learn to S P E L L

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Jul 17, 2003
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I know this might get moved and please don't ban me but please people some of your spelling is hilarious...and I don't just mean those that don't speak English.

For example:

scarry (should be scary)
grodon freeman

Yeah I see lots of errors too... people really don't know how to spell very well. It angers me.
Going crazy over people mis spelling on the internet means you need to get a life. Some people type to fast but dont have the accuracy such as myself. Most people dont edit their post.
Srry, I dn't know what to say. I use speel checkers every time, blame IESpell. :)
Originally posted by d8cam
I know this might get moved and please don't ban me but please people some of your spelling is hilarious...and I don't just mean those that don't speak English.

For example:

scarry (should be scary)
grodon freeman


it's no big deal but it drives me nuts when ppl type 'then' when they mean 'than' and vice-versa

and it's SUCH a common mistake! You'd think it's a typo... but no.

like i said though, it's only a little annoyance and since this thread is kinda bout that i thought i'd mention it :)
It's not just people mistyping or misspelling words... it is the fact that most people don't know the difference between words like their, there, and they're. These aren't typos, and they just make the person look like they failed 5th grade English.
my only thing with spelling is when dumbasses use "there", "they're" and "their" in the wrong places. other than that i dont really give a shit ;)
I think you should be telling them to "Learn to type" instead of "Learn to spell" (Of course I think both could apply to some here).
Originally posted by d8cam


It should be something like:



it's not that hard to spell correctly, its more of a difficulty to have everyone use proper grammer.
i would love to see everyone to spell at least the simple things correctly
i dont care if u goofed up environmentalists, but if you screw up elite hacker and say "leet haxor" obviously you have played counter-strike way to much, and need to at least listen to your english teacher
I can't stand abbreviations. U instead of you, 2 instead of two, etc. It's not that hard to type out the full word, people. I also hate the lack of puncuation on the internet. Especially paragraphs made up of one sentence, and simple things such as capitalizing the beginning of each sentences and certain nouns.

Now, for a bit of irony.

it's not that hard to spell correctly, its more of a difficulty to have everyone use proper grammer.

You mean grammar? :D
yuo konw, trehe was a sudty dnoe swhonig taht as lnog as all the ltrtees of the wrod are terhe and the fsrit and lsat lrtetes of the wrod dn'ot cagnhe, tehn you sulohd siltl be albe to raed it bcuaese yuor mnid feixs the wrdos. Itesnrsetnig, no?
Originally posted by d8cam

you know me? dont ever call me an idiot! none of you know me

yes, i was wrong to say what i said earlier in this post but its SO predictable...all the points i just made are legit so dont throw your comebacks at me just to make yourself feel better

d8cam, I found this in another thread reply of yours. Spelling, I can forgive, except it kinda ticks me off when people say "looser" instead of "loser"; that one really gets me.

But what annoys me more is punk smartass kids, flapping thier jaws as if they know something. Work on your punctuation, kid, before you go acting superior.
Learn to post your whiney complaints in the, "General Off-Topic Chat":flame:
what about the infamous "your" and "you're"? i almost never see people type "you're stupid", i guess because the people who would resort to random insults aren't the ones who would give a damn about expressing themselves intelligently.
Aww, som peeple cant help it. Its not there falt.

I think you're just beeing crewl.

eye all ways make sure eye use spell checker sew eye dont have spelling miss steaks.
I get annoyed by people who are 30 and still don't know their theres.
Originally posted by JonTheCanuck
eye all ways make sure eye use spell checker sew eye dont have spelling miss steaks.

Ahh thats funny. lol.
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
improper spelling just makes you look less intelligent...people can still understand you, but they just assume you're dumb in most cases.

also don't forget people using your for you are.

your gonna die! <---------bugs me so much...i even went as far as putting it in my sig.
Originally posted by xelios
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.

Welcome to yesterday!! D:
you shouldnt flame anyone for spelling mistakes. Its not like we are in english class taking spelling tests. Worry about yourselves, im sure you have made mistakes before..
What does this have to do with Half-Life 2? Moved to off-topic.
Originally posted by Maskirovka
improper spelling just makes you look less intelligent...people can still understand you, but they just assume you're dumb in most cases.

also don't forget people using your for you are.

your gonna die! <---------bugs me so much...i even went as far as putting it in my sig.

intelligent and educated are two different things. Just because someone misspells a word doesnt mean they are less intelligent. You can not know how to spell a single word and still be extremely intelligent :)
just trying to prove a point, im not out to flame anyone. Im not saying I dont make mistakes , I probably got tons of them but you see ? you also make spelling errors and you have no idea of it.

Maskirovka you misspelled the word ridiculous on this thread but i dont think you're less intelligent http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=12407

d8cam you misspelled the word obligatory on this thread

I can go on and find errors for everyone but that would be a total waste of my time. I repeat IM NOT TRYING TO FLAME YOU!!!! Im just trying to prove a point. everyone makes mistakes :\
Originally posted by d8cam
I know this might get moved and please don't ban me but please people some of your spelling is hilarious...and I don't just mean those that don't speak English.

For example:

scarry (should be scary)
grodon freeman


I couldnt really give a fu-ck if you like my spelling or not....

If you can understand what im saying .........i dont know what the problem is.
Re: Re: learn to S P E L L

Originally posted by crabcakes66
I couldnt really give a fu-ck if you like my spelling or not....

If you can understand what im saying .........i dont know what the problem is.
Which is exactly why all those spelling-nitpickers are annoying as hell. As long as people understand eachother everything is allright.
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