lets go linux


Jan 18, 2005
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ive got a 30gig hard drive free for linux now.
so far, ive not had much success with linux
redhat7.1 cant remember what went wrong, just didnt work well
redhat9 managed to install, but never managed sound/LAN
Fedora Core 2 - installer wouldnt even boot, this distro is apparently not supported by the Asus P4P800E Deluxe

now recently, Slackware 10.1, yet just doesnt seem to install properly.

i got Fedore core 3 on .iso waiting to be burnt, its on my dads pc and im waiting for him to get home, he has the dvd burner.

i really want to get linux going on my pc, and would like some pointers so i dont go in the wrong directoin and get put off again.

Sound: AC'97, runs with AC850 codec or something
LAN: is integrated, Marvell Yukon 88E8001/8003/8010 PCI Gigabit Ethernet Controller (straight from LAN properties)

so all support for getting this OS going will be appreciated
btw, currently on Windows 2000, and will have access to internet through other computers.
oh, dual boot :P
i got 3 hard drives, windows 2000 being on the S-ATA HD
I had no problems with Sound: AC'97 on my board, you just need to go in the mixer to unmute all and play with the settings (oh, I use Fedora Core 3 btw). I don't know about the integrated LAN, it should work.

I've never seen a distro with that much support, installing FC3 is the best thing I did since I bought HL2 :) I can even run Steam and any Steam games with Cedega.

If you need help, just read the docs and search the forums and you'll find a solution. Oh and Diablo 2 also works flawlessly. And Kaffeine (a video player, I can even watch wmv (windows movies lol, you only need to download the codecs on the mplayer page, hum or xine page, not sure). hehe :)
ahaha! i tried this just last week, and severely stuffed it! :( but i think it was actually my copy of linux that was the prob.

i tried mandrake 10.0 community, but the bootloader wouldn't recognise windows... so i was without hl2.net (internet) for one whole day, while i fixed it.

the bootloader is something that you have to get right (use expert mode int he install, 100% of the time), and find a program called ndiswrapper, or something alike. it allows you to use windows drivers under linux, which is VERY handy for getting peripherals working.
i just installed Fedore Core 3, but it wont boot.
it just goes to a black screen and says GRUB on the top right.
160GB ATA133 Master (just files and stuff)
30GB ATA66 Slave (where linux is installed)
80GB S-ATA for Windows

il give it another shot

btw, to boot, i get a message on POST saying press F8 to choose what to boot from, at the same time it says press DEL to go to Setup.

well, at least the FC3 installer works unlike hte FC2 on my motherboard. damn exam leave finishes too early, just when the funs about to start

long live linux
E-2k5 said:
windows > linux
Yes, there are certain reasons why everyone must use windows (like HL2!), but i do like linux a lot. There is actually a lot of support for many of the drivers you would ever need. Linux is not for n00bs though. Even if you know a lot about computers, it is still difficult to learn Linux. Basically, you have all of the power in the world. I like that, but I abuse it too much, lol. I remeber having to reinstal Linux daily over the summer for a few weeks. Anyways, Fedora Core is a good distro, I have Core 2 myself (only cause Core 3 wasn't out then). I just don't really use it cause i need to have HL2 and would rather not figure out how to make my comp dual boot.
Muhahahaha, hl2 apparently works in FC3, maybe the 2.6 kernel if thats got anything to do with it
Ti133700N said:
I've never seen a distro with that much support, installing FC3 is the best thing I did since I bought HL2 I can even run Steam and any Steam games with Cedega.
i need to try again once i get home from school

and as i mentioned, to choose what OS to boot, i just hit F8 as soon as i switch my PC on to choose what device to boot from, so i actually dont need to bother with bootloaders really.
FuriousV said:
it just goes to a black screen and says GRUB on the top right.

yeah., GRUB is the bootloader. or if you choose lilo, thats the other bootloader. somehow, you need to edit the grub.conf file and add in Windows and Linux. This is where i failed... it wouldn't recognise windows
Ranga said:
yeah., GRUB is the bootloader. or if you choose lilo, thats the other bootloader. somehow, you need to edit the grub.conf file and add in Windows and Linux. This is where i failed... it wouldn't recognise windows
but i cant do anything at that poitn, except hit the reset button.
how would i edit the grub.conf file, windows wont let me access linux formatted drives.
and does the bootloader have to be in the Master drive, or does it not matter if its in the slave?
i think il let the installer automatically do the partitioning next time, i went something like "26GB, mountpoint "/", ext3, Primary partition" and "3GB, Swap", do i need to have something mounted on "/boot"?
i think aslong as the bootloader is in the drive that is loader first (in bios), it should work. but thats how i set mine up, with the mountpoint "/", but i did a different type... regeis or something similar :S. i didn't mount nething on "/boot".

perhaps the solution is to find a way to use the windows bootloader? its weird that you can't get into nething... mine would at least load up linux, so i was able to edit lilo.conf... beyond that, i have no idea. Sorry :(
on redhat 9, didnt have much success using the windows boot loader to load linux and vice versa
linux uses like /hda1,hda2,hdb1 (linux installed), hdb2(swap) while windows goes something like Channel(0)Device(1)Partition(1) (well, wording will be different)
btw, since windows is on a SATA drive, isnt that something like sda1 or so, and can the bootloader access SATA drives to start with? i think thats what GRUB had a problem with when i used Redhat9
i really dig linux, but for mostly server applications because it doesn't really compete with win xp as a gaming OS. i have an old computer running debian, thats a teamspeak server, file, print server. its nice because you can use a crappy old pentium 200 even and it runs many things just fine.
I'm going to spend Sunday installing FC3, which should be fun. I've used FC1 a fair bit, but had trouble getting my soundcard (Audigy 2) to work. Anyone have any idea of FC3 has better support for this card?
I've never had any problems with the boot loader, I always used dual boot with lilo, Mandrake 10, 10.1 and now Fedora Core 3.

It's always fun to have fun of your friends when they send you a .pif on MSN and you can download the file and tell them hey, it's not a virus, it does nothing, you should try to execute it and see by yourself :)
Zerimski said:
I'm going to spend Sunday installing FC3, which should be fun. I've used FC1 a fair bit, but had trouble getting my soundcard (Audigy 2) to work. Anyone have any idea of FC3 has better support for this card?
Audigy 2 is a popular card, i would be very surprised if it wont work. I hear that FC3 works with my AC'97 integrated sound, so it looks good.
right now, im home for lunch, the macaroni cheese has beeped and i gotta go back for maths higher, and see if i get my prelim results back :| i left so many blanks

then when i get home il try FC3 again
hi all! im writing this post from FEDORA CORE 3!
finally got it working!
however, i did not succeed in installing it on my 30gig 5,400 IDE 66 [SLAVE] drive, but on the unpartitioned 20 or so gig on the brand new Maxtor 160GB ATA133 [MASTER].
im so glad its working. internet worked instantly! a little slow, but my sis is downloading on winmx and its gonna have to cache stuff. sound worked perfectly when i clicked TEST. brilliant! looks so clean and modern! now to find some music on the NTFS partition on this drive.
lol im so excited
E-2k5 said:
windows > linux
Not for servers it isnt...
Seus Linux > Windows

For gaming, yes, Windows is the best platform.
I use FC3, never had any problems. In my experience, just making sure you setup properly gets rid of any detection problems. RH9 is also a good distrobution, seems lighter than FC3.

Hl2 works find on linux, by the way. Most games do. Its really a much better OS than windows.
I just downloaded Knoppix(i'm using it now actually) and it's pretty cool.
Just about everything inside my computer works without me having to configure much of anything. The auto-detection picked up all my drives(80GB, 13GB, DVD, DC-RW), input devices and my soundcard(which is more than I can say for WinXP) The only thing that I had to configure was the network card, and even then it was just and automated detection and setup. I didn't have to adjust any ip settings or anything.
While this is my first time using Linux I wouldn't mind using it more often.
Does anybody here know if you can make Knoppix bootable off of you main harddrives? That would make my day. And what are some other good Lunix distributions that are good for beginners?

gh0st, how did you get HL2 to work? Does it look as nice as it does on windows with directx?
linux is the best OS available, imho. Fortunately, it's shortcomings a few years ago (with RedHat and FC1) are becoming less and less... as FuriousV and others have pointed out. We can even play HL2 on FC3!!! woo hoo! I dual-boot XP and FC3 on a single 200GB SATA hard drive (separate partitions), and... while I *can* run HL2 in linux, I get much better performance in XP, so I opt for that over linux anywayz. I do, however, do everything else besides games in linux. Best OS given to mankind! :thumbs:
MF-Boltress said:
Does anybody here know if you can make Knoppix bootable off of you main harddrives? That would make my day. And what are some other good Lunix distributions that are good for beginners? Does it look as nice as it does on windows with directx?
Knoppix (I think) is downloadable from their website in a Harddrive-bootable form, however, you'd probably be better off with a distro (as you said, easy for beginners) such as Fedora Core 3. For this, go to fedora.redhat.com and download the ISOs. From there, just follow their easy setup instructions.

As far as HL2, I'm not sure, ghost will have to tell you, but generally windows-based games won't run nearly as well on a linux platform because linux not only has to run the game, but also translate the windows-based code on-the-fly into a usable linux-code format. It takes more CPU time, and plus some of the GPU features aren't integrated in linux either. In other words, your chances of getting as good performance in linux as you would in windows are small.

Good luck! :cheers:
Yeh I love my frame rate getting raped by cadega. No thanks i'll stick with my super sexy windows system and visual studio.
Thanks NetGuru, I'll check it out.

By the way, Knoppix is a downloadable image designed to be booted from a cd.(That's why I was asking if there was a way to make it run off my HDs.)

Edit: Umm...which images to I download, there are some that are "i368" and others that are"i368 SRPMS"?
I use cedega for windows games. No, you dont get perfect performance, but if your processor is quick enough (not to mention your GPU), and your shits configured right, you can have a very good performance especially given you paid -100 dollars and dont have to worry about many security threats. I play CSS, and HL2DM on cedega, each work fine.

^Ben, my framerates are just about equal, not sure where you messed up but 1) your computer isnt fast enough, or 2) you just messed up cedega. It needs to be tweaked sometimes.

MF-Boltress said:
Thanks NetGuru, I'll check it out.

By the way, Knoppix is a downloadable image designed to be booted from a cd.(That's why I was asking if there was a way to make it run off my HDs.)

Edit: Umm...which images to I download, there are some that are "i368" and others that are"i368 SRPMS"?
Dont use Knoppix if you want a complete linux distribution. Knoppix is alright, but seriously consider downloading FC3 or another major distro. Get the i386 ones if you really want to.
gh0st said:
Dont use Knoppix if you want a complete linux distribution. Knoppix is alright, but seriously consider downloading FC3 or another major distro. Get the i386 ones if you really want to.
He's right ;) Knoppix was designed as a systems diagnostic and/or a linux demo version. It wasn't meant to be a permanant OS on your HD. I looked it up and there are projects that have ported Knoppix to HD version, however, I would recommend just going with FC3. And as ghost said, go for the i386 ones - you don't need SRPMs. SRPMs are basically just the source code for all of the programs that are on the normal CDs. Handy if you're a developer, HD space hog if you're not. Get the i386 ISOs. :cheers:
Okay, I have all the images now. Do I need to have an empty hard drive to install this? I was afraid to go past the partition part because I have so much valuable information on my drives.
I'm holding off for now if so, but I'm really looking forward to getting this up and running and to be using something other that windblows for a change. :cheers:

Do you guys know if there is a native port of Foobar2000 for linux? That would be rad.
Unfortunatly, ATI has poor support for linux drivers and fortunalty, I own an Nvidia card :)
my radeon 9800 pro was picked up fine
btw, on the bootloader, it gives 2 options, something like Fedore Core 3 2.6.blablablaSMP or something and the other
Fedore Core 3[blablalba] 2.6.blbalbabla
soz cant remember what it said, is one like a debugger or safe mode?

half life 2 wont nearly work as well as windows because its only DirectX and that is for windows, linux wants OpenGL
oh and i managed to instsall UT2004 of my DVD, the linux installer was on it. but one problem, when i click the icon, the game just about starts, get the UT2004 and ATARI and logos (along with TUX) but then it goes away and no game menu appears, back to desktop.
furiousV, I wouldn't really bother with any new games on Linux with an ATI card, the performance is usually absolutely terrible (opposite for nvidia, which provide excellent linux drivers).

I am also pretty sure that 3D acceleration drivers aren't included in FC, so goto www.ati.com and download the Linux Binary Drivers, just follow the instructions and it should work fine. :)

Also Cedega is a project which basically, as I understand, uses some sort of OpenGL layer to provide compatibility with DirectX games. And yes Half Life 2 can run very well (with nvidia at least).

And to all you morons "windows>linux" "linux>windows", I think that discussion is neither here or there, its all personal preference and is totally off topic for this thread.
oh, to get distros, http://www.linuxiso.org/ is a good site.
for FC3 there are torrents out there,as well as few other distros which kickass! i got 100kb/sec at one point (to me on 512kb thats a record breaker, 2mb coming soon)

i couldnt get a successful boot installing on my old 30gb slave, so i installed on a unformatted partition on m ynew 160gb (master) i dont know if master/slave has anything to do with booting, but it seemed to have.
well i must go back to school, and getmy grade in physics
My only guess is you messed up with the bootloader configuration, but if you eventually got it working then cool :)
Ill give it a shot if someone tells me how to make the UI more sleek and minimilist.

Previous experience's with various distros made my eyes bleed, pointless buttons to switch desktops etc making the taskbar way oversized.

I'm begining to <8 linux, if I get the UI sorted out, I think ill be fine.
simmo, for a nice minimalistic ui for many linux distro's look for a program called 'blackbox,' you may have already heard of it as it is fairly popular on windows based machines.

or, try gnome or kde theme's/icons etc for linux distro's.
MF-Boltress said:
Okay, I have all the images now. Do I need to have an empty hard drive to install this? I was afraid to go past the partition part because I have so much valuable information on my drives.
There should be instructions if you click on the help section, however, a general knowledge of partitioning is pretty necessary. To get a better idea of how to boot multiple OSs off of the same computer, go here... http://www.osloader.com/support.htm

Scroll down the "Multiple OS Installation Guide". The sections here should give you some pretty basic information on how to boot multiple OSs. Note that linux includes its own boot loader, so you most likely won't need OSLoader2000. Let me know if you have more questions.
hey thanks all for your support
but im havin a little trouble loading up Win2k with Grub, i dont wanna hit f8 every time i switch on my pc to manually select win2k hard drive.
what would a s-ata hd device be called in linux, and can a bootloader recognise it?
hda 1st and 2nd partition = Maxtor with NTFS
hda 3rd partition = Maxtor with FC3
hdb = Western Digital (ancient) with nothing really
hdc = Sony CD-RW
hdd = Samsung DVD-ROM
now, would my Maxtor 80GB be sda (dont nkow where i got that from) or hde?

i hope that makes sense what i just said
Depends really, try say... hde for your harddrive, should technically work :)
nope, error 23 or something, and i tried as many combinations i could think of
should it say
noverifyroot (hd0,0) <-- thats default, i think)
chainloader +1 <-- wtf is that?