Let Freedom Ring - More Iraqis voted than Americans did!

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Sgt_Shellback said:
Let the google wars commence....!

Nerd against Nerd...

No opinions needed

Just be the Nerd who can Google up the most references in the shortests amount of time...

Have no original thoughts of your own?

Why... You too can be a politcal debater on HL2[/b]

Never been out of Saskatchawan beyond Mid summer besides when you went to Aunt Flo's that one night?

Than you too can be a Political debater on HL2

Fine print: Must have no concious thought of your own. Must never have experienced any real significant event in history in person. Must never have done anything to stop what yu will have to complain about. Must never have interacted with a real human being. Girlfriends excluded if they are your family pet.

Stern's kewl here.... The rest of you have been disqualified.

oops that's another point for you ..you implied I'm into bestiality!! :LOL:
CptStern said:
nice sidesteping there, scoop :dozey:

I answered it with the above post

no you didn't, I'll make it easy for you since we all know that you like to post the lesley stall interview of madeline albright interview.... where it mentions half a million kids killed as a result of the sanctions....... your typical post is then surmised by blah blah USA sanctions killed half a million Iraqi kids.........

then tonight you state that it wasn't the sanctions that killed the kids, it was the bombing of a water treatment plant, that was done in order to secure a reason for us to invade Iraq 12 years down the road....

so for clarity's sake which was it?

sanctions or the water plant?
Scoobnfl said:
no you didn't, I'll make it easy for you since we all know that you like to post the lesley stall interview of madeline albright interview.... where it mentions half a million kids killed as a result of the sanctions....... your typical post is then surmised by blah blah USA sanctions killed half a million Iraqi kids.........

then tonight you state that it wasn't the sanctions that killed the kids, it was the bombing of a water treatment plant, that was done in order to secure a reason for us to invade Iraq 12 years down the road....

so for clarity's sake which was it?

sanctions or the water plant?

you didnt read a word of what I said ..not one word ..they should'nt be too hard to miss they're all in capitals. Sanctions were planned from the beginning, parts necessary to rebuild said plants were on the sanction list ...really doesnt take a genius to put 2 and 2 together
What are these warning things? I have 7 Stern has none... Must be something to do with the number of intelligent posts huh.
"If people are found breaking our forum rules (http://www.halflife2.net/index.php?page=rules) they will be given a number of warning points up to a maximum of 10. When they get to 10 points they are banned. Different offences carry different amounts of warning points depending on the severity of the offence. The first ban will be for 30 days but should another warning be given after that time you will be given a permanent ban "

- Bossman Munro

buh bye
CptStern said:
"If people are found breaking our forum rules (http://www.halflife2.net/index.php?page=rules) they will be given a number of warning points up to a maximum of 10. When they get to 10 points they are banned. Different offences carry different amounts of warning points depending on the severity of the offence. The first ban will be for 30 days but should another warning be given after that time you will be given a permanent ban "

- Bossman Munro

buh bye

You're RULE following kinda guy aren't ya skipper... You're my hero cause you've done NOTHING.


Besides type.

Bet you don't even talk to your dog.

Except.... well we already established that in anohter thread.
Does noone on the right find it all VERY disturbing?

As for elections; remember the Bush Gore elections? Remember who got the most votes? If you can't manage democracy in your own country, what makes you think it'll happen elsewhere?

We've already discussed this -- however, it serves no merit considering that were over their now.
burner69 said:
As for elections; remember the Bush Gore elections? Remember who got the most votes? If you can't manage democracy in your own country, what makes you think it'll happen elsewhere?

I need to point a thing or two out:

1. The United States, is a Representative Democracy. Not a straight democracy.

2. The United States has Socialist influences. We are by no means 100% democracy.

Democracy only serves as the base of the United States, not the fine point at the end. We manage democracy just fine, thank you.
CptStern said:
"If people are found breaking our forum rules (http://www.halflife2.net/index.php?page=rules) they will be given a number of warning points up to a maximum of 10. When they get to 10 points they are banned. Different offences carry different amounts of warning points depending on the severity of the offence. The first ban will be for 30 days but should another warning be given after that time you will be given a permanent ban "

- Bossman Munro

buh bye

Since when are you one to follow rules, Stern? I vaguely recall that whole marijuana and drug thing, that you encourage people to break the law about. Heh :p
CptStern and Sgt_Shellback you're both going to find yourself with warnings if you don't stop bickering in every thread!!!
Raziaar said:
Since when are you one to follow rules, Stern? I vaguely recall that whole marijuana and drug thing, that you encourage people to break the law about. Heh :p

I've never encouraged anyone to smoke pot ..oh btw it's pretty much legal in my country (de-criminalized) ..it's not against the law

you guys are all hypocrites ..shellback makes an innuendo that I'm into beastiality, he also made a racist remark against another hl2.net member and you pick on me? some of you really need to re-examine your ethics and moral values
Wow. How did the Iraqis voting turn into whether or not CptStern is into beastiality or marijuana? :LOL: Talk about off topic.

Now really, what did 9 pages of arguing solve?
Nothing. We were just happy about the elections -- however, some people simply were not.
K e r b e r o s said:
You just relived your own example -- sweep his arguement under the rug, and retort with whatever comes to your mind. His point was entirely different -- reread the article; except, dont get mad.

No, I don't think so. He asked if there was any point in saying the war is wrong. I think there is. I think people should be held responsible for their screw ups, and I think it's important to let dissatisfaction to be known.

It's important to recognize the mistakes made. Otherwise, people just walk off of another cliff.

Sanctions - Failed. UN - Failed. Whats this foresight?

Minimum requirements for the Iraq invasion:
A solid base of justification for the war.
Attack plans that do not date back to the Clinton era.
A plan for the rebuilding and stabilization of Iraq, along with a projected time for troop withdrawal.
Taking into account that you are not going to suddenly be everybody's best buddy in the Middle East and that you will be subjected to repeated attacks.

Ah, so now your intentionally twisting his words. Cute -- but no.

How so?

He was talking about post-World War II. You do know what "Post" means right?

I understand completely, Kerberos. The only relevant examples of rebuilding an invaded country are successful ones. How silly of me. :rolleyes:

Thats hardly the point -- way to make up political spin; as opposed to, finding something and just spinning. :D

Whatever. Reading between the lines is a valuable asset in life. The obvious implication of his post that some people will always bitch about Iraq, no matter what. I argued that some people will always praise the Iraq war, no matter what.

In any case, my comment transcended party lines. So what are you bitching about?
CptStern said:
I've never encouraged anyone to smoke pot ..oh btw it's pretty much legal in my country (de-criminalized) ..it's not against the law

That may be so, but you're pro marijuana in every country, even those that have it outlawed. Thus, my statement. Besides, it wasn't a serious attack on you like those other things in this thread, it was to lighten the mood from the serious crap you two are bitching about. Chill out.
Raziaar said:
That may be so, but you're pro marijuana in every country, even those that have it outlawed. Thus, my statement.

still ..I dont advocate legalization in other countries ..I dont live there so I dont care what laws they have against pot

Raziaar said:
Besides, it wasn't a serious attack on you like those other things in this thread, it was to lighten the mood from the serious crap you two are bitching about. Chill out.

chill out? I've been verbally attacked by more than a handful of people here ..I wasnt aiming at you specifically it's just that I'm tired of some people jumping all over me with unsubstantiated claims just because I bring evidence that pisses off some of them ..regardless if it's the truth ..dont shoot the messenger and all that
CptStern said:
still ..I dont advocate legalization in other countries ..I dont live there so I dont care what laws they have against pot

Ahh, maybe I just imigined you being in all those drug debates about how the united states laws regarding marijuana and other drugs were stupid. (i'm speaking seriously here, not sarcastically)

chill out? I've been verbally attacked by more than a handful of people here ..I wasnt aiming at you specifically it's just that I'm tired of some people jumping all over me with unsubstantiated claims just because I bring evidence that pisses off some of them ..regardless if it's the truth ..dont shoot the messenger and all that

I was responding to your posting a policy statement, with a joking comment! Nothing more! Yes, so chill out... everyones not out to get you.
Raziaar said:
Ahh, maybe I just imigined you being in all those drug debates about how the united states laws regarding marijuana and other drugs were stupid. (i'm speaking seriously here, not sarcastically)

hmmm I dont think so ..I may have said it's overly harsh but I think that's as far as I went

Raziaar said:
I was responding to your posting a policy statement, with a joking comment! Nothing more! Yes, so chill out... everyones not out to get you.

only some of them are :eek:
CptStern said:
hmmm I dont think so ..I may have said it's overly harsh but I think that's as far as I went

The threads were about that, not your comments.

only some of them are :eek:

An equal, or greater number are out to get me.
really? excuse my ignorance ...but why?

these people btw arent out to get me ..they hate what I stand for, they hate me because I am a threat to their own built up notions of what their country is all about. By directing their anger and hate at me they are also silencing the nibbling doubts that's in the back of their minds
CptStern said:
you didnt read a word of what I said ..not one word ..they should'nt be too hard to miss they're all in capitals. Sanctions were planned from the beginning, parts necessary to rebuild said plants were on the sanction list ...really doesnt take a genius to put 2 and 2 together

which was it sanctions or the water plant bombing?

it's easy to answer Stern, you pick one or the other........ either the UN sponsored sanctions are responsible for the deaths, or the bombing of the water plant is...... which is it?
Scoobnfl said:
which was it sanctions or the water plant bombing?

it's easy to answer Stern, you pick one or the other........ either the UN sponsored sanctions are responsible for the deaths, or the bombing of the water plant is...... which is it?

"you didnt read a word of what I said ..not one word ..they should'nt be too hard to miss they're all in capitals. Sanctions were planned from the beginning, parts necessary to rebuild said plants were on the sanction list ...really doesnt take a genius to put 2 and 2 together"

it's all there in black and greyish-blue
CptStern said:
really? excuse my ignorance ...but why?

these people btw arent out to get me ..they hate what I stand for, they hate me because I am a threat to their own built up notions of what their country is all about. By directing their anger and hate at me they are also silencing the nibbling doubts that's in the back of their minds

no stern, i am the outcast, you have an army against you on here.
i seem to get pounded with insults and qouted every post i send, and im saying my opinions, which i believe are true, and you lot just dont want me ruining your "all worked out" picture of whats really happening, in iraq. :)
In defense of CptStern, i dont think i've ever seen him attack another member on this forum, the way some of the guys here attack him.
In defense of CptStern, i dont think i've ever seen him attack another member on this forum, the way some of the guys here attack him.
Then you havent been looking closely, if at all. He is really quite arrogant (not meant as an insult, but fact *evidence further back in thread*)
Sparta said:
In defense of CptStern, i dont think i've ever seen him attack another member on this forum, the way some of the guys here attack him.

Well, haven't really seen him directly attack a member of these forums, but he does so indirectly with his sweeping statements about 'stupid rednecks' among other things.

But, i'm not gonna get into that. I want to stop getting into all this politics crap on these boards. I'm going to go try Gary's Mod for the first time.
Sparta said:
In defense of CptStern, i dont think i've ever seen him attack another member on this forum, the way some of the guys here attack him.

thanks, I was waiting for someone to say that :cheers:
seinfeldrules said:
Then you havent been looking closely, if at all. He is really quite arrogant (not meant as an insult, but fact *evidence further back in thread*)

really? ..not more than a few minutes ago:

C-O-N-Spiracy said:
What a crock of shit..


Youre only trying to justify the unjust! Now i know where you really stand.. Dont ****ing say you support the troops over there.. because i know better than you ****in liberal retards.. You dont support us.. To people like you, mother****er, its a good thing were dying over there.. Youre HAPPY about it.. you get your jollies off to it. dont you ****in dare deny it.. youve been caught.. If their fighting us is such a noble cause, why dont you help em out? You know theyre hurtin right now.. go kidnap some GI Joes, tough guy..
Its only a terrorist if it kills someone other than an American...

heh.... hehehe....

Absinthe said:
You got a ban as well! GJ!

As will others who still think its ok to clown around in politics now.
I refer you to http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?p=1220090#post1220090

Oh.. and I just saw the previous page of this thread..
talks about:
The UN
Drug legalization
Each others "ignorance"
"Stupid rednecks" & Garrysmod

Guess how many of them have anything to do with "Let freedom ring- More Iraqis voted than Americans did!"
You know? the OP's main point? he even bolded it for you all:
Percentage-wise, more Iraqis voted in this election (72%) than Americans voted in the 2004 election! (60.7%)

I think you all know what "off topic" means.
All of you seem pretty guilty of hijacking any thread here just to use it as a vehicle to drive whatever political stance you have, rather than actually talking about the topics posted.

They all turn into the same, generic, arguments that do nothing but hurt the atmosphere of the forums. We did not create this section to harbour aggressive, deconstructive argument.

So. Thread closed.

Also, first person to complain that I'm "censoring" any of you gets 4 points for "poor attitude".

Thanks in advance for your cooperation and "can do" attitude towards getting the place back on track :cheers:

EDIT: If anyone has issues with this, PM me straight away and I can sort it out for you.
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