Last game you were this excited about...

Ultima 9, I didn't learn after the bitter experience that was Ultima 8, Ultima 7 and 7 part 2 were just too good for me to see the light..
Originally posted by Feath
Tiberian Sun.


Yep, me too. What a sorry game =/

Second place would be TF2... that didn't work out either. I hope it isn't a trend.
Ultima IX: Ascension...

...or should I say the '95-97 isometric version. You know, the one that was going to actually be a good Ultima and was going to top UVII. Without a shadow of a doubt, the game I was looking forward to the most.


I'll never be that excited about a game again.

Screw EA and screw UO.

On a more positive note...other games that I eagerly anticipated (to good results)

Half-Life (black/blue back in the day, anyone?)
Maniac Mansion 2: Day of the Tentacle
Thief II: The Metal Age
The Curse of Monkey Island
The Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall
Bard's Tale 1, 2, & 3 for the Commadore 64

Wing Commander 3 the reason for me to give up my Amiga 500 and switch to the PC. I remember getting 8megs of memory on sale for $300 at Lowes and a DX4-100 for $100 from a guy under a bridge near Pittsburgh.

Half-Life 1

Unreal 1

Half-Life 2

Originally posted by trantjd
Duke Nukem Forever! j/k...thank god! It would suck to be eagerly awaiting that game as much as HL2.

Black and White was the only other game I've been this excited about. And when it came out, it was everything I wanted it to be...awesome AI, awesome graphics, tons of possibilities. Unfortunately, it wasn't that much fun to play through the missions and things...I never even finished the Single Player portion...but my creature was cool!

The thing is I am a big time Nukem fan, and I was waiting a while for it to come out, back in 1999-2000 I think....

But before that When I played Wolfenstein3D for the first time, me and a friend heard there was an even better game called DOOM coming out, I was looking forward to that one.

ALso, Starcraft 64 was a big anticipation for me. I remember I played it so much when I got it, I didn't piss for several hours, I held it... and I got bladder infection.
warcraft3.. shit I was so happy when I first got my hands on it.. I drooled all over the box. But then my cd broke so I cant play nemore
I dont really think ive been this excited about any game ever. DooM3 comes close, but that got pushed off onto side thoughts as soon as I heard about HL2 @ E3.
Star Wars Galaxies also came really close, I expected the end-all of MMORPG's, what a joke, turned out to be a flop.
I remeber beening really excited about Quake3 before that came out too, DooM2 was a big one also.
oh, and Metriod Prime, I was really excited about that one also, that game rocked too.
But still nothing comes close to the excitment I feel tword HL2.
Umm, none.
I have never had such high expectations for a game either.
morrowind, though I thought it was a letdown...I got shitty framerates and the engine was beautiful but horribly flawed.

and the guy who put CS is a moron.
Duke Nukem Forever is the game I've been looking out for most intensely and over the longest period.

As for games that actually were released, I'd have to say Jedi Knight.
Dark Forces got me into PC (FPS) gaming and after I'd read a magazine preview in February '97 I really went bonkers over the promise that JK held.
Fortunately, the game lived up to and even exceeded my expectations, it's my joint (with DF) second all-time favorite after HL.
Black and White. Was everyone sucked into the hype about this game?

Incidentally, I was given the chance to fly over and see Black and White II in person, and it should be pretty damn cool...
mine was....Medal of honour allied assault, also Black and white, and max payne.

medal of honour------it lived up to what i thought so good on them.

max payne-------it didn't but i still thought it was gr8.

black and white-------did but well BUGGY

indiana jones and the EMP TOMB-----very good but easy
I haven't had this much anticipation for anything (it's consuming my life). But the game that got me "back into" gaming (from the Commodore 64/Elite days) was BattleZone. I remembered playing the old vector version in the arcades as a young girl and was very curious about what they'd do with it. Blew me away at the time!
Jedi Knight. It's been a LONG time since I've been this excited.
tred no it wasn't? i thought it was cool. the graphics and te ragdoll was ok!
That game was 5 hours long!(SP)
In terms of graphics, it was very impressive, I was at my LAN gaming area, set it to Adept(or Experienced)-Beat it with my 5 hour limit at the place. And the game wasn't truely innovative, but remember, this is IMO. The special attack technique wasn't very new. And assault was gone and basically, Unreal Tournament 2004 is Epic fixing all the mistakes in UT2003
1. bf42
2. diablo 2
3. quake 3 (what a disapointment)
4. UT2k3 (another diapointment, but it was pretty)
5. warcraft 2
6 total anhilation 2 (never happened)


7. Gran-tourismo 3
Hungry Hungry Hippoes.

Video Game Wise:

Final Fantasy 7
Chrono Trigger
Chrono Cross--wank disappointing
Turok 2--wank disappointing
Final Fantasy 8--wank disappointing
Zelda 64
Zelda Windwaker--wank easy
Icewindale 2--wank crap
Divine Divinity--wank crap
Diablo 2--wank crap
Jagged Alliance 2--wank great
Silent Storm--wank wank
Medal Of Honor AA--wank okay, gotbored 3minutes into gameplay
Final Fantasy Tactics (gba)--wank great
Fallout 2--wank great
Fallout Tactics--wank great, then realize it's not anything new to JA2-- then wank disappointed
Il-Sturmovik 2--wank bought a joystick for it, realize it's very steep learning-wise, wank collecting dust
Close Combat 2--wank great
Close Combat 3--wank crap
Close Combat 4--wank crap more crap wank
GI Combat--wank crap
Ms Pacman--wank cool

that's all i can think off, gotta get back to work before my boss finds out i'm a gamer.
Got excited about:Fallout 2,Half-Life, GTA3, Wolfenstein,Jedi Outcast...

But that all pales in comparison to this, its like I'm 12 again and getting a new bike for Christmas and Christmas is early this year!!!
In reverse order:
Max Payne (wasn't disappointed, great game)
Black & White (slightly disappointed in the long term, was an amazing experience the first time I played it though)
Unreal (was a big part of the community leading up to this, slightly disappointed with the final product; the anticipation was much better than the final thing)
Quake (woo, first fully 3D FPS, not at all disappointed in this one)
Nothing. I didn't even know Half-Life exsisted until John Cook announced that he and Team Fortress Software had decided to use the Half-Life engine for TF2 instead of the Quake 2 engine. My response to reading that was, "What's Half-Life?!"

I was excited about Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun, but not this excited. And besides, C&C:TS turned out to suck anyhow.
duke nukem forever

hurry up and let the bitch out of the cage!

also gta3 and gta vice city

The last game I was excited about:

Unreal II: the awakening

but of course, that was a let down.

The last expansion pack I was excited about:

The Elder Scrolls 3: Bloodmoon. And that was no disapointement!

The games I'm currently most excited about:

1. Half-Life 2.
2. Doom 3
3. Halo 2.
4. Star Wars: Jedi Knight 3: Jedi Academy.

And Zork j/k....

Current expansion packs I'm most excited about, well, there are none really....

Unreal 2(Biggest Disappointment, Legend will never touch Unreal!!!!!!)
Unreal Championship(I don't have XBOX lol):p
Jedi Academy(It's not out yet)
Donkey Kong 64(really fun!)
Quake III Team Arena(The ending sux wtf)

wait... none of them ever came out! GAH!!
Black & White, around this sort of time, before it was released