Levels you'd like to see in AM

Angry Lawyer said:
A situation where you're forced to team up with some Combine Soldiers because of a larger threat about to crush you both (a swarm of Xenian Grunts, or a Gargantua) would be kinda cool.

-Angry Lawyer
Anticitizen 1 spotte-OH HOLY SHIT!*ignores you until swarm of antlions is dead*
Someone named XEN yet?

Cause that would be awesome, I want a xen level!!!
DoctorWeeTodd said:
Oooh...a small town run by hedonistic rebels. Kinda like in the Martrix.
Like Ravenholm?
Complete freedom. Give us unrestricted access to the entire city or wherever.

Tell us where to go but allow us to go out and meet more characters. It will thicken the plot, some characters may give out misinformation, some may actually side with the Combine.
Yes but essentially what you're talking about there is something that no single-player FPS has ever done before (I would say no game, but I suppose MMORPGs have sort of) and whilst it'd be incredible, it'd be a massive undertaking and certainly not one they'd do for an expansion.
Besides which, full freedom isn't really part of the Half-Life story-telling ethos: there they're telling a tale that goes from A to B - not necessarily being blatant with everything that's going on, but still linear.

Perhaps one day we'll get something like that, but not for quite a while. Sadly.
It'd work much better for a Deus Ex-ish type game.
el Chi said:
Yes but essentially what you're talking about there is something that no single-player FPS has ever done before
Operation Flashpoint(A FPS) did, and that was 4 years ago. :D
Probably something similar is going to be in it, but: A massive fight down the citadel. You still have the organic grav gun and are throwing combine down the side of it, watching them fall all the way to the bottom. A strider jumps out of one of the sides to the bottom.
A lot of these ideas sound cool. I'd like to see Xen. Yes! It doesn't have to be for long just a quick teleport to see what it now looks like. I'd also like to see more labs, labs is why hl1 owned. I'd like to also see a subway sequence, underground with not much lighting you'd have to navigate through in trains and at stations :)
nutcrackr said:
A lot of these ideas sound cool. I'd like to see Xen. Yes! It doesn't have to be for long just a quick teleport to see what it now looks like. I'd also like to see more labs, labs is why hl1 owned. I'd like to also see a subway sequence, underground with not much lighting you'd have to navigate through in trains and at stations :)
Er. The areas have to make sence. Why would you encounter a lab and are there subways in Eastern Europe(I think there is 1 in Moscow but I'm not sure)
French Ninja said:
Operation Flashpoint(A FPS) did, and that was 4 years ago. :D
Ah yes, I'd fogottern about OpFlash (never owned it, so never got into it, so it hasnm't stuck out properly in my mind). To a degree, I stand corrected. I mean, OpFlash had a ridiculously large playing space (what was it, like 100km square?) the engine was specifically designed for that (Source really really wasn't), and often the environments were rather sparse (a forest, a town with four houses and the endless hills and fields).
I totally take your point, but the idea of a large, all-access city is much more of an undertaking. I don't doubt that we will see it, but I don't reckon it's round the corner, so to speak.
"My assessment of this town was sadly premature!"

  • You are on a train, and combine are simultaneously attacking you from on board the train and from apc's speeding alongside.
  • I'd like to see a forest, but a dead forest. Big, huge dead trees with no leaves, and the fast zombies going through them and branches snapping off and falling.
  • SNOW plz
  • rain, fog, just general weather variations.
  • Striders at night, stomping on stuff... and stuff.
  • Barroom fight, like in "raiders of the lost ark" is the first one I can think of... Taking cover behind the bar, combine shooting out stained glass windows... or zombies even, knocking over little round tables.
  • San Francisco type docks. More industrial, buildings and big cranes all over the place.
  • not a elvel, but... cremators. Does anyone know why those were cut out...?
Angry Lawyer said:
Stuff with intelligent Xenians gating in and administering the smackdown on both the Combine and any Resistance members/freed Vortigaunts dumb enough to stay in the area.

-Angry Lawyer

thats definitely something i wanna see as well even tho its not likely to happen :)
i'd also like to see something similar to the cliff hanger area in HL1...i really enjoyed that part from the game and would like to see something similar in AM. :dork:
Que-Ever said:
  • not a elvel, but... cremators. Does anyone know why those were cut out...?
The cloaks weren't much better than the Dentons' in Deus Ex so they had 2 choices:
Completly re-design them
Put their head in a jar
The weather control station from Raising the bar would be nice, so would the air exchange.

They should also add new weapons, why not bring the cool stuff from the leak?
"We are pulling out" or "On a Rail".

I'd like to see Gargs vs Striders, and Snarks vs Combine.

And Biozeminades vs Antlion guards/king.
Gargs versus Striders...

Anyone dare me to code in this situation and record it for the baying masses?

Biozeminades win though.

-Angry Lawyer
You actually do see a headcrab launcher in Lost Coast..
Oh, and i would like to see, you know.. when you have some citizens to go with you, and a headcrab suddently attacks one of them, i think that it would kick *ss if they actually JUMPED on their HEADs, and start the zombification or something like that.. oh my god that would kick so much butt!
chimpmunk said:
The weather control station from Raising the bar would be nice, so would the air exchange.
Air Exchange dosn't make sence anymore because the air is clearly breathable. Plus it would just be fighting Combine soldiers in an enemy facility. Hardly aw-inpiring.
I would like to see:
1) a level where freeman gets Salvation
2) a level where BlueWolf72[GSR] suxz0rz rawr!!!
Jesuit76 said:
I would like to see:
1) a level where freeman gets laid
2) a level where BlueWolf72[GSR] suxz0rz rawr!!!

Suxzorz this WOOF WOOF

nice read. I feel born again to play HL2
SHIPPI said:
All I want is a Gargantula vs Antlion queen battle :D

I'd love to revisit Xen, again. I loved it! And I miss all the houndeyes and bullsquids... HL2 wasn't quite Half-Life without those loveable lil' monsters.

to add onto that, it would be fun to see a Alien Grunt or a Gonarch too :D
ríomhaire said:
The cloaks weren't much better than the Dentons' in Deus Ex so they had 2 choices:
Completly re-design them
Put their head in a jar

Vampire The Masquerade had cloth physics, although it was buggy. they could program that in!
ríomhaire said:
Air Exchange dosn't make sence anymore because the air is clearly breathable. Plus it would just be fighting Combine soldiers in an enemy facility. Hardly aw-inpiring.

What proves the air is breathable on the long term?
I mean, think of the smog in L.A. or Mexico City, do people walk around with gas masks? The air exchange may still be in fonction, causing, for example, lungs cancer or asthma.

The architecture of the Air exchange was so "combineish" that it's a crime they cut it out.
What was Air Exchange? Screenies, anyone?

Perhaps the destruction of the citadel makes the air unbreathable - wait, nevermind, it's already unbreathable for the combine!

Anyway, I'd like to see more of the old xen creatures now that the citadel (which acts as a giant thumper) is down. Bullsquid, Houndeye, Ichthyosaurs and especially Gargs! :D OH, AND SNARKS! LOTS OF SNARKS! Yeah, I know they replaced them with antlions, but so what? Let's have both! Also, more weapons - preferably some weird alien/experimental stuff. I wouldn't mind seeing trip mines implemented into the game, either.

Also, DEFINITELY at least 1 nonlinear level, if not more. I don't care how much you like linearity, you've gotten nothing but it in all of the HL series, so why not have a little bit of change for the better in a level or 2? In any case, I hope the game is as well-rounded as HL2 - I was stunned at the amount of gameplay diversity that game had.
The air exchange was shown through concept art. It was a large facility that was changing the air.
I personally do not believe the citadel was acting as a giant thumper, to be honest. As powerful as it was, it was in the centre of the city, and I doubt it would send vibrations out that far. I could be wrong, however.
Well, the 'thumping' parts were pretty damn massive. :E
True, true...but meh, I doubt it. Perhaps its just an added bonus, I doubt the Combine foresaw the planet being over-run by the xen aliens, and created a ton of wasteland. They didn't, at least I doubt, design Citadels to do that :p
Ah, but doesn't the Citadel grow and modify and build itself, almost organically, re-arranging itself to suit the environment and needs of the situation, sending out a giant wall that eats everything up, grabbing land and consuming resources to funnel into the centre and turn into more Citadel? :eek:

Least, that's the impression I got - that the Citadels would be somewhat adapted to wherever they were. If they needed a giant thumper, no problem.