Let (more) Speculation Begin!


The Freeman
Jul 3, 2003
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Thank Samon for this, since he bought the magazine. PC ZONE UK have snagged an exclusive look at Episode 1, and although we can't post the screens, we can post the incredible revelations the article offers. [br]WARNING: SOME PEOPLE HAVE EXPRESSED A DESIRE TO BE WARNED THAT THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS! PERSONALLY I DON'T THINK THEY'LL AFFECT YOUR ENJOYMENT OF THE GAME BUT WE'LL WARN YOU ANYWAY!

  • For one thing, the mystery of Gordon's appearance in E1 is answered (kind of): "Gordon is removed from stasis way before Gmans schedule, the very instant HL2 ended."[br]
  • "Episode 1 will feature a mad dash through the crumbling vaults of Breen’s former Administration building, before showcasing its wrecked environs: awash with antlions that have flooded into the wrecked city, panicked Combine troops and pockets of humans desperate to escape. Kleiner, meanwhile has hacked into the Citadels propaganda network, his face appearing on the manifold screens - delivering his own dire warnings and crackpot theories."[br]
  • "Episode 1 will mark the rise of a third power in the HL2 universe - one that'll have a large impact on Gordon’s future." Evidence apparently suggests the true Combine - those yet to come to Earth. Whether this means gigantic lazy slugs floating hilariously above City-17 or crazy synth creatures is as yet unclear.[br]
  • Robin Walker explains: "The Combine aren't happy with Breen’s failure. In Episode 1 you'll learn some of the ways in which they are starting to take things into their own hands, none of which is good news for Alyx and Gordon."[br]
  • We can expect a few more aliens to jumping the divide between worlds as well. Barney will be there to help out with the street fighting and Dog will appear at the beginning, showing up "long enough to be useful."[br]
  • "The people Gordon met in HL2 are facing new challenges and the resulting events won't leave them untouched..." D:[br]
  • At Half-life 2's end, the Gman told you he'd received some interesting offers for your services but that ordinarily, he wouldn't contemplate them, adding that "these are extraordinary times". Apparently this is due to a big change in the Half-life universe, and Valve can't wait to tell you about it.
cover my eyes!

Nooo, I don't want to see details on ep1!

Not read past the first bullet point, so don't really know if there are any spoilers, but it would have been nice if you'd said clearly if there are or not.

By the way, I'm not really complaining, since I managed to succeed in not reading what was written. :)
I told myself I wasn't going to read these things, dammit!
No offence, because I do love the news, the deliverer, and Halflife2.net, but there is some pretty appalling grammar gracing the front page. I like my news all professional. Sorry to be a little bitch about it :p
bitch away, i think it was written in a rush though. ;) Sulkdodds gets a tad over excited on news like this and rushes it out the hl2.net news script faster than a fast thing in fastville.
Hehehe, As long as I get the info I dont care really :D
PM scans please, if there are any.

And I'm getting a new 32inch LCD TV monitor on Wednesday:cheers: :thumbs:
Now I'm uber excited about this. I just wish I understood wtf Gman is on about all the time.
oldagerocker said:
bitch away, i think it was written in a rush though. ;) Sulkdodds gets a tad over excited on news like this and rushes it out the hl2.net news script faster than a fast thing in fastville.

Agreed! I take my hat off though, this is some awesome news!

I want to know the inner workings of the G-man situation, the intrigue around that bit of the plot is my favorite, Alyx can get squished by large lumps of steel for all I care. I get the feeling Dog might bite the bullet instead.
I don't uncderstand the first point. "the end of hl2?" i thoght he was awoke at the begenning?

there are some grammer errors that made it a harder read, but who am i to juge grammor ;)

somone needs to make a dog minimod
Sulkdodds said:
Whether this means gigantic lazy slugs floating hilariously above City-17...

I <3 you, Sulkdodds. I have visions of these pale green slugs wafting gently through the air above the City. Suddenly you let loose with a rocket and blow it out of the sky. "Oh, the Combinity!"

Come to think about it, we don't really know HOW big these things are. They could be the size of freaking' blimps. How truly satisfying that would be...
Greatgat said:
Come to think about it, we don't really know HOW big these things are. They could be the size of freaking' blimps. How truly satisfying that would be...

And on the other side of the scale, they could actually be the size of normal slugs.
how do we know they are slugs? are there screens of them in teh magazine?
SimonomiS said:
And on the other side of the scale, they could actually be the size of normal slugs.

That could also offer it's own brand of hilarity. After fighting through four episodes of titanic battles and absolute mayhem, you arrive, battle-weary, to the lair of the Combine Overlords. "..." you say as you squint around for your alien oppressors.

*slither* You look down to your transparent feet and there they are. Scuttling slowly around you. Leaving their futuristic slime trails. You eye a grenade thoughtfully...
polyguns said:
how do we know they are slugs? are there screens of them in teh magazine?

You see one of them on some monitors if you chase after Breen before he gets in the reactor. He's talking to it about Sanctuary in their Universe. And then you **** his shit up.

...incidentally, I do want this game so bad. I'd kill something defenseless if I could get it now.
Are you people trying to kill me here? Im about to have a heart attack from all this hype. AdmAP:SL:KADAdL:KAskdmas.dmAQL:K@3mq23l,/ql;'k;'ska:"ASDASD ASD I CANT ****ING WIAT>>!>>!>!>>!!>
Maybe the main Combine force is the sentient fungi Breen mentioned at the end of HL2.
Sulkdodds said:
For one thing, the mystery of Gordon's very appearance in E1 is answered (kind of): "Gordon is removed from stasis way before Gmans schedule, the very instant HL2 ended."
So I was perhaps right about the significance of Kliener and Lamarr finding Gordon after the credits had rolled?
ok, edumicate me. does this possibly mean that the slugs in the water that attack you are the baby combine/ they are small slugs and stuff. i think they are the only ones other then barnicles that are consistant between hl2 and hl2 right?

barnicles rock. is it my imagination, or was there a way to use barnicles to attack enemies? like holding it as a gun
Raziel-Jcd said:
AdmAP:SL:KADAdL:KAskdmas.dmAQL:K@3mq23l,/ql;'k;'ska:"ASDASD ASD I CANT ****ING WIAT>>!>>!>!>>!!>

Yes... yes, that about hits the nail on the head.

Please excuse me
I think I can feel an involuntary hypified keyboard-spasm coming on...

(/!!!11afa'l#[]ewww###aa wa wa awaa @@lkoo c;o
cowha;fle fana fa fa fa
mbrithoms said:
cant wait, sound full of should-have-been-free goodness

Sorry this isn't one of EA's expansions to BF2, you actually get CONTENT when you buy the expansion pack.
This looks to be episodic gaming at its best. I'm very hyped after reading this and it is completely story related info, like what I'd expect to hear for an advertisement for the next episode of Lost or 24 and such. I'm pretty excited and not even thinking of gameplay, graphics or anything. I like this.
polyguns said:
ok, edumicate me. does this possibly mean that the slugs in the water that attack you are the baby combine/ they are small slugs and stuff. i think they are the only ones other then barnicles that are consistant between hl2 and hl2 right?

barnicles rock. is it my imagination, or was there a way to use barnicles to attack enemies? like holding it as a gun

Those worm things are leeches, you see them also in Half-Life 1. In Opposing Force, the Barnacle was able to be equipped as a weapon.

On another note, there are currently no scans because Samon doesn't have a scanner and it's against the rules here, so there's really no point in asking for those of you out there.
*slither* You look down to your transparent feet and there they are. Scuttling slowly around you. Leaving their futuristic slime trails. You eye a grenade thoughtfully...

or a salt shaker... ;)
I'm looking forward to this and it is now seeming even closer. Although we all know it will bring more questions with the new content and only a few answers. But that is how it goes on. Should be good stuff anyway. ;)
It is not spoiler as such. It didn't tell us anything at all. Reading this essay, actually, may even help you understand the story more thoroughly when later you are playing the game, in case you are not a drama person, where you are not very good at understanding the implications of the in-game conversation.

"the resulting events won't leave them untouched"? It reminds me of Corporal Sheppard.
You're telling me an expansion has more plot points than the main game? Those are some heavy-dose turns.
kupoartist said:
So I was perhaps right about the significance of Kliener and Lamarr finding Gordon after the credits had rolled?

Yes, I'd say so.