Land Of The Dead Premiere

Adrien C said:
Haha, check out this review I found, it's exatly what I was afraid off :
Ok first off this is not that great of a movie. It's not even that great of a zombie movie. It was just only so-so. The acting was bland and you didn't give two *****s about the characters. The gore factor was unneeded and seem to just take up time where no clever story points could come to mind. Also I don't care if George Romero was zombie king in his day because he has not learned the lesson that 28 Days Later and the Dawn Of the Dead remake has taught us


Yes sir your sleep walking dumb ass dead are back. They may have become smarter and realized how to use guns here and there but their main weapon of flesh ripping bites are just not a big deal if they only seem to walk 1 MPH. Of course they seem to have the element of surprise EVERY *****ING TIME. The "military" in the movie seem to be as good as the Canadian Navy.

What you have here is any other given post-apocalyptic movie but with with Zombies. I'm sorry but the real draw with zombies movies are right after the infection starts. The world getting taken over and people fighting for their lives and not knowing where to go or what to do. When everyone is organized and all know about them there's no real mystery or thrill to it.

Sorry George but the times have change and you broke too many rules to make the movie enjoyable.


Slow zombies
Idiot humans
Bad actors
Bad music (again Dawn of the Dead has a *****ing wicked sound track)
Lame intro
Pathetic scenery
Created a "leader" zombie


The humor when implemented was almost always spot on.
Special effects were decent
Once again used his political views in the movie without running them into the ground.
Had at least one boobie shot.

So for any Zombie fans out there hoping for greatest thing in zombie movies ever, sorry guys you'll have to wait till Zack Snyder re-makes Day Of The Dead or better yet creates one of his own.

I haven`t seen Land Of The Dead yet, but I can already tell this stupid reviewer misses the point.
He lists 28 Days Later as having Zombies for one, then goes on to say how making them run is TH3 B35T TH1NG EVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, zombies running is shite, how fast would you run with a leg that`s hanging off and skin and muscle decomposed.
This guy thinks the remake of Dawn Of The Dead is the way foward for zombie moves? Jesus I hope not, half decent film, but that was in spite of zombies running and Zombie babies, oooh and the best one, Zombies not attaking dogs? what? they eat living flesh for gods sake.
As the Shaun Of The Dead extra features put it, "Contrary to recent beliefs, the undead can`t walk all that fast" or summat along those lines :naughty:
I`m gonna enjoy this film, there is no doubt about that, and lets face it, some of the acting in the earlier movies has been pretty horrible, but because the characters were so well fleshed out, it only added to the feel of the movie.
If I want an MTV popcorn horror, I`ll wait for another running Zombie dead remake, but as I want classic Romero, I`ll take this, ta.
Ok. I'm going to a 1:50PM showing for Land of the Dead.

I'll let you guys know what I thought of it. I'll tell you now. Honestly, I'm not expecting much.
ok, good. please stop back here and let us know what you think.
kaf11 said:
ok, good. please stop back here and let us know what you think.
Ok. Here goes.

Land of the Dead. George Romero's ultimate masterpiece! Who the **** placed that label on this pile of shit?

This movie was horrible. Beyond horrible. ATROCIOUS!

LotD doesn't even compare to any Romero film, or any zombie film for that fact. What was bad, you say? Hmph. You name it. The acting, premise, storyline, opening scene, ending, special effects, directing, camera work, etc.
I honestly cannot believe this is a Romero film! Romero, what the hell happened?!

The Good:
Asia Argento was teh cuteness
It was short
I clapped at the end! Just glad it was over.

The Bad:
You name it

The Ugly:
Zombies can play instruments?
Zombies can swim?
Zombies can learn to use weapons?
What the fcuk was up with the damn armored truck?
Was there a plot?
It falls down there with House of the Dead and Resident Evil: A-Pile-Of-Crap.
Why the hell did 'Pillsbury' slap that military chick for no damn reason?!

Whatever you do, STAY AWAY FROM THIS MOVIE AT ALL COSTS! Romero should have kept it a trilogy.

I'm curious, what are some of your favorite movies?

They can do all of that stuff because if you ever watched the Dead movies, you'd realize they still remember things from their former lives, "residual memory". In Dawn of the Dead, a zombie picked up a weapon. Didn't know how to use it, but he kept it with him anyway. Near the end of the movie, he drops the rifle in favor of the assault rifle instead because he likes it better. And Stephen (zombified) remembers where they put up the fake wall to protect them.

In Day of the Dead, the scientists try to teach "Bub" how to be human again. He even talks sometimes. Then, when one of the soldiers (i forget who) kills his one of the scientists that was teaching him, Bub goes out to get justice and finds him. But, while the zombies chow down on the soldier, Bub walks away not interested in in. Land of the Dead took it another step further. Plot? Hmm, oppressed humans walled in a prison like city protected from the dead become invaded when one of the zombies becomes a leader and tries to get revene. Perhaps you missed the political and social commentary too? Please tell me you weren't expecting a Dawn of the Dead 2004 all over again.
DeusExMachinia said:

I'm curious, what are some of your favorite movies?
Shaun of the Dead
Dawn of the Dead (1978)
Day of the Dead
Matchstick Men
Office Space
The Day After Tomorrow
28 Days Later
8 Mile
A Perfect World
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Night of the Living Dead (1968)
Night of the Living Dead (1990)
Forrest Gump
Spider-Man 2
Kill Bill Volume 1
Kill Bill Volume 2
Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
The Matrix
The Matrix Reloaded
The Matrix Revolutions
The Exorcist
The Color of Money
Minority Report
Phone Booth
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Bowling for Columbine
Ocean's Eleven
Sin City
Fast Times At Ridgemont High
Breakfast Club

Five would've been fine...but ok. Your opinion is fine then, I can understand where your coming from.