Left 4 Dead 2!!!!

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I think we need more threads about this.
Bleh... this is way too soon. Speaking as a casual fan of L4D, I'm still having plenty of fun with the first one, and would definitely not buy the new one so soon (unless it was only $30 or so). I worry that this would split the player base.

I think we're all a little spoiled by Valve's TF2 updates, but there's still something about this that seems very un-Valve-like to me...
Valve had better price this thing competitively if they expect anyone who already bought L4D to buy it. I like L4D a lot, but it severely lacked enough content to warrant its price tag. Now here they come, offering the missing content, as another possible 50 bucks? I might have to pass on it, if that is the case.
mixed feelings about this.

still can't wait for it and wanna see more ASAP though.
Honestly I love L4D and this IS exciting and interesting (like the dynamic maps) but given that NS2 is coming out in the fall as well, and it's a full retail game, by a team of great guys who put out a great game already, and it's 20 bucks... hmm, no brainer for me really. Unless this game can really pique my interest and offer us some good bang for our buck, I doubt I'll be getting it anytime soon.

And so seems to be the opinion of most of the community. We'll have to see what Valve says later, I'm not making any calls on this game as of yet.
its me or the fat guy looks like the uncle of the fresh prince?
Hahaha! It's either him or Biggie Smalls
Didn't L4D just come out last year?
Why the **** are they making a second?
its me or the fat guy looks like the uncle of the fresh prince?
It's not just you. Uncle Phil confirmed for L4D2.

Fair enough, but it's still not going to be my kind of game at the end of the day.

Episode Three's absence leaves a Half-Life 3 shaped shadow.

edit: How do you top being able to play as Uncle Phil if you're an FPS gaming jock?
If you ask me, the guy on the right of him kind of looks like Cliff Bleszinski...
L4D 2 is probably not a bad game, but 2 things: It was too early and I want Episode 3. :(
Well that's intriguing - but potentially very dumb? It is working in direct opposition to Valve's tried and tested formula. Chainsaws just sound ridiculous; what a terrible idea.

I ****ing cant agree more.
L4D + Fresh Prince of Bel Air = ???
Tbh, when I saw the teaser, I was hoping that the common infected would be harder to kill, because of the way they got back up and walked around after having a limb blown off. Much to my dismay, the gameplay trailers show that this is not at all true. Listen to my plea Valve! Please allow armless zombies to run at me while I am forced to shoot more than once to kill them!
so L4D servers will become a ghost town once L4D2 comes out ...I wonder if they'll stop adding content to L4D now that a sequel has been announced. that would suck because it's still not worth the $64 it was at retail when released. I wont be buying L4D2 if the content's just as slim as it was in the original
The game will feature new Survivors, boss zombies, weapons, and melee combat with items such as a chainsaw, frying pan, axe, baseball bat, and more.

Horray I can't wait for Left4TeamFortress2!

Saw some of the videos and the daytime scenes just look like halflife 2. Perhaps Valve is moving to merge all of their games into one game. Anyone wanna take bets on whether or not we'll see a portal zombie as a special infected?
Half Fortress 2: Team Left Dead Episode 2 (sorta makes sense lol)
the steam forums ain't happy and I can't disagree with them


Although it is still valve and I'm sure this will turn out good but why the **** did valve reveal this and not Ep 3? :flame:

Quote from steam forums:
God help us cuz one of the last remaining "good guys" in gaming just turned to the dark side.


actually put me on the hating side now I wasn't aware of this


So L4D2 is the DLC for L4D1 but now full price? **** OFF! Now I feel cheated, what happened to you valve?? EA must have infected them somehow D:

EDIT 2: some of our members are also here http://steamcommunity.com/groups/L4D2boycott
I don't get you guys. When EA, a company renowned for making pure shit, announced Modern Warfare 2 shortly after the first game came out, everyone was ****ing thrilled.

Valve, a company known for making triple A games, announces Left 4 Dead 2 and most of you guys shit all over it based on the announcement alone.

Did I wake up in a parallel universe? Does gravity repel now?
We're not in Kansas anymore, Sparta.
I don't understand the complaints. So they are announcing the sequel to a much-loved game and people are not happy about that? I am missing something.
By the way, hey, Source engine is on steroids! I *love* the daylight setting.
The game gets old quick, and instead of some new maps they want to charge us again, same price.
The game gets old quick, and instead of some new maps they want to charge us again, same price.

If they refactored the AI director and upgraded Source engine, we are talking about some serious programming work. Developers usually don't develop for free :)
Yes, the game gets old quick and, in my opinion, new maps would not be enough to keep the interest high. I stopped playing L4D a long time ago because, imo, it gets boring very soon.
No, that would be a storyline to have continued.

what are you talking about? Multiplayer IPs often have no story continuation at least as far as characters go or even at all.

Look at Team Fortress or Unreal Tournament for instance