Leave us alone!

Wesisapie said:
no they didnt! that was a shacknews opinion/rumour

Well, they kind of did, but they were talking about a more "official" release, not a few people getting a copy from their buddy on the inside. It all has to do with neither Valve or Vivendi getting an edge over the other (or more than they have already)
ttoastt said:
I hate it too! Oh..

The release date is the 16th, period and has been for awhile. While it would have been great to have it unlocked tonight I'm not sure why people get so worked up about it. Yes we're all looking forward to it, but there's no good reason to believe they would just activate it for everyone just because stores are selling it early. Valve and VU have enough legal crap going on between them already without Valve activating the game for everyone early.

My point was that there is no actual reason except the agreement to keep us waiting until Tuesday.

You must understand that since the wait has been so long, people might be a bit revved up now that the release date is so close. :)
lol dont matter to me much anyway, no way Im getting up at 8am for a game no way no how, Ill wait untill the evening
TheOriginalEvil said:
They Said If Retailers Break The Release Date, They Would Unlock It Early!!!!!!

I bet you valve said this because they know if retailers break the release date it doesn't matter because steam has to authenticate it to unlock it on the 16th. This was infact a smart move by valve this insures no one will get to play the game before anyone else. If a retailer broke the release date and you could actually play the game i would see that as a problem which may result in releasing it instantly. Valve has certainly thought this out and has no reason to release it a day early because no one has played the "Offical version" of hl2 before anyone else(besides reviewers). Please guys dont get your hopes up its less than 56hrs away. :afro:
My Girlfriend works in the stock room of a large PC Store in the UK. She says that according to her details from head-office, they were suppoed to put out H-L2 on the shop floor ont he 14th, even though it isnt released till the 16th.

She decided not to put it out in our shop till the 16th (she's a HL fan too), but this probably means a few stores have actually, already sold it. :/
People should go out more often if they cant wait 1 day, 14 hours and 4 minutes for HL2 at this point.

If you cant go out, play Vietcong, HL, CS. Play what you want so that time is not so long. Just do something else than cry here about that why VALVe wont give us HL2 today or tomorrow.

If VALVe release HL2 today, I would go and shoot Gabe, because that would suck for me. Because I´m buing HL2 from store called Bdog at tuesday.

I think here is no any point and full of bad words, sorry about that..I just wake up!
After the release of hl2 Valve should just break the contract with those ass hats"VU" and just use steam it would give them more freedom..

The only 'asshatery' I see is from the supposed fans. Why on earth do you (the fans) think you have a right to play the game before its release date? Vivendi can't ship the game on the release date; stores have to be stocked up for people to buy the game on that day. So the responsibility lies with the retailer who shouldn't have sold the game early.

But they did, and who cares? The people that have it can't play it anyway, and that's the way it should be. A worldwide simultaneous release is the best way to quash piracy.

Authenticating with steam is a pain for sure, but profit comes first (it would for you too if you ran a company) and the minor inconvencience and very VERY small loss in sales (to people who don't have 'Net connections, or are tools and don't buy in protest) is nullified by the drop in piracy.

Get over it, it's two days.

btw, this was not a personal attack on the quoted member.
I do have one question however, why did Valve (or Vivendi??) choose 12 AM Western time? Since it was a world wide release couldn't they have picked any time zone? (OK, so I am selfeshly hoping they would have picked the Eastern time zone so I could play at 9:00 PM Monday)

Munro said:
Now don’t go out and start rallying outside Vivendi’s offices with pitch forks. The game was never meant to be available until the release date so go blame the retailers for breaking the agreement.

Oh no! It's Dr. Shim, the insane FANBOY!! :naughty:

I must rally... Must... Rally... [Bing!] How about I rally infront of EB? God, I'm so cool. :cheers:
Titar said:
I do have one question however, why did Valve (or Vivendi??) choose 12 AM Western time? Since it was a world wide release couldn't they have picked any time zone? (OK, so I am selfeshly hoping they would have picked the Eastern time zone so I could play at 9:00 PM Monday)

hehe, i agree (selfeshly) :) i think alot of people that went crazy at Valve and Vivendi with out any logical reasoning should just chill out, we've come to a point in time where we can actually add up the hours until the realease.
well...2 days is'nt that long.....or it is....damn :(
just to throw a spanner in the works... but what if this causes a delay??? I mean the game can go on sale on the 16th, but ultimately, Vivendi make the decision as to when Valve are allowed to throw the switch on the servers... HL2 - released Jan 2005.. LOL

btw.. this is not a trolling post, just having a laugh about the situation :)
wibblemonster said:
just to throw a spanner in the works... but what if this causes a delay??? I mean the game can go on sale on the 16th, but ultimately, Vivendi make the decision as to when Valve are allowed to throw the switch on the servers... HL2 - released Jan 2005.. LOL

btw.. this is not a trolling post, just having a laugh about the situation :)

no they dont. Valve can switch on the servers the moment HL2 come out on the 16th. Vivendi cant stop them, which is why theyre getting so pissed off.
Tight-ass Llama said:
no they dont. Valve can switch on the servers the moment HL2 come out on the 16th. Vivendi cant stop them, which is why theyre getting so pissed off.
Which is also why they're threatening Valve right now.

Vivendi are pissed off in great measures over Steam so they nitpick. Well good for them, I can wait some 44 hours.

In fact I'm going to go get some food and actually do something now.
I see.. well good for Valve.. and us!!!

also if u live in the UK, PC World have copies of the prima books in stock :D
Why are people mad at Vivendi over this? You should be mad at the pricks sitting behind the counter's of the game stores. Actually, you shouldn't be mad at all as this game isn't supposed to come out before November the 16th. Calm the **** down.
cyt0plas said:
Anyone here any good at reverse engineering?

I've got the encryption key (they use crypto++, an open-source encryption library), and AES. I got the key debugging a "unlocking half-life 2 files" update a while ago.

I just can't figure out what I need to do to get the SteamRepairOrDecryptCaches export working.


You have to connect the main source to the reverse engineered source and then put the encrypted key in between. When the encrypted key turns red, you must react very fast! In 2 seconds you have to put it in de SteamRepairOrDecryptCaches code and then it will open! Good Luck!
I can't believe the wait is almost over. Only two more days.
Seems such a short waiting time now, those 6 years :)
cyt0plas said:
Anyone here any good at reverse engineering?

I've got the encryption key (they use crypto++, an open-source encryption library), and AES. I got the key debugging a "unlocking half-life 2 files" update a while ago.

I just can't figure out what I need to do to get the SteamRepairOrDecryptCaches export working.

Silly Valve, so they make an effort to encrypt the whole thing and then they accidently put the secret key into one of the unencrypted files?
First time I herd that Valve would release over steam if one vendor released early, I immedately thought two things.

1. There is no way in hell every vendor will wait till the 16th.

2. There is no way in hell it's being released via steam untill the 16th. No matter what.

So far I have been right for every release date... as far as if it's happening or not. Same thing here. Although I didn't think it would be delayed over a year, but o well. Just 2 days now. :devil:

Perhaps I should state my opnions on relase dates BEFORE they happen for HL3 so I won't look like I'm making that up? :p
HL3? ha, those guys are so burnt out making HL2 that I doubt there will ever be a HL3. But then again, if a mass hysteria becomes of HL2, maybe they would reconsider.

Oh, I say Steam it a go on Monday, just to piss Vivendi off.
i hope it not, my hl2 isn't even dispatched yet :(
damn nobody working sundays...
Oxygenetic said:
Amen. You people have waited this long, can't you wait a few more days? (By the way, have you checked your e-mail lately, Munro?)

no... no they can't *looks at rapid gun tootin madfanboy* ..... *gulp*
Fools. If you get so obcessive over it and hype yourself up it wont seems as good as you expect it to be. If you just buy it when you feel like buying it and try and convince yourself that its really crap but you will buy it anyway just to be cool :p then when you play it, it will feel 10 times better
Its not so hard to believe that retail stores kept old release date info for HL2. What is hard to believe is that in a computer store there wasn't someone who knew what the actual release date was without referring to out of date papers from head office. I can't believe that a retail store sole HL2 early by accident. Still i expect VUG will have some words with them and threaten to withold future releases (but i have never seen that happen) ...
just over 1 day to wait... so gutted I couldn't get tuesday off work.. I'm gonna have to play it in the departure lounge of Gatwick airport. hehe
No one has mentioned this possibility yet

No one has really mentioned this possibility yet: over at the inquirer http://www.theinquirer.net, they are suggesting that perhaps it's not even the retailers fault - that in fact, Vivendi Universal may have given the orders to sell early in order to cut into Valve's Steam profits.

Remember - anything that Valve sells on Steam, VU gets nothing from. If relationships between the two are really as bad as they seem, this seems like it could be a possibility, and would explain how multiple retailers of the same chains all got orders to start selling.

I'm not trying to get all tinfoil hatty or anything, but it might not be the retailers to blame at the end of this.