Leave us alone!

HybridM said:
The only 'asshatery' I see is from the supposed fans. Why on earth do you (the fans) think you have a right to play the game before its release date? Vivendi can't ship the game on the release date; stores have to be stocked up for people to buy the game on that day. So the responsibility lies with the retailer who shouldn't have sold the game early.

But they did, and who cares? The people that have it can't play it anyway, and that's the way it should be. A worldwide simultaneous release is the best way to quash piracy.

Authenticating with steam is a pain for sure, but profit comes first (it would for you too if you ran a company) and the minor inconvencience and very VERY small loss in sales (to people who don't have 'Net connections, or are tools and don't buy in protest) is nullified by the drop in piracy.

Get over it, it's two days.

btw, this was not a personal attack on the quoted member.

Quoted for being absolutely spot on. It is not Vivendi or Valve's fault, it is the retailers who have decided to sell early. :hmph:
Look on the bright side, now HL2 has all the hallmarks of a truely great game. Not only is the gameplay groundbreaking (or so I heard, well at least a little anyway) but so will the legal precidences set be. :hmph:
Lol, im getting sick of everyone whining about releasing Hl2 right now
For god's sake, it's two days! :bounce:

I'm not going to any HL2 related boards untill i have played the game.
When i'm not at work or eating, i'll be sleeping. Time will pass on quickly... and i'll need the extra hours of sleep anyway, because i'll be pulling some all nighters with this baby :p
I have been reading the prima guide, & man the tricks you can pull not just with the grav gun but with the ordinary guns is phenominal!!!

I can see myself getting caught up in playing with the physics let alone the story.. hehe

so what if it's been sold early & a few peeps are upset, the 16th will be here soon enough & all the whining will be forgotten as we all tuck into the feast that is Half-Life 2........

I'm one of the few who actually went out and physically purchased the game today. (Best Buy in Oklahoma) I know two days isn't really that long...but I really don't like the fact that I just spent 60 bucks on a game that i'm "not allowed" to play untill the 16th. I moved out of my parents house a long time ago, yet for some reason I feel like i'm being grounded for someone elses mistake. My homework is done, I ate my veggies, AND I spent $60 on your game...this makes me want to return the game and just wait 4 more days to just pirate it. Dont get me wrong, I want to support a great game like HL2...but this is a little shady.
It's like opening up a toy for xmas and then finding out you can't play with it for two more days because thats when you'll get the batteries for it. But hey, if it was an honest mistake then oh well, shit happens, but if not then :sniper: :naughty: (just kidding)
Perfoman85 said:
I'm one of the few who actually went out and physically purchased the game today. (Best Buy in Oklahoma) I know two days isn't really that long...but I really don't like the fact that I just spent 60 bucks on a game that i'm "not allowed" to play untill the 16th. I moved out of my parents house a long time ago, yet for some reason I feel like i'm being grounded for someone elses mistake. My homework is done, I ate my veggies, AND I spent $60 on your game...this makes me want to return the game and just wait 4 more days to just pirate it. Dont get me wrong, I want to support a great game like HL2...but this is a little shady.
You can't wait 4 days? C'mon, I've owned this game for a month and a half, 90% percent of it is downloaded on my computer. What makes you so special that you deserve to play it before everyone else?
brink's said:
You can't wait 4 days? C'mon, I've owned this game for a month and a half, 90% percent of it is downloaded on my computer. What makes you so special that you deserve to play it before everyone else?

LMFAO its like kids who can't wait for Christmas so that their rich parents let them open one for each day in December.
Tell me about it. Just wait until the 2nd to play the game like the rest of us normal people. I have been waiting for this game since it was first announced...I dont want any whining people ruining the release of this game just because they are too impatient.
I'm too lazy to look, but will the game be leased 12:00 A.M. on Monday morning?
Thanks, news site. Telling me to "leave you alone" will surely boost your site ratings.

ExarKun said:
1 day and 10 minutes to go. Is the prima guide any good?

the prima guide is excellent, & includes strategy guides for Counter Strike Source too :)
I just hope that theres not a problem activating one million+ copies at the same time. I don't know how many steam sells there are but counting those and the sales of eastern and central time zones and the ones sold early there could be that many.
What I can't believe, in ALL this discussion, is that not one of you has mentioned what *time* they will be releasing Half-Life 2. Is it midnight? And if so, which US timezone? I mean seriously, us Aussie and other international players who've also been waiting forever would like to know just when we can hit the magic refresh button and get the game working.

Titar said:
I do have one question however, why did Valve (or Vivendi??) choose 12 AM Western time? Since it was a world wide release couldn't they have picked any time zone?

Of course they could have picked any timezone. They picked PST. :p

(Yes, I live on the left coast. MUAHAHAHAHA!)
What I can't figure out is why all the kids are mad at Vivendi. VU is the publisher and therefore decides the release date. They set the date for the 16th. If a few retailers start selling the game before the date, that's their fault, not VU's.
ya know what sucks...i live on the east coast so i have to wait till tuesday morning to play cause i aint staying up to 3am, i feel bad for people like in UK and such
Alright, See everybody tomorrow, me in Vietnam, so I'll be playing at 3:00PM (Nov 16th) and all of my dating/scheduled/meeting has been cancelled. 18 hours more, better finish all you works prepare for the best condition.

City 17 - We Are Moving In :naughty:
Homie said:
Lol, im getting sick of everyone whining about releasing Hl2 right now

God dammit boy! Change your Avatar picture its confusing! :sleep:
Hopefully this will teach the world a good lesson about product activation: It does not always work. And when it does work, it pisses alot of consumers off.