Levels you'd like to see in AM

I'd agree with that. It could have been gradual. I still think its more there for picking up resources though, and it being a thumper was just an added bonus.
Samon said:
I'd agree with that. It could have been gradual. I still think its more there for picking up resources though, and it being a thumper was just an added bonus.
This is probabaly true, but the end effects would be the same.
chimpmunk said:
What proves the air is breathable on the long term?
I mean, think of the smog in L.A. or Mexico City, do people walk around with gas masks? The air exchange may still be in fonction, causing, for example, lungs cancer or asthma.

The architecture of the Air exchange was so "combineish" that it's a crime they cut it out.
The citadel and NP serve us enough Combineish areas.
I know requests to re-add content that was removed from the original HL2 are old as hell, but I'd personally like to see the wastelands return(maybe towards the end of the game, once you're out of the city). Yeah, Highway 17 and Sandtraps were a bit wasteland-ish, but something about endless stretches of alien-infested ground and ruined relics of civilization just appeals to me. And what little you glimpse of that level in HL2 is kickass.

And of course, the return of more Xen creatures. I'd like to actually see the Vortigaunts in action too.
Id like to see the Drop Ship that took my lovey Buggy.
Have it waiting for you so you quicky drive out of the cidel as the wall things collapse in. lol:bounce:
a weather station where it has different buttons to make different weather, and the rest of the level depended on what type of weather you left it on when you left :O
Alyx 'hotwires' a combine APC and you man the turret / drive while fighting off combine synths.
-revisiting blackmesa :O
-more inside levels
-a level with big fights between aliens(vortigaunts..) and combines

oups , thats all i want to see in hl3 :sleep:
Train ride through the wastelands being chased by Gunships. With Dropships dropping Combine onto the back of the train.

Stealing a Combine Helicopter!
i just want to see more of alyx, but i think thats gonna hapen. personally i would like to see more street warefare. like that bit that never got included in hl where you fight with barney in the streets. the bit where he says 'remember when we thought black mesa was bad?'
Wouldn't mind seeing some hardcore resistance (I.E., tanks, helicopters of our own.) battling combine on some wasteland or in the streets. They also need a major port/ghetto fight scene, not like the tiny ports you saw in HL2, or the ones like ravenholm, I'm talking huge tankers, and maybe a sub, or even a cruise liner?

It is shocking, isn't it :O

Moderators are people too, come to think of it. But yeah, we want Black mesa in Aftermath. Craters are great fun to roam around in, right?
Ghostdog said:
You´re supposed to be a moderator andyou respond to a user like that?

Moderators don't have to be nice to anyone, especially idiots.
Samon said:
It is shocking, isn't it :O

Moderators are people too, come to think of it. But yeah, we want Black mesa in Aftermath. Craters are great fun to roam around in, right?
I don't know about you, but I'd love to!

If seriously, I'd like to go through Half-Life 2 levels in a reversed order. Of course, not ALL levels from the Citadel to the Trainstation, but, for example, you could pass the Route Canals from metrocops' perspective.
iMMuNiTy said:
I don't know about you, but I'd love to!

If seriously, I'd like to go through Half-Life 2 levels in a reversed order. Of course, not ALL levels from the Citadel to the Trainstation, but, for example, you could pass the Route Canals from metrocops' perspective.
Except that you play as Gordon.
iMMuNiTy said:
Yeah. Screw my English. :rolleyes:

But I hope you understood what I ment.
Nope, I seem to never understand what you or jerkasaur say.
ríomhaire said:
Nope, I seem to never understand what you or jerkasaur say.
Okay, if you're not being sarcastic (as it seems that 8 out of 10 people seem to perfectly understand my English, with a few exceptions where they correct me, but still understand what I mean), I'll explain for all racists and grammar nazi's:

I would like Gordon to pass through Route Canal levels in a reversed order, i.e. not from the trainstation to the Water hazard levels, but vice versa. For variation purposes, Gordon wouldn't go exactly the same way back with a few "modifications" of level design, but instead take the path which was used by combine to ambush you with explosive barrels, APCs and alike.

If you still don't get it, I'd suggest you go see a brain surgeon.
iMMuNiTy said:
Okay, if you're not being sarcastic (as it seems that 8 out of 10 people seem to perfectly understand my English, with a few exceptions where they correct me, but still understand what I mean), I'll explain for all racists and grammar nazi's:

I would like Gordon to pass through Route Canal levels in a reversed order, i.e. not from the trainstation to the Water hazard levels, but vice versa. For variation purposes, Gordon wouldn't go exactly the same way back with a few "modifications" of level design, but instead take the path which was used by combine to ambush you with explosive barrels, APCs and alike.

If you still don't get it, I'd suggest you go see a brain surgeon.
The only thing I didn't understand was the metrocops' perspective thing. Thanks for clearing that up.
A level in the railway areas of city 17 in which you and some rebel forces are on a high speed train, then a Combine rail-way security train (i'm making it up) comes along side you, and you have to defend the train at all costs, while you fight the Combine on the train. Can you imagine shooting a combine in the face with an accurate shot with your pulse rifle only to have him crumple off of the train and get ran over by the train? talk about good times. The scenario could be that you need to transport Dr. Kleiner from one side of City 17 to the other, because his lab had been found.
But, they already moved Kleiner out of his lab and plus, who cares if he was found anyway - they need to get the hell out of City 17.
But yeah, a train level would be awesome.
i hope they will only bring new levels into AM. its ok if u revisit some very little tiny small parts from HL2 but only very short. i want to see something new . i got even bored with some of the hl2 levels when i played them the first time , so ..
The trailer seems to suggest your on a train escaping the citadel, one of those razor trains (think thats what they called:smoking: )
You and alyx on board with a load of stalkers.

Id like to see a level where your in a huge group storming some combine outpost :)
I['d like a level where you could be dog or a vortiguant and maybe a level as the g-man or where you had to close 2 portals one from xen and one from the combine and combine in their real form came through
TwIsTeD said:
I['d like a level where you could be dog or a vortiguant and maybe a level as the g-man or where you had to close 2 portals one from xen and one from the combine and combine in their real form came through
Hahahahahaha, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!..

Wait, you're not being sarcastic?
no i'm not that would be cool and you see the real combine in hl2 how about fighting them and being dog man you could grab heaps of stuff and toss it around that would be sweet
Samon said:
A level as the Gman? Hohoh, no.
I've already talked about it. I, for one, find it more entertaining to hold a briefcase as a weapon rather than a crowbar. Psh. A crowbar. How old-fashioned is that? Besides, we'd get to teleport anywhere we want. Anywhere. Even McDonalds. And we could constantly show up in front of Gordon. Hell yeah, I'm in!
iMMuNiTy said:
Psh. A crowbar. How old-fashioned is that?
Comparitively, about the time it took for Science & Industry to change it to a briefcase. A year or so more old fashioned.
ríomhaire said:
The cloaks weren't much better than the Dentons' in Deus Ex so they had 2 choices:
Completly re-design them
Put their head in a jar
lol. Would be nice to see decent cloaks in source, but coding something accurately simulating fabrics seems a massive undertaking to me. On my list of things that would totally wow me if Valve sprung Half-Life 3 and a new engine on us...

Personally, as i've probably been heard to say often, I doubt we'll see anything bar:

The Citadel
Various interesting places around central City 17
The subburbs of City 17.

I'm still game for a climatic and exciting end-game escape on a train pursued by a stampeding antlion king and/or warehouse sized chunks of combine citadel though. Imagine the later, wherein you have to boot it all away with a uber-gravity cannon or something crazy :p Still, talk of little rebel hideouts and plodding trips through wastelands doesn't seem to be covered by the scope of a small expansion pack specifically tasked with escaping the meltdown in City 17. Good ideas for later expansions of course, and Valve have expressed an interest in doing later works...
Haven't played Science & Industry. Gonna try it out though, just for the briefcase experience.
Samon said:
A level as the Gman? Hohoh, no.

Exactly, it just wouldn't fit the expansion's theme. Aftermath is supposed to be about frantically escaping City 17, not being a briefcase-toting mystery.

EDIT: Oh, and I'd like to see a "Black Mesa Simulation" program during the Citadel missions (the train ride especially), courtesy of Dr. Breen's need for nostaglia. Hey, one can dream, right?.
iMMuNiTy said:
Haven't played Science & Industry. Gonna try it out though, just for the briefcase experience.
Well, tbh you're about 4 years too late. I don't know if anyone really plays the mod anymore. It was ok back in the day, and yes, hitting someone with a briefcase was pretty satisfying. Nearly as satisfying as activating the C4 Briefcase bomb and commiting tactical suicide :p
kupoartist said:
Well, tbh you're about 4 years too late. I don't know if anyone really plays the mod anymore. It was ok back in the day, and yes, hitting someone with a briefcase was pretty satisfying. Nearly as satisfying as activating the C4 Briefcase bomb and commiting tactical suicide :p
Hmm. I wonder if someone is going to make an online team deathmatch modification - G-Man vs. the Combine. Briefcase vs. Combine Advisor's claws fights FTW.