Life After Death


Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score
Life After Death

This is a mod basically you avoid death, while at the same time roleplay with whatever job or profession you choose. You eat and drink at restaraunts to prevent dieing of natural causes, but you can be killed by other things like zombies, or falling objects. When you die that way you can become a ghost or a banshee, the only difference is you can wail and freak out people as a banshee.
There is going to be a code to cause day and night to switch over a period of ten minutes. Me and the well known jimstr (creator of popular fy_houses_source, can be found on in Counter Strike Source) have talked about it and he's going to help. The idea is part of the city is lively, have shops, a police station, gun shop, vehicle garage, and that sort of thing, while the other side of the city is rubbled up, destroyed and when night comes the ai headcrabs come into the good section of the city and start taking over players. The player then becomes that kind of zombie depending on that kind of headcrab and has all of the powers that that kind of zombie.
Anyhow there are quite a few undead type of creature, and a few living. If you're accepted you get a full thing about the creatures and everything. This is a multiplayer mod. I know by fact that this doesn't push the limits of the source engine much and I know this because jimstr knows the limits of the engine on account he is paid for a lot of his maps, he knows a lot more about the engine than a lot of people.


!A WEBSITE CREATOR!-Yes, in fact we do need a website badly. I am afraid I am not the best at creating websites, and I barely know how to create backgrounds in html. In order to fill this position you must give a quick example and I will pick the best one given. The graphics will be given after they are created, so you may be on standby for a little bit.

2 beta testers-Though we will need beta testers for more than testing the final beta of the game, beta testers are still handy for testing parts of the code, models, and whatever else needs testing.

A concept artist-Well, some concept media could help pull people into the mod. If you private message for this you must be good at drawing because not only will I use it for people pulling, but also concept for the model ers

Two texture artists-Yeah, I would really rather not use a bunch of old half life 2 textures, so I need a few dedicated texture artists (I have high standards for this!)

Two mappers-I require two well expirienced mappers that know almost all the entities in hammer, what they do, and are willing to perhaps learn how to use new entities. Must also know how to put models into hammer!

Two creature/player modelers-This project needs a few modelers for various things. Must know how to uv wrap and texture your own models!

Two weapon modelers-This project will have quite a few new weapons for view and world models, for example, zombie claws :borg:

A creature/player model animator-I need a very expirienced animator with the basic idea of how things move realisticly.

A weapon model animator-I also need a very expirienced weapon animator with the basic idea of how things would strike or kick.

Two sound artists-I need two sound artists that are very expirienced and have a good program to use in order to create the sounds. Note that these sounds are not music and are ambience.

Two coders-I require coders with a knowledge of C++ and know they have the ability to create an advanced RPG code, menus, and work well with other coders as both coders may be put to one part of the mod.

A builder-To compile everything coded, modeled, and everything else into the whole thing and make it ready to be beta tested. (Will not be needed for a long long time. Will be put on standby.)

That pretty much covers it. Private message if there's a position you wish to take, and in the website case, it is a contest, whoever creates the better website, or shows the best work on it wins and will get to create a website for this, and perhaps paid well.

(PS: You must private message me an example of your work in order to show me you should be able to fill the position.)

Thanks for reading,
Let me rephrase myself.

You will never complete this project. Give up now.
Start much, MUCH smaller. And your concept has obvious flaws.

Sorry, but it has to be said :(
I will never complete it because no one is going to help. Something more than this was completed in little under a year. Know why? Because there was a team behind it. This could truely be completed fairly easily with hard workers. First the maps are going to be completed while the scripters work on the code and once that code is done it is added to the maps, meanwhile the modelers work on the necessary models, once those are finished they are added to the maps, and so forth. It could be finished easily with a dedicated team.
You're underestimating the amount of work required. Better your skills, and join an already established team.
I absoloutley am not underestimating the amount of work, but I'm ready to see it through the whole way no matter how long it may take.

Oh, and btw I noticed the word noob in your sentence. What kind of dumbass do you take me for botch?
I like the idea of avoiding death in everyday life but I don't think you're up for the challance of doing it yet. If you really want to make a mod, start simple jsut to get into the whole modding thing. It's not easy.

Also, what will you be doing on this mod? You're going to be the "Game Designer" or what? I might have missed that but you write that you need atleast two of every kind (two coders?) all at once...

Get some experience, get a mini-mod out of the door, move on to better/bigger things if you feel you're up for it. If you start on a huge mod now, chances are you will never complete it (just look at HL2 mods trackrecord).
This is such a f***ing amount of work. You could count this mod as dead already. And like Majestic XII sayd, ... what are you doing for the mod ? just giving orders and "leading the team" ? Or do you have some skills aswell ?

but I'm ready to see it through the whole way no matter how long it may take.

Yeah, but no one else will be. And as has been already stated, we're a bit skeptical about your abilities.

By the way, when quoting your post I noticed you spelled out "ass" in silver text. <sarcasm> Nice. </sarcasm>
I really think we need to develop some type of thread named like "The History of Modding Mishaps." So that way we can compile all these threads in one sticky for all the people that are like... "Wow! I'm going to make my very own video game! Woweee wooo cool! I'll be the leader and you can be my slaves!" We destroy every thread like this... yet people still don't seem to get it. Everytime one of these threads are created a game designer dies a little inside.
Ehm.. I don't actually recall ever signing up on PHW. I've been there a few times because practically every facepunch studios comic I've seen sucked. I am a mapper, I know I kind of forget to say that.
You could do alot of the mod by just scripting it, so start out with that. If you need a coder to do some work later on, then look for one then. People will be a lot more interested if you actually have something to show.
everyone wants to try their hand at this thing hehe, but only a few will succeed, and only a few of those will be any good :)... id say this is too much for a first mod though expecially if your only going to design but you did mentioined you being a mapper so thats good

i know its possible but you wont get it started until youve made some smaller mods and convince the world you can do it, and the amount of team your asking for is crazy but hey if thats how it must be done then so be it
We destroy every thread like this... yet people still don't seem to get it.

lol it's true.

Unfortunately I don't think a thread would help. People don't read previous threads to see what's expected, I don't think they'd read a sticky either.
egoncalo, you are proud cuz you think your a mod slayer? Oh my god, your the biggest noob alive if you think that. Please get a life and never come back here.

TigerStar, try setting it up smaller. Get some coders and mappers and stuff and try too see if it works out. Then keep it growing and growing. The key for a sucessful mod is to start small and end big (note that I don't have experience in being a mod leader but I played many mods and talked to a lot of mod leaders).

I wish you good luck. :)
egoncalo, you are proud cuz you think your a mod slayer? Oh my god, your the biggest noob alive if you think that. Please get a life and never come back here.

IIRC, egon works in the industry. Even if not, I've worked with him before and he does know what he's talking about.

And even regardlessly, "slaying" a mod of this nature is a public service. You're doing a favor to anyone who is working on it or interested in it. Even if this were to begin development, you'd have better chances of seeing the second coming of Jesus Christ in your lifetime than being able to play it.

Oh, and it's hard to take you seriously when the best insult you can come up with is "noob".
egoncalo, you are proud cuz you think your a mod slayer? Oh my god, your the biggest noob alive if you think that. Please get a life and never come back here.

TigerStar, try setting it up smaller. Get some coders and mappers and stuff and try too see if it works out. Then keep it growing and growing. The key for a sucessful mod is to start small and end big (note that I don't have experience in being a mod leader but I played many mods and talked to a lot of mod leaders).

I wish you good luck. :)

Ruubie... first of all I do this for one reason. I've been on COUNTLESS mod teams that start off full steam ahead, and then die. It's a waste of everyones time, and it pisses alot of people off. I've learned my lesson when it comes to it. I havn't seen you around here alot, but if you look around, there are about 4 threads like this made weekly. Usually none get off the ground, and if they do, they die a month later. Usually the people are inexperienced, or only want to "lead" the project. That doesn't fly in the mod community. I'm sorry you don't like my "slayer" title, but I find it amusing, along with half the other "veterans" of these forums. Please don't lecture me, or call me a noob... I've been here alot longer than you, and probably have more experience to boot. Now I'll let you apologize. As for TigerStar, I don't mean to be harsh, but please just look around these forums and see how far these full team requests actually get.


P.S. - Thanks Yorick <3
I agree with you by saying the many threads and many people who think they can lead huge mods and the mods will eventually die. But you can bring it in a better manner and don't have to let everyone know you are an 'uber mod slayer'.

And you putting my quote in my signature is really, really pathetic. Someone posting something negative about you, get over it.

You call that alot longer? Sure, longer than a year, but you barely post and you are not one of really longtime members. Nothing to worry about, but don't act like your a very respected veteran, as your not.

End of discussion.
I agree with you by saying the many threads and many people who think they can lead huge mods and the mods will eventually die. But you can bring it in a better manner and don't have to let everyone know you are an 'uber mod slayer'.

And you putting my quote in my signature is really, really pathetic. Someone posting something negative about you, get over it.

You call that alot longer? Sure, longer than a year, but you barely post and you are not one of really longtime members. Nothing to worry about, but don't act like your a very respected veteran, as your not.

End of discussion.
Actually, it's spelt "you're".
lolz. I give up. 6Three nice new avatar.

PS. I changed my sig for you ruubie!
Boys, stop fighting. It's doesnt matter how "professional" you are, calling yourself "teh super duper awesome mod slayer lols" is just stupid... but that's just my opinion. Theres a nice way and a not so nice way to tell people that your mod idea won't go anywhere...and people here tend to do it in the not so nice way (Ego boost ftw.).

Also: You're all noobs, I'm teh best lols.
Theres a nice way and a not so nice way to tell people that your mod idea won't go anywhere...and people here tend to do it in the not so nice way (Ego boost ftw.).

It's not a matter of an ego boost. The majority of people who come in with the "lolz my mod idea rules, now you guys make it for me" doesn't do any research into the work it actually takes. I've been modding on and off for close to 7 years and I can tell you that not a week goes by that I don't see one of those pop up.

There comes a point when you just don't see the point in being nice. If they aren't going to read other threads, if they aren't going to do the research or see what's required, then they're morons, and you should treat them that way.

Being nice is overrated. It's honesty we don't have enough of.
It's impossible to give Yorick's ego a boost; it's already far too bloated and all encompassing. You should hear him drone on though AIM all day long about how mega awesome he and his mod skills are.

Then the next day, naturally, we take turns and swap.
It's not a matter of an ego boost. The majority of people who come in with the "lolz my mod idea rules, now you guys make it for me" doesn't do any research into the work it actually takes. I've been modding on and off for close to 7 years and I can tell you that not a week goes by that I don't see one of those pop up.

There comes a point when you just don't see the point in being nice. If they aren't going to read other threads, if they aren't going to do the research or see what's required, then they're morons, and you should treat them that way.

Being nice is overrated. It's honesty we don't have enough of.

Still doesn't entitle you to be an ass though. Instead of saying "Won't work, you suck!" to new people, wouldn't it be better to say "It won't work because of X and Y. Take a look at these threads to see what I mean" or something like that. We all been newbies before. If you can't say it in a nice way, don't stick your ****ing nose in the thread. I don't care how many years you been working on mods or whatever, I've been into this modding/game dev far too long as well, but it would be nicer if the "veterans" shared their wisedom with the "morons".

It's gone a little too far when people start bragging about how many mods they "slayed" and how many newbs they pwned. Give it a break. Show that you know something and help them or don't say anything at all.
Still doesn't entitle you to be an ass though. Instead of saying "Won't work, you suck!" to new people, wouldn't it be better to say "It won't work because of X and Y. Take a look at these threads to see what I mean" or something like that. We all been newbies before. If you can't say it in a nice way, don't stick your ****ing nose in the thread. I don't care how many years you been working on mods or whatever, I've been into this modding/game dev far too long as well, but it would be nicer if the "veterans" shared their wisedom with the "morons".

Wow. Take a pill. I was gonna reply to this with a complete description of the internet and how it entitles me to whatever opinion I want, but you're a good guy and I don't want to.

My opinion is that it's fine to be an ass when the person you're referring to is ignorant to what they're doing. If they aren't putting any work into what they have in mind, why would I want to put work into coming up with a solid list of reasons why it'll fail? 9 times out of 10 they aren't going to listen anyway, they'll simply say "Nah won't happen here."

Take a look at this thread and tell me people were too harsh.
Wow. Take a pill. I was gonna reply to this with a complete description of the internet and how it entitles me to whatever opinion I want, but you're a good guy and I don't want to.

My opinion is that it's fine to be an ass when the person you're referring to is ignorant to what they're doing. If they aren't putting any work into what they have in mind, why would I want to put work into coming up with a solid list of reasons why it'll fail? 9 times out of 10 they aren't going to listen anyway, they'll simply say "Nah won't happen here."

Take a look at this thread and tell me people were too harsh.

I like it how you twisted that first paragraph to say what you actually wanted to say, good job :)

You could say whatever you want on a forum, afterall... its the Internets. However, I would like to see this forum as some place positive instead of a hole where everyone shouts at each other. I don't know if you remember when you first started out with game dev in some way, but did you have every fact clear for you back then? I was pretty young when I first started out so I could blame my ignorance on not being too smart/not want to read a whole lot of english/not enough documentation. When I started out it was all about the idea, and I wanted to tell someone about it. I guess it's the same thing here, people want to tell others about their idea. They think it's the idea first, and then you figure out what/if you can do it. Can't you take some pride in actually trying to help the person out instead of telling him to basically **** off? I mean, it doesn't take that much work and I think it's pretty interesting to discuss the fundamentals of game development. If you don't feel like commenting on another "I got an idea!" thread, then skip it.

If everyone had the same way of thinking like you, this forum would be a hell hole (well, it pretty much is since almost everyone is telling each other to **** off).

It's pretty interesting to compare the modding scene with the indie scene. Modding scene is pretty much what we got here with people telling each other to go away, while in the indie scene, people are more open. Maybe because we don't get as many new people as the modding scene :)

I hope you see what I'm trying to say. It's for the better for the forum if we all took a chill pill and lend a helping hand instead [/hippymode].
But.. this mod looks fun.
I know nothing about mods, but I think we need a few life mods. And if you do do it, make it noob-proof, please.
This reserves me as a beta tester if the project ever gets off.