Lambda Controversy

Jul 17, 2003
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You guys call yourselves HL fans and you don't even know where the logo is from?!

Sad, sad boys. It was only posted ALL over the single player game. It's the LAMBDA RESEARCH LABS symbol.


Btw I'll admit to this. I don't know WHAT the hell Lambda even is. Black Mesa is the facility and Lambda is....?

ps.I think the G-Man works for Lambda (whatever it is). :cheese:
Isent it a wave"grade/lenght" bah, sucks on english, i know the swedish word...
And its a "gay" sign too i read somewhere, :D lol
Whats your point??? You shouldnt have made a new post to answer someones question from another one. Im not sure if you were joking (:cheese: <--cuz of that) but Lambda is just a greek letter. Its pretty much just used as a cool frat houses. Lambda Lambda Lambda........revenge of the nerds. :eek:
I don't mean what it is in real life. I mean in the game HALF LIFE. What is it? A lab or what? A company? What is it?!
In Half-Life they constantly refer to The Lambda Complex. What IS the Lambda Complex?!

I don't get what is to the game's story.
The actual Lambda Complex was the area where you teleported to Xen....the whole teleportation labs area
Yeah I ****ing said this in another thread already. :|

And I also said... remove the circle and you have the symbol for a halflife
Lambda is to Black mesa as The Golden Gate bridge is to San Fransico.

You could call it the Black Mesa facility just like you could call it the San Fransico bridge.

But it is, "the Lambda facility located in Black Mesa, New Mexico, USA."
Then what's Black Mesa? I don't even know the location of the game even though I'm UBER LEET and memorize the scripted sequences dialogue!!
lambda is the scientific measurement of waves i believe, i used it in physics a lot.
i thought the Lambda complex was the military zone of the Black mesa facility, ie: the lambda Bunker..... thats where you visit anyhow.

Holy Cheesenitz..this has been discussed numerous times, on multiple astroplanes no less.

Lambda is simply the scientific symbol for wavelength (as in resonance, interference cascade etc). It's also a common shorthand for microlitre...but I digress.
Originally posted by carloschingarlo
Then what's Black Mesa? I don't even know the location of the game even though I'm UBER LEET and memorize the scripted sequences dialogue!!

Oh, it's only the whole location that you play the game through (Apart from Xen, of course).
the Lambda facility as far as I know is just a part of the Black Mesa facility...

but it is were they do their more secret/obscure tests and you need a higher level clearance for access.'s a long time since I played thru HL1 can't really remember the order of appearance of the locations in the game....where are you located after the grunts captures you and you start in that crusher thing?

ps. anyone else other than me who thought that "super-mario-quake2-meat-processing-plant-we-need-to-have-some-arcade-ish-platform-jumping-in-this-game"-part sucked a little? I mean what is the scientific purpose of that part of the facility?
"super-mario-quake2-meat-processing-plant-we-need-to-have-some-arcade-ish-platform-jumping-in-this-game"-part sucked a little? I mean what is the scientific purpose of that part of the facility?

Well isn't it obvious! The radioctive waste had to be stirred thoroughly so could be stirred again....and...ummmm.....pumped back and ....errr...stirred one more time.

Yeah.....damned obvious!!
i loved every bit of HL, i don't know what you are complaining about. at least it was a change of pace.
Don't get me wrong. I loved every minute of halflife too. The plot was perhaps a little questionable in places, but that was to stretch it out...and it was well worth it!
Originally posted by Calm_Blue_Ocean
Well isn't it obvious! The radioctive waste had to be stirred thoroughly so could be stirred again....and...ummmm.....pumped back and ....errr...stirred one more time.

Yeah.....damned obvious!!

what about the meat pieces you get spit in your face from those tubes?

LOL! I just realised the best part of that section of the one point the marines for some reason has put up laser-mines in a little nook above those erh...forgot the english word...tracks(?) apparently expecting people to jump around on them...or blow up the pieces of meat/radioactive-waste that comes by.... lol Valve really flunked that section of the game...although it was sort of challenging...still out of place/context to the rest of the game.
lol stupid ****, lambda was a lab in the Black Mesz how can the G-man work for it :p
Lambda was yet-another lab in BM. There was Alpha, then Beta and so on... It could be just Lab nr. 11, but Valve made it a bit more geekier.
How about... you just didnt go there? I mean, BM was huge, and you were merely escaping to the surface. Yuo didnt have to go through every single lab to do that.
Yeah, you did go there actually. When you reach the part with the female assasins (the second time) there's this big elevator that goes down. Above the elevator there's this sign that says "Lambda Core"
Lambda is actually the physics symbol for the half-life of a radioactive material.

So there you go, but this information is not free, far from it.
Ok. I never said I wanted to know what Lambda was. I want to know what it is in the GAME. What is the Lambda complex they always refer to?
THe lambda complex was just the fecking building they were working in before they started wrestling with the sexy, sexy alien invaders.

Wasnt HL 1 great? My favourite part was when the scientists got invaded.
Alright to End this thread...

Black Mesa is a research faciltiy in New Mexico.

Lamba is a part of the facility, the final part in which you venture to where you are then transported to Xen.
I thought so. Good. Thanks.

1 more question LoL. In the game doesn't it mention Arizona AND New Mexico? Also, in Surface Tension, those mountains do NOT look like Mexican mountains. They're much too big and rocky. Any answers?
Apparently Black Mesa Research Facility actually exists - in New Mexico I believe.
lambda to me would mean function. so so lambda complex would be a places with a function that produces an output.

lambda notation is used by the scientific comunity in order to express function of everykind. This includes wave and partical theory such as the ones expressed in the hl storylines.
how the hell did this thread get 3 pages long?
It´s all in the Manual