Left 4 Dead 2!!!!

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im pretty pissed at valve for this. honestly, l4d2 a year after the first one? this shouldve been dlc.
If people don't like paying retail prices for games with supposedly expansion level content, they can always just wait until the price comes down, which if you're a PC gamer, is really not a long time to wait anyway. Steam isn't going to stop working until you hand over your money for this sequel.
Except it doesn't work like that with a multiplayer game. The first month of release is absolutely critical for getting the player count up, and if the community loses momentum then everyone stops playing en masse. Then when the game is $30 or $20 instead of $50, nobody is playing anymore, and you'll have less of a reason to buy it.
Now I have to buy a whole another game for like $50, and have to pretty much decide if I wanna play L4D or L4D2.

Jeez...I wish there was just moar DLC.
Valve claims it'll be something better, personally i think they're talking out of their zombie-eaten ass but hell, they've surprised me in the past.
I'm rather surprised at this move, firstly because it's not been that long since L4D was released. Seeing a sequel this quickly, you have to wonder how much more advanced the game is going to be with so little gap between.

Secondly, adding on to that, I was not impressed with the new functions Valve announced would be in L4D2. None of it sounds particularly revolutionary, and at the moment it looks all geared up to be the same game as L4D with a few bells and knobs on. Not impressed.
They won't have any more money if Valve decides just to release add-on only.

It is still a pity that Valve decided to divide the L4D fans base. A lot of my L4D achievements still await my attendance. I think it will be harder to find a good server in L4D once L4D2 is released.

btw, there are still something revolutionary to be in L4D2. That is the AI director. The new AI director, as described by Valve, sounds pretty awesome to me.
btw, there are still something revolutionary to be in L4D2. That is the AI director. The new AI director, as described by Valve, sounds pretty awesome to me.

It sounds like what I thought it was going to do in the first game :3
Does anyone else think this game looks like shit? The atmosphere of L4D is completely gone, and the new characters look like they came out of Redneck Rampage. Oh yeah, and listen to the music. It's like a ****ing joke.
Valve always say how much they appricaite the fact they have a vocal fanbase to let them know when they got it wrong.
Well, Valve: you got it wrong with L4D2. Pretty much because all of the reasons mentioned eariler.

* This can change if they announce some sort of a bundle \ low-price point \ some sort of merging with L4D1 (at least on PC), but i don't see it as an option. If there was such a plan, they would have announced it already. The backlash they got demands clarifications ASAP - but there are none.
Why didn't they just release this is a large addon pack for L4D? Stupid waste of money.

The same argument could be made for just about every sequel ever made.

For example: Why should I pay full price for Halo 2/3, Resident Evil 5 or Modern Warfare 2? They all use assets from their original games, they all play the same as their prequels not to mention look the same too. Why should I pay money for these games when they are clearly expansions?

If Valve announced this next year instead of this year, people would be thrilled.

As for the previews looking the same as L4D, chances are there's some placeholder material here and there and besides, all of Valve's previews have never done their games justice.

I don't think they should charge the same price as L4D, as I'd be happier paying the same price as TF2 as I would for this. That point, i agree with people on. All other arguments I've heard about Valve and the game being shit have no merit and make the community sound like self-entitled whiny losers. Especially when you consider that Valve is probably one of the most generous gaming companies out there with their DLC's, and when you consider that this game is bigger than the original as well, yet you all feel entitled to it for free and equate Valve to becoming like EA?

How about you listen to somebody whose actually played the game?

John Walker at RockPaperShotgun said:
it’s important to stress that while this is obviously still the same L4D core experience, it’s certainly not a bunch of new maps thrown into the old game. It’s a coherent new imagining of the game, this time bigger, smarter, and far more elaborate. Oh, and gloriously more gory.

Now why don't you all just sit down and wait to see what the game's like before judging it on its trailer?
The same argument could be made for just about every sequel ever made.

For example: Why should I pay full price for Halo 2/3, Resident Evil 5 or Modern Warfare 2? They all use assets from their original games, they all play the same as their prequels not to mention look the same too. Why should I pay money for these games when they are clearly expansions?

If Valve announced this next year instead of this year, people would be thrilled.

As for the previews looking the same as L4D, chances are there's some placeholder material here and there and besides, all of Valve's previews have never done their games justice.

I don't think they should charge the same price as L4D, as I'd be happier paying the same price as TF2 as I would for this. That point, i agree with people on. All other arguments I've heard about Valve and the game being shit have no merit and make the community sound like self-entitled whiny losers. Especially when you consider that Valve is probably one of the most generous gaming companies out there with their DLC's, and when you consider that this game is bigger than the original as well, yet you all feel entitled to it for free and equate Valve to becoming like EA?

How about you listen to somebody whose actually played the game?

Now why don't you all just sit down and wait to see what the game's like before judging it on its trailer?

MW2 is two years apart from MW.

Valve should ve annouced it for Nov2010. or release it this year as addon.

While it's probably going to be at least as good as L4D is, I'm still baffled by how early they're going with this. The thing is, L4D2 would be the perfect expansion, I don't see a reason (except larger profits, maybe...) why they should do a full-blown sequel so soon.
I can understand selling this full price to conso0le kiddies, its a well known fact console gamers are the bitches of the industry, the easy buck, but what is with this repackaging of a game we already have with content and the likes we should have had when Valve initially released a rather barren L4D?.

I guess EA and Microsoft asshattery is contagious.
MW2 is two years apart from MW.

Yet its still very much the same kind of game as the first one. Whereas L4D2 comes out this year and everyone bitches about this and no one cares that it took two years for Infinity Ward to make a sequel that looks to be guilty of the same "crimes" as L4D2.
I think once we see some footage of the AI Director controlled weather effects, people will start to shut up.

"So, the AI director, there are some really noticeable ones. We're giving it control over the weather now. Now you go from [a sunny day] to holy crap man, I can't see anyone around me. It's like the Blood Harvest cornfield, right."
Yet its still very much the same kind of game as the first one. Whereas L4D2 comes out this year and everyone bitches about this and no one cares that it took two years for Infinity Ward to make a sequel that looks to be guilty of the same "crimes" as L4D2.

Its the same principle as to why an expenses fiddling politician gets shouted down but no-one can be bothered to protest against Arabian princes or North Korean generals.

Some people are just held to higher standards.

Valve is one of the "good" game developers, if not arguably the best, and hence it is held to higher standards then large swathes of the industry either run by idiots or run by suits who wouldn't know a video game unless their kid pointed it out to them.

Valve is held to standards that requires it to properly support its products, and not release shoddy sequels at full price with barely anything new but some uglier characters and settings (the failing of most sequels in all media unfortunately) before the prior release has had a chance to cool down.

Releasing the same game but with some new player rosters is something EA does. Valve is better then this and I hope they get chewed out by the player base until they get over their momentary psychotic break and start acting like Valve again.

"Yeah. At the end of the day, this is going to be a bigger game than Left 4 Dead. It's five campaigns versus four, all five are playable in Versus mode, Survival mode out of the box, the new multiplayer game mode. Plus over 20 new weapons and items. It's a full sequel."

A full sequel by releasing the first Left 4 Dead but with a small smattering of features that should have been in the first one to begin with?.

If Valve have been hiring some new business ****ers recently, my advice is to hand them their P45/pink slip and refuse to give them references for their future endeavours.
From Xbox 360 Achievements twitter.

X360A said:
Just played L4D2 and it plays like L4D 1.5 but awesome nevertheless. New ammo upgrades, weapons, special infected and its mostly daylight!

Looks like its going to be very similar to the original Left 4 Dead. They went in the wrong direction by naming it L4D2. Thats what has people worked up. I feel if your going to produce a sequel it should be a big step up. Take for example the difference between Half-Life and Half-Life 2. That's the way it should be.

In this case, putting a 2 after the title is all about sales. People are more inclined to buy a supposed "sequel" than an expansion of sorts.
In this case, putting a 2 after the title is all about sales. People are more inclined to buy a supposed "sequel" than an expansion of sorts.

Left 4 Dead earns Valve money to make Half-Life games.
The same argument could be made for just about every sequel ever made.

For example: Why should I pay full price for Halo 2/3, Resident Evil 5 or Modern Warfare 2? They all use assets from their original games, they all play the same as their prequels not to mention look the same too. Why should I pay money for these games when they are clearly expansions?

Because L4D was too short.
Perhaps Valve will make maps in the future that work for both the first L4D and the 2nd one.
I have one question...

Where's George Romero when you need him?