Least And Most Favorite Era of Recorded Human History


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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So what'll it be for you guys? Mention what you hate and love and why.

For what I love, I love Medieval history. I don't think there's any other era of human development that interests me most than the battlefields and castles of this time period. The armor is great, the style of warfare is spectacular in the way it is waged. There's also something very romantic about this time period.

As far as least enjoyed, I'd have to go with the late part of the renaissance and all of the victorian era. Everything within is just... dull. The style of dress is lame, the warfare is completely retarded... there's just little that I can speak positively about on a personal preference. I mean sure it brought the world out of the middle ages, but why the hell would I want that if I liked it so much? :P

Kind of a strange topic, but I'm curious to hear what people have to say.

I don't think a poll is necessary.
I prefer eras where toilet paper has been invented ..like right now is good

I wouldnt want to live through the inquisition or pretty much any time where there's a really good chance I'd be burnt at the stake for heresy

Inquisitor: "Stern, do you accept the lord as your rightful god?" <brandishes red hot iron poker>

Stern: "ya sure why not"

Inquistor: "well, alrighty then" <frees Stern>

worst period: probably during the 50's red scare, mccathey era ..or canada 1939 at age 18 ..it's off to war for me :(
Religion isn't even a factor for me when I think about the Middle Ages. The Muslims waged war against each other, the Catholics waged war against each other. Great times. Siege weapons, armor, weaponry. <drools>
Romans FTW. If I could, I would give up all the luxuries of today's society just to be a Praetorian in a Roman army and experience the craziness of a multi-thousand person melee, and to stand next to a trebuche as it launches its disease ridden animal corpses.

Least favorite would be early human life, with just tribes and villages. BORING
Religion isn't even a factor for me when I think about the Middle Ages. The Muslims waged war against each other, the Catholics waged war against each other. Great times. Siege weapons, armor, weaponry. <drools>

hot lead, red hot pokers, thumb screws, bubonic plague, life expectancy 40, the female douche hasnt been invented yet
hot lead, red hot pokers, thumb screws, bubonic plague, life expectancy 40, the female douche hasnt been invented yet

Well if you're expecting to live to old age, then yeah it would suck. But I would go out early and with a bang.
Anything between WWI and the end of the 60's is interesting.

Not a big fan of medivial stuff, learning about it in class makes me depressed just because it's such a bad way of living.
I hate learning about the american cival war the most though.
The Yusin Constitution Era of the 70s.

Hell yeah! Martial Law! The military used to get all the punks and chav-like entities, and march them in front of people in the streets, with signs hanging from their necks: "I am a stupid punk, I will recieve justice." And then they would be sent to Chungnam Education facility (which I believe has fallen apart but still exists today).

Worst period? The 1910 ~ 1945, Japanese occupation.

Masscres, human experimentation, revocation of independance and dignity, etc.
I don't like Dark Ages (Medieval Era).
And I love Cold War (especially 60's) also I like Ancient Egypt and Cetlic history.
I'd both love to see the Pre-History era - the thrill of the Hunt and the Roman era in the time of the fall of the Empire. Worse time to be in IMO would be during the Red Scare and the 50-60's.
Why would the red scare be the worst time ever? I firmly believe that Mccarrthy had put some sense into American heads.

Of course, he might have gone a tad little bit too far.
That whole thing with Red Scare and McCarthyism is ridiculous when you realize how many people commies killed in Europe and Asia.
OMG some Americans lost their jobs!
Rome. If you were a patrician, you lived in complete royalty with slaves that waited on you 24/7.
For the Red Scare more the fact that its such an amoral time period...
Best: probably the prehistoric times when you had to beat the shit out of the saber tooth tiger that stole your dinner. I wouldn't want to be a hairy Neanderthal though; I would want to be a person similar to todays features but ripped as a mother ****er.

Worst: The middle ages during the era of the bubonic plague. You wake up one morning to discover that a flea has bitten your genetillia; from there, you're pretty much ****ed.
Best: now.

Worst: anything before now.

Anyone who is willing to go back to the Middle Ages is batshit insane.
As long as we're talking what interest me:

Best: The Roman Empire, the Viking age, The 1600s and 1700s european power struggles, the colonial age, WWI and WWII.
Worst: The Greek cities and 1000-1500 Europe.

If we're talking about when I would want to live, then it's of course at the present.
You wouldn't love the Middle Ages if you LIVED in it. Enjoy your dysentery spurred explosive diarhhoea.
It's not about where you'd prefer to live... it's about what era fascinates you most... whether it be the cultures of the time, technology in its design and use, etc etc etc.
The Steampunk Era, with the dwarves and the elves and- oh, wait.


There are two Eras that really interest me. First would be the 50s - early 70s, because of mainly music, cultural insecurities, and America. And the other would be the Roman Era, which was awesome.
It's not about where you'd prefer to live... it's about what era fascinates you most... whether it be the cultures of the time, technology in its design and use, etc etc etc.
Caveman Era. It looks so sophisticated from that show and those geico commercials.
As far as least enjoyed, I'd have to go with the late part of the renaissance and all of the victorian era. Everything within is just... dull. The style of dress is lame, the warfare is completely retarded... there's just little that I can speak positively about on a personal preference.

What are you talking about?!!?! :eek:

The renaissance was a peak of civilisation, it's the period of time that took us out of the dark ages, it's where the lavish cathedrals came from, and there were massive booms in all sorts of areas; the arts and sciences particularly.

Then the victorians brought with them the industrial revolution, as well as pretty much inventing modern firearms (rifling, the gattling gun etc...). They also brought things back from india and the colonies which helped to improve culture and public knowledge of the world

What part of the style did you not like of the victorians? They wore exquisite dresses and 3 piece suits (the rich people anyway), I'm sure they would see jeans and a tshirt as rediculous

As for the warfare, dressing up in a steel can and beating each other to death with a sword may be your idea of absolute genius warfare techniques but i'de take a rifle like the retarded victorians did ;)

(btw, this is just since your interested, i dunno if you know or not but plate armour didn't actually come around till quite late in the medieval period, before that they just used chain mail over cloth, and slightly later moved onto, i can't remember the name, but it was basically little metal disks sewn together and worn, iirc, over the chain mail)
Favourite would be Roman era, least favourite would be ancient Egypt
History is something I find really intresting, there is no time period that bores me! Although the republican rome era the most instresting.

(btw, this is just since your interested, i dunno if you know or not but plate armour didn't actually come around till quite late in the medieval period, before that they just used chain mail over cloth, and slightly later moved onto, i can't remember the name, but it was basically little metal disks sewn together and worn, iirc, over the chain mail)

It is quite instresting that gothic plate armour was invented after firearms, it is a myth that the introduction of firearms rendered plate armour obsolete. Heavy metal armour was worn by soldiers into the mid 17th century.
That whole thing with Red Scare and McCarthyism is ridiculous when you realize how many people commies killed in Europe and Asia.
OMG some Americans lost their jobs!

what does people dying in eastern europe and china have to do with the red scare in north america? why would I live in the eastern block/china? I dont live there now, so why would I purposefully chose to live there in some what if scenario? (what if we lived on the surface of the sun!!!) that's like saying I want to live in africa but my only choice is during the rwandan genocide
I do dark ages renactment. I tell you what, if you hate the whole "rat race" thing, the dark ages had something going for it. A weekend on an authentic camp site, with no mobiles or any sort of tech more sophisticated than a wooden spoon is very very relaxing.
All periods of history are actually really interesting when you look into them, but I'm most attracted to what I percieve as periods of great change...the birth of the early modern era in the 16th/17th centuries...the years leading up to and following the French and American revolutions...the end of the Victorian century and the beginning of the 20th...

It's no co-incidence that these periods roughly correspond to the lifetimes of some of my favourite artists, writers, etc.


Anyone who is willing to go back to the Middle Ages is batshit insane.
Best: now.

Worst: anything before now.

Anyone who is willing to go back to the Middle Ages is batshit insane.


I absolutely hate the Middle Ages. Especially when I think about how far we would be today (technology wise) if that damn period of stagnation had never existed...

And as for a period I would like to live in well maybe 100-200 years in the future.
As simple favorites: Roman Empire throughout most of its history, some sections of the middle ages (not the bubonic plague, for example). Now and possibly 100 years or so from now if we don't kill ourselves.

Least favorites: Anything earlier than 1000 BCE or so, hippies, Renaissance somewhat (though some parts are interesting, the rest I just don't like)...

For where I would go: Rome, if guaranteed a position of at least moderate wealth. Slaves ftw.
Middle Ages wasn't just a long period of stagnation and poverty, it was a quite dynamic period.
What are you talking about?!!?! :eek:

The renaissance was a peak of civilisation, it's the period of time that took us out of the dark ages, it's where the lavish cathedrals came from, and there were massive booms in all sorts of areas; the arts and sciences particularly.

Then the victorians brought with them the industrial revolution, as well as pretty much inventing modern firearms (rifling, the gattling gun etc...). They also brought things back from india and the colonies which helped to improve culture and public knowledge of the world

What part of the style did you not like of the victorians? They wore exquisite dresses and 3 piece suits (the rich people anyway), I'm sure they would see jeans and a tshirt as rediculous

As for the warfare, dressing up in a steel can and beating each other to death with a sword may be your idea of absolute genius warfare techniques but i'de take a rifle like the retarded victorians did ;)

(btw, this is just since your interested, i dunno if you know or not but plate armour didn't actually come around till quite late in the medieval period, before that they just used chain mail over cloth, and slightly later moved onto, i can't remember the name, but it was basically little metal disks sewn together and worn, iirc, over the chain mail)

I know all of that man... but the Victorian era was just drab for me. I mean sure everything was colorful and great, and it changed the world, but it just didn't really interest me as a period of history.

I don't think medieval warfare is genius, but what I like about it is that I like the idea of large armies facing off against each other and hashing it out like you see in Braveheart. It wasn't always like that, but many battles were. I don't like the idea of troops standing hundreds of yards away from each other and just unloading with gunshot after gunshot.

And about the armor, full plate armor was developed and used during the 13th and 14th centuries. But it's not just plate armor that I like. I love leather armor, chain mail, scale mail... you name it.

I guess I just can't explain it well enough. All I can say is that the medieval period of history is one that evokes the most thought and excitement from me.
You ever study the early modern period? You might like it. The dominant structures of the medieval period, both ideological and material, were collapsing or being overthrown - but people were aware of the 'chivalric' past they were losing, and many felt a kind of nostalgia for the certainties of the old beliefs...to live in that time was to live in two worlds: the receding, feudal past, and the oncoming capitalist future.

Also Shakespeare lol.
I wonder how it would feel be a barbarian, pillaging villages and killing and taking the womans and fvck them...

it would have been awsome
We're being asked which is the most interesting, not that which we'd most like to experience in person, correct?

Very early civilization (Mesopotamia, Hittites, learning to scrawl in cuneiform, the like) really doesn't interest me.

The most fascinating to me would probably be the 15th-17th centuries where the sciences began to take off in the atmosphere of the renaissance, and the world began a change due to the invention of the printing press. In probably a larger way than the Internet is changing our current landscape (who here remembers what life was like before the Internet?) the printing press transformed the landscape of that time.
I know all of that man... but the Victorian era was just drab for me. I mean sure everything was colorful and great, and it changed the world, but it just didn't really interest me as a period of history.

Might I humbly suggest you read the Flashman series by George MacDonald Frasier? I think it may sway your opinion.

Also, since I'm here already, time to bust out my pimp collection of warriors:

Early Middle Ages:

High Middle Ages:

Late Middle Ages:


Everyone was just as concerned about killing everyone else during the Renaissance as they were during the Middle Ages. Don't make the mistake thinking it was a time of peace. The early modern era also had Spaniards whaling on Aztecs, which is kickass.
The Victorian era was awesome.
Peak of the Empire.
Huge feats of engineering.
Prudish conservative values.
Union flags everywhere.
Wars in far-flung places for no particular reason.
Dodgy moustaches.

My most favourite era, from where my interest lies (not where I want to live! I'm quite happy here, thanks) would be the time between the 20s and the 60s.
My least favourite age was the one where Robots enslaved mankind. Or anything before the Roman Empire. I'm quite interested in Empires you see, I hope to build my own one day.