last time

What a testament to maturity!

Where are the moderators when you need them?
MrBongo said:
What a testament to maturity!

Where are the moderators when you need them?

go message the moderators if you want them to come to your rescue. otherwise go to another thread, son, and stop whining. jesus.
it has nothing to do with the amount of time gone by for waiting. if iD had made the moves valve did by constantly stating release dates, then that community would be pissed off as well.

sep 30th should be underlined, since no time in history has a company been so sure of a release date, then at the last minute backed out. that alone is reason for people to be annoyed. next was holiday season. then april, then summer, now fall.

the only ones venting in this thread are the valve brown nosers. calm down

valve brown nosers are those who blindly defend valve. reading comprehension buddy, learn it. and yes its doomed, its gone, so leave.

go message the moderators if you want them to come to your rescue. otherwise go to another thread, son, and stop whining. jesus.

If you cannot see it, then i'm afraid you do not know what "Complain" means.

I was once also a dickhead like you. Trying to lure people into "traps", and the only thing you get is nothing. Which is sad since you could need a lesson or two.

Edit: Just added your latest reply, also even though i'm always keen on discussing i will stop this here just for my own sake, before i get more aggrevated.
FISKER_Q said:
If you cannot see it i'm afraid you do not know what "Complain" means.

I was once also a dickhead like you. Trying to lure people into "traps", and the only thing you get is nothing. Which is sad since you could need a lesson or two.

haha. none of those are complaints. 2 of them are reasons for complainers to be annoyed. i was explaining why. the other two i was stating how valve brown nosers are so uptight and the ones getting mad in this thread.

you fell into the trap quite nicely. now behave yourself and get on with your life.
that doesnt sound like complaing to me, he's stating valid points
Smack500 said:
When was the last time a company delayed a game for over a year.

I will buy hl2 unfortunately, but I cant beleive people are still defending valve, and have no problem with what they have done.

Yea this thread has no point so what, Im mad, or going mad whatever either way they need to just release the dern game!!!!

Lets see morrowind halo doom 3 half life 1 duke nukem forever and now half life 2. Those all were are some pretty sweet titles too dontcha think?
poseyjmac said:
it has nothing to do with the amount of time gone by for waiting. if iD had made the moves valve did by constantly stating release dates, then that community would be pissed off as well.

They actually did state 5 different release dates.

anyways sorry for the double post
poseyjmac said:
the only ones venting in this thread are the valve brown nosers. calm down

Wish you would not be soo silly.

I think most of the people standing up for valve arnt doing it specifically for Valve but because its the truth and its annoying to see a good reputation tarnished due to lies and misconceptions...
killahsin-[CE] said:
They actually did state 5 different release dates.

anyways sorry for the double post

not to the precision and the interval that valve has
actually it was pretty mjuch exactly the same as valve has. Down to the movies and everything. The "were pretty damn positive release date 3 times". Than the sketchy hints here and there. If you actually followed doom 3 like you did hl2 you would know this

KagePrototype said:
Didn't take long for this thread to degenerate.

Thats because certain individuals will always come into these threads and flame them. It's quite like clockwork, you make these sort of threads and i can name you on one hand the people who will come and troll flame these types of threads. They do it consistently, and regardless if you have any knowledge on the situation. Whether you be a game developer yourself, or just a game fan in general. There certain individuals will label you as VALVe Fanboy or HL2 fanboy whatever. Thats just how it is around here. You get used to it after a while.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Wish you would not be soo silly.

I think most of the people standing up for valve arnt doing it specifically for Valve but because its the truth and its annoying to see a good reputation tarnished due to lies and misconceptions...

there are no lies or misconceptions. go to any other forum than a hl2 related one, and people laugh at valve and mock them. only 2 companies are like that amongst gamers, 3drealms and valve. why is this?
killahsin-[CE] said:
actually it was pretty mjuch exactly the same as valve has. Down to the movies and everything. The "were pretty damn positive release date 3 times". Than the sketchy hints here and there. If you actually followed doom 3 like you did hl2 you would know this

and did you follow doom3's release date history? start posting some proof to back up your claim.
scatr99 said:
that doesnt sound like complaing to me, he's stating valid points
Oh then i'm afraid you do not know what complaining means either.
Yes I actually did follow doom 3's history. Obviously you didnt

heres the link to the first announcement of doom 3 and when carmack figured it would be released.

Edit: sorry fixed the link
The Holidays, Spring, Summer, Autumn dates for Half-Life 2 were exactly the same for Doom 3. Doom 3 had dates similar, I remember reading that it was coming out in Autumn of last year, then Spring then Summer.

When Doom 3 was announced back in 2002 (or was it 2001) do you really think that id said "yep, it'll be out in August 2004, definately"? They did, they said "when it's done" and then they gave out vague estimations, exactly like Valve are doing now.

I even read a review of a Geforce 3 graphics card which talked about Doom 3 being the first game that will utilise the card to the full. That gives an idea about when the gaming press were expecting Doom 3 to come out.

EDIT: Not that it's a bad thing, id (as well as Valve) have every right to release a game when they see fit.
killahsin-[CE] said:
Yes I actually did follow doom 3's history. Obviously you didnt

heres the link to the first announcement of doom 3 and when carmack figured it would be released.

Edit: sorry fixed the link

ok good you fixed your broken link.

this is already info i knew though. the point is valve gives release dates every few months as opposed to iD. the reason people laugh at valve is because they keep giving these dates, and its only been over a year since they announced it.

its taken valve a year and a couple months for gamers to turn valve into the mockery that 3drealms has taken years and years to turn into. why? well 3drealms doesn't tell their community every few months that the game is coming out then.
poseyjmac said:
there are no lies or misconceptions. go to any other forum than a hl2 related one, and people laugh at valve and mock them. only 2 companies are like that amongst gamers, 3drealms and valve. why is this?

Well, for a start I dont believe thats true..

But I dont have time for this at :frown: m. I may post later tho. Gota do maths now... fun.
rest in peace duke nukem fans... game delayed to ... forever :s
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Well, for a start I dont believe thats true..

But I dont have time for this at :frown: m. I may post later tho. Gota do maths now... fun.

you can be in denial if you want to. but for proof, just go to any unbiased site like, irc, look at comments on major game news sites after a news post about halflife2 was posted. you don't have to look far
Dude stop your propaganda war on HL2 lol. iD and valve have done the same thing. They both gave one solid SOLID release date than went to the when it's done philosophy. Than both companies told fansites when their projected dates were. Firstw as 2002 than summer 2003 than CHRISTMAS 2003. Than spring, than trent reznor elaves the company because of BAD management than finally the speculated august, than 2 1/2 weeks before it went gold they told everyoen the solid date.

What you are stating is garbage, its just anti valve propaganda. Your the only one here who begs for people to back up claism that are widely known throught the gamign community. Even Carmack himself admitted the delays and bad date projections.
poseyjmac said:
ok good you fixed your broken link.

this is already info i knew though. the point is valve gives release dates every few months as opposed to iD. the reason people laugh at valve is because they keep giving these dates, and its only been over a year since they announced it.

its taken valve a year and a couple months for gamers to turn valve into the mockery that 3drealms has taken years and years to turn into. why? well 3drealms doesn't tell their community every few months that the game is coming out then.

Valve haven't given dates every few months beyond dates like "Summer" or "Fall". In April Valve told journalists that the game will be out in the summer, then in July they said that the game should be out in fall (Autumn). You are talking as if every month Valve gives a date along the lines of "The game will be out on the 3rd of July" and then a week before change the date to "The 17th of August" or something.

They aren't doing that.

EDIT: And I would expect people on fansites for other games to slate Valve. This is the internet afterall, everyone turns it into a big tribal competition that sets company against company and game against game. Valve's "reputation" for missing dates makes them an easier target. Just the same as if someone on this board talked about id making bads games but good engines on this forum or some other rubbish.
poseyjmac said:
there are no lies or misconceptions. go to any other forum than a hl2 related one, and people laugh at valve and mock them. only 2 companies are like that amongst gamers, 3drealms and valve. why is this?

I dunno, make a guess. Maybe because HL2 is the closesy followed game of all time? That every fart of Gabe is posted on every selfrespecting gamesite? Perhaps because of the fact that hardly any developer has given so much insight to the development process?

Tall trees catch a lot of wind you know, and damnit, people like to see tall trees fall.

not to the precision and the interval that valve has

Stating multiple years of release and not making it is a lot more worrying than stating summer and releasing in fall.
Smack500 said:
When was the last time a company delayed a game for over a year.

You could name less games that are released on time than ones that are delayed. Its a fact of the industry that you don't seem to understand.

Half life was delayed almost exactly one year as well.

I will buy hl2 unfortunately, but I cant beleive people are still defending valve, and have no problem with what they have done.
You talk like Valve didn't have to delay the game and its been ready but they are locked up playing the game for months laughing at everyone.

Yea this thread has no point so what, Im mad, or going mad whatever either way they need to just release the dern game!!!!

Going back to the first comment, about how few games get released on time, if you take a look at games that get released to make a dealine (Tribes 2 for example) they are usually bug ridden pieces of crap.

I will defend Valve by saying when HL2 is eventually released it will be worth the wait as opposed to other delayed games (or games released on time for that matter).
poseyjmac said:
ok good you fixed your broken link.

this is already info i knew though. the point is valve gives release dates every few months as opposed to iD. the reason people laugh at valve is because they keep giving these dates, and its only been over a year since they announced it.

its taken valve a year and a couple months for gamers to turn valve into the mockery that 3drealms has taken years and years to turn into. why? well 3drealms doesn't tell their community every few months that the game is coming out then.
It's fine that you're defending them.

But instead of lying use the thing called the truth.

Of course you knew that ID Software repeatedly used releasedates, thats why Valve can give out more releasedates than ID can.

That's because you knew that Valve have only given out 2 and ID Software have given out atleast 3.

Again enough with the releasedate bullshit September 30th, and Fall.

And again to explain that almost all release dates are considered estimates unless there is an actually press release from the publisher stating otherwise. But since it's understandable you could interpret them otherwise, i'm calling them release dates.
Err, any website is biased, especially when it comes to being a gaming fansite (IE. the people who made the site obviously have interest in the topic, and therefore have an opinion about it). Furthermore, the only people that have made a "mockery" of Valve are the impatient little minded people with the attention span of a 1 year old.

I myself (and I'm sure many others) are still very respectful to Valve and its work, mainly because I choose not to throw a tantrum evey time an estimated release date is missed. I'm not going to be foolish (and ironic) by telling you to go outside/get a life, but it wouldn't hurt if you didn't get so wraped up in one game's development cycle. In any other situation, delays are just an unfortunate but unavoidable aspect in the development of something. But for you, average HL2 fan, its like Valve has taken away your reason for living whenever a date is missed, mainly because you've devoted your life to this game. Not a very healthy choice...
poseyjmac said:
Which only means you're just discussing to spread misinformation. :thumbs:

The difference is that if you've pulled of a similar trick on another board you would've been slashed up twice for posting bullshit, unfortunately we don't have near the manpower for that. Granted not everything you say are bullshit.
MrBongo said:
Err, any website is biased, especially when it comes to being a gaming fansite (IE. the people who made the site obviously have interest in the topic, and therefore have an opinion about it). Furthermore, the only people that have made a "mockery" of Valve are the impatient little minded people with the attention span of a 1 year old.

no, these websites aren't biased, they report gaming news from everywhere. biased would be a doom3 website.

many that are mocking valve don't even follow the development, they just remember what the LAST news post said about hl2 release date, and they laugh at it. then they go back to the games they care about. not everyone is as wrapped up in hl2s development as you are.

MrBongo said:
I myself (and I'm sure many others) are still very respectful to Valve and its work, mainly because I choose not to through a tantrum evey time an estimated release date is missed. I'm not going to be foolish (and ironic) by telling you to go outside/get a life, but it wouldn't hurt if you didn't get so wraped up in one game's development cycle. In any other situation, delays are just an unfortunate but unavoidable aspect in the development of something. But for you, average HL2 fan, its like Valve has taken away your reason for living whenever a date is missed, mainly because you've devoted your life to this game. Not a very healthy choice...

who are you talking to here? choose what you say wisely.
poseyjmac said:

And yet Valve has more development awards than any other dev team. From the press and from the development community. They have the only First person shooter to ever win game of the year multiple years. Only being shut down for the consequitive 3 by theif's release. But of course The fans, the media, and the development community are all just avid valve brown-nosing fanboy's right?
poseyjmac said:
no, these websites aren't biased, they report gaming news from everywhere. biased would be a doom3 website.

many that are mocking valve don't even follow the development, they just remember what the LAST news post said about hl2 release date, and they laugh at it. then they go back to the games they care about. not everyone is as wrapped up in hl2s development as you are.

who are you talking to here? choose what you say wisely.

A newssite is not to be biased nomatter what the hell they're posting news about.

Andy does(Did?) a good job with VE3D.
The point of this thread: many developers miss release dates and it is up to your biases to decide which release mishaps are okay and which are damnable.
FISKER_Q said:
Which only means you're just discussing to spread misinformation. :thumbs:

The difference is that if you've pulled of a similar trick on another board you would've been slashed up twice for posting bullshit.

is english your first language? curious
killahsin-[CE] said:
And yet Valve has more development awards than any other dev team. From the press and from the development community. They have the only First person shooter to ever win game of the year multiple years. Only being shut down for the consequitive 3 by theif's release. But of course The fans, the media, and the development community are all just avid valve brown-nosing fanboy's right?

2 rights don't make a wrong right.
FISKER_Q said:
A newssite is not to be biased nomatter what the hell they're posting news about.

Andy does(Did?) a good job with VE3D.

ehh, yes thats what i said.
poseyjmac said:
choose what you say wisely.

I would say the same to you. I've tried to be more evasive to your otherwise insulting comments, but let me be frank: Did the frontal lobotomy hurt much, or are you just naturally this way?

The purpose of this thread, and my original post, was regarding the release date of HL2 and how Valve has apparently had the worst release-track record of any game. Why can't you just smarten up and realize you're acting like a immature little twerp, who can't bother but insult people just for the sake of it (See also: Insulting posts, many of them, when to shut up). Honestly. It's like you've turned this thread into your own personal attack against myself and other members of this board.

Do yourself a favor and don't reply to anymore of these posts. If you have a problem with me, address it through the PM system- the mods will love you for it.
MrBongo said:
I would say the same to you. I've tried to be more evasive to your otherwise insulting comments, but let me be frank: Did the frontal lobotomy hurt much, or are you just naturally this way?

The purpose of this thread, and my original post, was regarding the release date of HL2 and how Valve has apparently had the worst release-track record of any game. Why can't you just smarten up and realize you're acting like a immature little twerp, who can't bother but insult people just for the sake of it (See also: Insulting posts, many of them, when to shut up). Honestly. It's like you've turned this thread into your own personal attack and myself and other members of this board.

Do yourself a favor and don't reply to anymore of these posts. If you have a problem with me, address it through the PM system- the mods will love you for it.

im the one getting attacked here. and the assumptions are flying, ones im glad to destroy. if you can't post something of value in this thread, please leave this thread to the ones who can.
poseyjmac said:
ehh, yes thats what i said.
No you said a Doom 3 site would be biased. If i didn't misunderstand you

The only thing they should be biased against is posting Doom 3 news.

You don't disclose opinions in news. Unfortunately a lot of other sites don't know that either :(
poseyjmac said:

You completely misunderstood me. I'm talking about being an easy target for people who wish to prove their favourite company is better. The reputation comes from three things:

1) They released Half-Life a year later than planned in order to turn it into a decent game. I don't think anyone would say that this was a bad thing, it was also a concious choice instead of just missing the target by a year.

2) Condition Zero coming out a lot later than expected. The change of developers were a key factor in this and Valve didn't even make the game.

3) The anticipation for Half-Life 2 was huge running up to the 30th of September. Because it was such a famous date (and game), when it was missed a lot of people thought that Valve were worse than Satan for missing it.

That's why I put reputation in quotes, it's not as deserved as people think. All developers release some games later than planned. Quake came out at least 6 months later than id first said it would. Doom had fans ringing up id saying "Just release the f'ing game already".
And what exactly is wrong posey? Why are you so biased as to say its valve and not the development community as a whole? Why must you continue to try to spread misinformation here? What interests is it of yours to try to defame valve as a good developer?

What have they done wrong here? What they have done is STANDARD practice is the game industry. Perhaps your crusade should be against the game industry on a legalality pr issue, rather than trying to defame one developer. Sure one can always agree and accept that develoeprs giving projected release date windows are a bad thing. But one must understand that it is those exact fans who are begging for such projections, whether they are right or wrong. Surely everyone is dissapointed that the game didn't come out yet. But to lie outright about other developers or this one in particular just to justify yourself here is rediculous.
FISKER_Q said:
No you said a Doom 3 site would be biased.

The only thing they should be biased against is posting Doom 3 news.

You don't disclose opinions in news. Unfortunately a lot of other sites don't know that either :(

no, i said a doom3 news site would post biased comments about halflife2, unlike an unbiased site like ve3d. next?