Leave us alone!


ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
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In an attempt to cease the insane flooding of fanboys to all the major Half-Life 2 sites and causing several web servers to burst into flames, Doug Lombardi has issued a press release.[br]
If you have purchased a copy of Half-Life 2, we are sorry you are still waiting to play. This is not Valve's choice. Vivendi is insisting that the game has not yet been released, and has threatened that Valve would be in violation of its contract if we activate the Half-Life 2 Steam authentication servers at this time.[br]
Thanks for your patience and we will update you when we have more news to share.
There you go folks you’re all waiting until the 16th. It’s not too long to wait now is it? Now don’t go out and start rallying outside Vivendi’s offices with pitch forks. The game was never meant to be available until the release date so go blame the retailers for breaking the agreement.
Amen. You people have waited this long, can't you wait a few more days? (By the way, have you checked your e-mail lately, Munro?)
NOthing new then heih?
Hehe and the wait continues.
The sad fact is stupid retailers sold the game early. Valve and Vivendi are not to blame for you not being able to play the game before it's release date. There's no reason you should.
After the release of hl2 Valve should just break the contract with those ass hats"VU" and just use steam it would give them more freedom..
People can't wait 2 ****ing days? :LOL: after waiting 2188 days. I'm not even slightly bothered HL2 comes out in 2 days really, heh...i'm more than happy just playing wow till the end of beta before i think about installing HL2. :p
And the hatred level for VUG continues to rise. I hope those pricks reads this & are generally aware on how the gaming community feels about them. I bet they don't give a rats ass but they should. Mark my words :)

I can wait though. Seems I don't have much of a choice does it? :)
i don't mind waiting, i haven't got the game and haven't preordered yet. oh well.
Well, speaking as a customer who is had the game on his drive for a month, yet unable to play it all I can think is "what is that German word that mean guilty pleasure at others misfortune?"

OTOH, would it have killed V&V to put a sticker on the box saying "you need an internet connection to play this game AND you can't play before Nov 16 anyway".

(Hey, what if I set my computer clock forward, that would work, right? :dork: )
Glo-Boy said:
Who is complaining? The game comes out in two days!!

I am... Tuesday is a workday and it is 3 workdays away from the weekday, meaning I can't stay up to 5am playing the game, meaning the experience will be less.... pleasurable. :)
Ok let's go out and start rallying outside Vivendi’s offices with pitch forks!

The idocy increases with every pasing minute.
Its not that i dont like Vivendi its just that i hate them :thumbs: :angry:
Munro said:
The sad fact is stupid retailers sold the game early. Valve and Vivendi are not to blame for you not being able to play the game before it's release date. There's no reason you should.

if you look at it this way , vu broke it's own date by sending it to retailers a little to early , so vu is at fault not the stores :hmph:
They have to send it early if you want it to be available at the stores on release day. They should have been kept in backstock.
Damn VU, still couldnt valve somehow unlock it for the people who have it on steam. Vu can't sue valve for that. Anyway if its 2 more days then let it be 2 more days and no more!!!
:E this has been the most excited i've been about a game ever. And it's been so much fun....Steam spikes, forums going down...can we think of something to do next which would make the lead up to the HL2 release even more memorable? (within legal limits)
Titar said:
would it have killed V&V to put a sticker on the box saying "you need an internet connection to play this game AND you can't play before Nov 16 anyway".
Well it does say you need a net connection to play.
Robinhood_01 said:
:E this has been the most excited i've been about a game ever. And it's been so much fun....Steam spikes, forums going down...can we think of something to do next which would make the lead up to the HL2 release even more memorable? (within legal limits)
:O Half-Life 3 anyone? :) It'll be a blast.
Man, Even these forums went down! All I have to say here comes the hype! :borg: Again!
Anyone here any good at reverse engineering?

I've got the encryption key (they use crypto++, an open-source encryption library), and AES. I got the key debugging a "unlocking half-life 2 files" update a while ago.

I just can't figure out what I need to do to get the SteamRepairOrDecryptCaches export working.

TheOriginalEvil said:
They Said If Retailers Break The Release Date, They Would Unlock It Early!!!!!!

Granted but common sense dictates that if one can avoid having one's arse sued off, one should do so.

\Bu*reau"cra*cy\, n. [Bureau + Gr. ? to be strong, to govern, ? strength: cf. F. bureaucratie.] 1. A system of carrying on the business of government by means of departments or bureaus, each under the control of a chief, in contradiction to a system in which the officers of government have an associated authority and responsibility; also, government conducted on this system.
I hate it too! Oh..

The release date is the 16th, period and has been for awhile. While it would have been great to have it unlocked tonight I'm not sure why people get so worked up about it. Yes we're all looking forward to it, but there's no good reason to believe they would just activate it for everyone just because stores are selling it early. Valve and VU have enough legal crap going on between them already without Valve activating the game for everyone early.