Lamp - Model


Aug 28, 2005
Reaction score
I have been asked to join a mod, as a mapper that is. I figured I would get better at modeling, and be a modeler for them instead. So here is my first model, for the mod.

Looks good, although I don't like the black connection pole, looks like you just drew it on the picture with paint :D
Give it another texture
theres already a model of one of those lamps on half life 2.
crackhead said:
theres already a model of one of those lamps on half life 2.
Well, I did say it was for a mod. (HL2 Modification) Not for hl2 or css. It doesnt really matter if their is already one for hl2 or not.

About the pole. I will change that texture aswell when I skin it.
all im saying is theres no point adding content to a mod thats already in hl2 as you can use that without people having to download it.
OCybrManO said:
I love lamp. :LOL:

But uhm yeah. Looks good with the lighting and stuff, but unless you give it a really nice skin it won't look pretty.

also how many pollies?
so like did you do the light shining on the floor effect on photoshop coz like why is there a shadow of the lamp behind it.
crackhead said:
so like did you do the light shining on the floor effect on photoshop coz like why is there a shadow of the lamp behind it.
because it isnt the only light in the environment doh.
oooh he used an insult that was popular in primary school. lol only joking the last person i said that to on this forum took it really badly.
nah not me ...u were actually justified in asking that coz it looks a bit botched.....the rim of the lamp and holder should have lit up a lot more .
i think the smoothing looks fine as it is. for some reason most modellers i talk to always insist on going overboard w/ smoothing, i think faceted faces are a good way of making low-poly areas look good, bcus it looks like it's supposed to be low-poly ;)
crackhead said:
so like did you do the light shining on the floor effect on photoshop coz like why is there a shadow of the lamp behind it.
I had a "target spot" point at the lamp, and enabled shadows. I then added a "Target spot" coming from the lightbulb in the lamp.