
Aug 29, 2003
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Was this not one of the most addicting and definately one of the most satisfying games of all time?

For some reason I have the desire to play the original game again.

The First Level (Just Dig!):


I would spend hours playing this game. I could only make it all the way to the end on FUN. TRICKY, TAXING, and MAYHEM were to difficult for me at that age.


This level (14 of TRICKY) was easily my favorite. Entitled MENACING !! this was one of the most uniquely designed Lemmings levels I have ever seen. Featuring images of snakes, bones, and gore with the background music of some kind of heavy metal vibe. I was also playing a lot of DOOM around that time; probably why I enjoyed this one so much. :P

The bottom level (22 of FUN entitled: A Beast of a level) also had a certain coolness to it. One of those levels that made you want to get your poor Lemmings out of there right away.
Quite spooky. :O
Also, didn't anyone feel for the poor Blockers you had to blow up at the end? ;(
Although secretly I had a joyous time watching every Lemming explode at once when I screwed up. :D


Lemmings remains one of the first, and most enjoyable games of my childhood. :)
yeah! i used to play it with my brother on the old 386! it was brilliant! oh, the amount of lemmings lot when you forget to click the parachute button.....:laugh:
man that's an old version. Do you wanna know where to download a newer version?
the old one was just classic. better graphics are not always best... (but most of the time they are)
This is still classic. Same gameplay same songs but better graphics. I also hear a 2005 lemmings game is coming out!
Was just thinking, damn they need to get all old school games such as lemmings and SNES/MEGADRIVE games onto phones.

Found a .jar file of lemmings that I will test tomorrow.
Here is a working (well didnt work for me) lemmings in java http://www.rpfingst.de/java/lemmings/lem32.html
Most of those companies have gone out of business and copyright laws are still in place. So they can't get rights to put the games onto phones.

Look around on the internet for Lemmings 96. Like the one in my photo and you can easily download it just like i did.
Fleabaine said:
man that's an old version. Do you wanna know where to download a newer version?

I would like that as I can't seem to find my diskette. I doubt it would have worked on XP anyway. The game was made around 13+ years ago.

Fleabaine said:
This is still classic. Same gameplay same songs but better graphics.

The graphics don't look that much better. Only on the interface do I see an improvement. I prefer the classic look myself.

Fleabaine said:
I also hear a 2005 lemmings game is coming out!


SearanoX said:
Amazingly addictive...I must have spent days on that thing, though I never did beat it.

Same here. One of the best puzzle games ever.
It's just cos the picture is sized down making it look fuzzy.
Let's hear it for Lemmings Paintball! Yeeeeeeeah ^.^
A True Canadian said:
Was this not one of the most addicting and definately one of the most satisfying games of all time?

For some reason I have the desire to play the original game again.

The First Level (Just Dig!):


I would spend hours playing this game. I could only make it all the way to the end on FUN. TRICKY, TAXING, and MAYHEM were to difficult for me at that age.


This level (14 of TRICKY) was easily my favorite. Entitled MENACING !! this was one of the most uniquely designed Lemmings levels I have ever seen. Featuring images of snakes, bones, and gore with the background music of some kind of heavy metal vibe. I was also playing a lot of DOOM around that time; probably why I enjoyed this one so much. :P

The graphics for that level were originally foreground graphics in the game Menace, a sidescrolling shoot-em-up for the Amiga. The level was supposed to hearken back to the earlier game. The music probably came from the same game.

The bottom level (22 of FUN entitled: A Beast of a level) also had a certain coolness to it. One of those levels that made you want to get your poor Lemmings out of there right away.
Quite spooky. :O

It's called "Beast of a Level" because the graphics come from another game by the creators of the Lemmings series, Shadow of the Beast, a platform beat-em-up, also for the Amiga.

Also, didn't anyone feel for the poor Blockers you had to blow up at the end? ;(
Although secretly I had a joyous time watching every Lemming explode at once when I screwed up. :D


Lemmings remains one of the first, and most enjoyable games of my childhood. :)

Lemming's R0XX0rs. I think DMA became Rockstar, didn't they?
Cool info Brian Damage.

I'm playing the 95 version right now. I'm getting addicted all over again. :E
Brian Damage said:
\I think DMA became Rockstar, didn't they?

They either became rockstar or were bought out by them :P same difference I suppose
Heh guys still wanna play Lemmings?

Go to the ES2 Forums Off-Topic... I made a thread called "Lemmings Online" a few days ago that allows you to play the game, online!!! :)

Click the link to get to the site...

Oh and be aware that he recoded Lemmings in HTML, so thus everything is executed at runtime which means you should have a good computer, especially if you want double speed..
No it's called DHTML Lemmings... Online verison of the actual Lemmings game (same levels, same gameplay, same graphics :) )
oh, i see how you play it. your the man ICED!!!!

If you don't have Lemmings and you wanna play it offline no waiting and improved graphics.

Go to Kazaa.com and download Kazaa 3.0

Once you've done that you can search for Lemmings, download it for free and offline!!!
Man you were right about needing a fast connection Iced_Eagle. :o

As for Kazaa, that thing is loaded with spyware and viruses. I'd use that at your own risk.

Subsequently I took Fleabaine's advice and went searching for the '95 version. Let's just say I'm hooked again. :)
Wow this is so cool thank you !!! :D wee hours of fun :)

How about the origional worms?
How about the origional worms?

i had that lying about somewhere for a while, but i don't know where it is now. but it's not as good as lemmings, or the latest worms
My 'favorite' level was the one where the exit was completely hidden behind the terrain and you could only get to it by trial and error and diggers. Arrgh!
Diggers! There's another cool "old" game. That one was sweet. With all the gems and stuff.

ever get up to the last level. Where you control two sides of lemmings. That was my favourite.
Yeah... the same team that now do GTA

I loved this game. i wanna play now...
Lemmings = Great...
Lost soo many hours cos of that game and i dont regret a thing...
ranga said:
yeah! i used to play it with my brother on the old 386! it was brilliant! oh, the amount of lemmings lot when you forget to click the parachute button.....:laugh:

I played it on a 286 => Me = More \_33T than you. :imu: just kidding :imu:
(Strange evil bunny things)

Anyway, Lemmings:Source anyone?
A lemmings mod ? cool! :D

Or how about a hl2 mod for the lemmings "engine" if you can call it that