Last Great War with new site, new media, and new theater.


May 18, 2003
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We at The Last Great War have just updated with a new website, media, and new theater. One of the biggest things coming with this update is the announcement that we're going to focus entirely on the Pacific Theater of Operations for our initial release, featuring the United States, the British, Australians, and the Japanese. If you haven't heard of The Last Great War before, we're not a brand new mod, we've been established and had steady development for over a year on Half-Life 2 now. We hope you enjoy the new website & media, and come to visit us on our new forums or IRC channel. We also would like to add that we're currently hiring multiple staff positions, so if you think you have a talent and would like to join the staff, stop by and let us know.

Heres several Renders to Highlight

Theres a lot more on the site
!! WoOOOoTT! Finally Mith, took yall long enough. ;)

Take my word for it, I've been with them since last year, and they're very good.
How come you're calling it "the last great war?"
After that come the Korean war, then Vietnam. Those two were pretty big wars, the Korean war was just about a world war, since the U.S. was going against two communist countries. Exact same thing for Vietnam actually. I just don't see WW2 as being the last "great" war?
World War I was known as the Great War, and WW2 is sorta known as the last great war.

WW2 was the last war of that scale really, even though I guess theres been 5 or 6 World Wars. There were a ton of wars from ancient times till modern times that could easily rival WW1, WW2.

The Last Great War, World War II, was the last war where was that much loss of life, on that global a scale, and it was war that forever defined and gave birth to modern warfare.
looking pretty good :D

I like the idea of focusing on the pacific theater. :)
awesome!!! pacific theater! Will you have planes in any future releases? will you also expand to other theaters? russian? european? I'm looking forward to this one
They are also working on a Single-Player Stalingrad only project after the MP.
the singleplayer element of LGW is my favorite part personally. Though it is seperate enough to be it's own mod, It's also gonna be developed on the side, so the people working on the MP dont get distracted.

Planes: We dont have any official plans for any player-controlled aircraft. What with the average max map size only being 3/4s of a square mile. Though Aircraft will play a big role in LGW, they'll fly overhead, and fire down on the map. You can get killed by a plane. And you can destroy planes if you man an AA gun.

If we're successful, we plan on living up to our original goal and do Every Theater, from the beginning. Europe (US, UK, Canada, Germany) would be the 2nd release.
yay!!! finally somebody uses canada in a mod!!! We were there as long as the british.

the single player mod is a great idea, far too often mod makers forget about single player. Keep the ideas coming ...btw I know HL2 isnt realsed but how close are to being done (obviously without the SDk the bulk of the work has yet to be done) ...10% 20%? What's your ETA for release?
we're getting lots of work done on models, sounds, skins, etc, but it's still hard to say. We're hoping for an internal alpha early 2005. Around the New Year
yeah, expect similar things from most mods, like LGW, that have been around for awhile.

of course, that's assuming Valve won't pull a crytec on us with the SDK.
cant see that happening ...Valve knows how important the mod community is, unlike crytec who shot themselves in the foot by delaying the SDK so long. Looking forward to this and other mods