Lets talk about manly hair, and how to get rid of it.


Nov 1, 2004
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Its time for some man talk. Being from European descent, half Portugeze and half Swedish, im quite a hairy guy. Im not a freaking wookie, but i have more than lets say the avarage american. So far i havent really paid attention to it, but i think most of us would agree that the female part of our species dont really like body hair. So i have come to the conclusion that i want to get rid of all my proud manly chest hair.

I have never done something like this before, and i think it would be wise of me to contact my fellow netters here at helplife2.net. How should i do it? Any tips? Im thinking of just doing a normal shave, but is there something else i need to think of? How fast does it grow back? Also, will it grow back MORE if i shave it?
I'd say most females dislike LOADSAHAIR over the upper torso, but I wouldn't say shaving it all off would be applicable. I luckily don't really have that much hair xD
Personally, my girlfriend like my chest hair, though I do keep it trimmed (to prevent wooky-ness). A good normal shave is usually enough for me when I do a little snip-snip.

If you continuously shave it completely off, you may find that it grows back faster over time.
I don't have chest hair, ball hair on the other matter...
The problem is that im a white...SUPER pale. My skin isnt very attractive, so all the body hair kind of hides that. So im scared that if i shave it, my skin would reflect too much sunlight and blind the girl. I might just trim it a bit, nothing too agressive.
Man I hate ass crack hair. such a weird thing
Shave it off, watch it come back twice as thick. Then you WILL be a wookiee.
Just leave it, and when you get into a relationship, ask them what they prefer. Easy. Its all down to personal preference.
I shave everything on my body with shaving cream and a razor.
Don't shave, it'll grow back thicker and faster. What you should do is try hair removal products like "Nair" or some other creams where you leave it on for 10 minutes then you just wipe it off with a damp towel and removes all of the hair. Be careful though, make sure you do a test patch because those creams do have chemicals that might burn your skin.

Another alternative is waxing. It's the best example because it's cheap and it keeps the hair gone for a long time (~2-6 weeks) but it's extremely painful.

If you have money, then the best option is to go for laser hair removal. It is permanent but you must go to 2 or 3 sessions. Major drawback is money. I hear it's really expensive.
I'm a hairy guy and trust me, it's one of those things you're better off just leaving alone. If you start trying to maintain it then you'll have to keep maintaining it. Most girls expect guys to be hairy, and a lot of woman prefer hair on their guys.

I relate it to guys that are losing hair, they can try and comb it, style it, slow it, whatever and quite often it just comes off as obvious and they look worse than just having thinning hair. The majority of women aren't as shallow as men and realize men are hairy and half of us lose some hair at some point, and thankfully they accept our ugly, fat, hairy, balding selves.
I discovered the slightest bit of hair on the tops of my feet (can't even see it unless you look close) and thought that was kind of weird.
The problem is that im a white...SUPER pale. My skin isnt very attractive, so all the body hair kind of hides that. So im scared that if i shave it, my skin would reflect too much sunlight and blind the girl. I might just trim it a bit, nothing too agressive.

Go the **** outside, geek, you live in Italy now not Sweden. :p
Absolute nonsense.

Yea, I agree. I'm pretty sure it's an urban legend.

I used shaving cream and a razor a few years back to shave the entire half of my body (I lost a bet) - vertically btw. I looked ****ing weird as all hell for about two weeks.

Be careful around your nips, son.
I shave my chest like once every 2 weeks, my back once a month, my balls once every 2 weeks or less and my arm pits once every 3 weeks. tbh it makes a lot of difference. i don't sweat as much, i feel cooler, i can see my abs more and my balls have more airflow
I trim my pubic hair and that's about it. I'm thinking about starting to shave my ass crack, though.
How do you shave your back/asscrack? I mean, you cant see whats going on.
Hair doesn't grow back faster and thicker if you shave it, you fools. If that was true, every 15 year old whould be sporting full beards. It's just something your mom tells you becouse she wants you to get rid of that silly mustash. And It just feels thicker the first day becouse it's all porkypiney when it starts to grow back.
I'm not the least hairy guy, and all the women I've had liked what hair I have. Obviously trimming the bush to make the tree look longer is good. But I have stomach hair up to chest hair. They all like to rub their hands through it and what not.

Of course, if you find the women that are all about what they see in magazines, then they will like a fully shaved man. I've yet to find one of them, though....
I'm not the least hairy guy, and all the women I've had liked what hair I have. Obviously trimming the bush to make the tree look longer is good. But I have stomach hair up to chest hair. They all like to rub their hands through it and what not.

Of course, if you find the women that are all about what they see in magazines, then they will like a fully shaved man. I've yet to find one of them, though....

Some girls just find that hairy-chested guys are really sexy..they love the burly look. I'm a pretty hairy guy...the one thing I really hate and get rid of is my shoulder/back hair. It's not wild but it is noticeable and I think it's pretty ugly.

I like my stomach/chest hair though, I feel manlier.
Ditto. I will never get rid of my stomach chest hair. Maybe if it gets just that slightest bit longer I will, but it stays the same length and just spreads to a larger portion of my chest. I like it.
Glad for all ur guys opinions. What about hair around the nipples? Thats the shit that is worrying me the most, should i get rid of it?

inb4 poast piks
Glad for all ur guys opinions. What about hair around the nipples? Thats the shit that is worrying me the most, should i get rid of it?

inb4 poast piks

If you like to have your nipples sucked you should....
I feel for you guy, I'm having a hair problem myself. Losing it on top, whilst it grows on my ass and back instead. Don't try to hide it, as others have said, it'll only make it appear more obvious that you're insecure about your man hair, and 99.9% of women out there prefer a man that is confident above all else.

What I do is only shave hairy parts that can't be concealed under a dress shirt such as around the bottom of the neck line. That shit drives me absolutely insane because it makes me feel like a scarecrow with hay sticking through the top of my shirt. I only do this for personal preference though, not to impress the ladies.

Also, hair growing back faster and thicker after shaving is a fallacy. What is true however, is the possibility of in-grown hairs and those are painful and even less attractive than the hair itself in the first place, so be careful.
Shave it off, watch it come back twice as thick.
It can come in and rest in a different direction (a different pattern) than the hair used to lay. If you damage the skin bad enough, more hair might grow from that damage (or none at all - a bald spot). Another example of damaged skin would be the infamous 'hairy mole'. But you won't damage the hair follicles by shaving. EDIT: Although I guess it's possible if you cut yourself.

It might just be longer because you are further along into puberty when it grows back, geniuses.
Ha ha, f**king ad banner at the bottom is so obnoxious with it's keyword accuracy. It's currently advertising a hair removal program at AmericanLazer.com.
What kind of "girls" are you ****ing that give a shit about the hair between your ass cheeks?
What kind of "girls" are you ****ing that give a shit about the hair between your ass cheeks?
^ Really.

I'd never wax/shave my ass hair. I tried it once just to get that kid/toddler feeling down below I once remember, but then it started to grow back. :/

In short, I never will do that ever again, and CERTAINLY not for a bitch.