Life After Death

If everyone had the same way of thinking like you, this forum would be a hell hole (well, it pretty much is since almost everyone is telling each other to **** off).

Hey, **** off.
Nah, I see what you mean Majestic. I'll try to lighten up.

Thank you for listening to my rant! :) The things that I wrote goes for a lot of people here, so it wasn't directly towards you, just so you know.

We better go a little more on-topic with this thread now :)
Yorick was being sarcastic.... j/k. Majestic I understand what you are saying fully, but I'm much to big of an asshole to listen.
Yorick was being sarcastic.... j/k. Majestic I understand what you are saying fully, but I'm much to big of an asshole to listen.


Go uv map and skin me a rifle, fore I decide to whip you, boy.

edit: frigging autosmileys
That's it. I am declaring January 2nd LOVE DAY.
Tomarrow, (Or today, freakin screwed up timezones.. or yesterday.) Everyone will say nice things to eachother and must hug someone. Anyone who says a bad word will be banned for the entire day, and if you DO not hug someone, you get a 15 point infraction.