power Word: Kill."

However, every minute Darkside's hands have replaced you own will drive you mad, as the hands will continuously subvert your thoughts and cause you great agony. The longer you wear the hands, the more your features will slowly twist and distort, until at last you take on the features and demeanor of a troll.
No, no, I don't think we'll be doing that. See, you're kinda new here too, so you might not know of a very special tradition.

*Clears throat*

By order of Decree 74412-0, subsection a, Darkside declares this thread a No Man's Land! The chair is loosed, let anarchy consume this thread! Until Sliver Slave brings me MrSmith's hands, WE ARE FREE!

Well fine then, I would put rings with 100% dispel on your hands, rendering them limp and useless. Then I would put them in a showcase for all to see.
I'll give you 20 gold pieces if you can keep this thread open. No really.