
Acctualy there is no such words as LEGOS "Lego" is a name. i mean you cant say there are so many Jameses Or Hey there are so many Timothies. Lego= Name, i just used the word Legos because some of you might get angry and blah.

Ridge said:
But since we all know America is the best country in the world, what we say goes!

J/k, j/k...

-_- i need the bullshit meter.

Sorry I don't seek to preserve brand names.
Bad^Hat said:
Hey, he has the gun and badge, so shut yo mouf.

Sorry Sir! I have 2 berratas made out of red and black and grey bricks slotted nicely by the monitor.
@ kirvoman , she fell on my large city of Lego's and destroyed them all... the poor lost souls :'(
NOOOOOOO! My city will hold a memorance day for your people.
Go ahead, lord Brickster and Sir Infomaniac is waiting. I need my digital camera.
<3 for Azner , children , women , men ... ALL KILLED BY A GRANDMA!
I think 'Lego' is singular and plural, much the way 'fish' and 'sheep' are.

It just is. Sure, you can say "I have ten fishes," or "This shirt was made from the souls of four sheeps," but it just wouldn't be right.
You mean... i've been wrong all along when I call them little fishies? :( ;(

Oh man that brings back memories. I had that exact same thing, it was like one of the first lego sets I ever got. I was around 5 when I got it and I remember I had so much trouble following the book properly :P

Also, I've never used the word 'Legos.' It's always been Lego for me and everyone I know...
Like...when you have a bunch of balls of play-doh you don't call em play-dohs :\ Not exactly the same thing but still...
I hate it when people pluralise "Lego" as "Legos". It's like saying "Fimirs". Boils my blood.

-Angry Lawyer
All it is is a copyrighted trademark. I couldn't care less either way.
Oh yeah about fishes, you can say fishies as fishies is a nickname :)