Life and Death Situations


Jul 31, 2003
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Hey guys, I was just wondering if you have had any close life and death situations? The only one I can think of is one time I was at Snoqualmie Falls and I was about 8 or 9 years old. I was walking along this ledge and I slipped and started sliding down this hill a bit and I just reached around me and caught onto a bush... Lucky for me if I would have kept sliding I would have taken a huge drop onto some gnarly rocks and I would have died probably.

Heh, "gnarly"... :D

I honestly can't remember any life or death situations in my life. Guess I'm overly-cautious or something.
Yeah, I jumped on a tree once, while sking, but nothing to big, really.

Good thread Merc.
That's a conicidence, Adrian, since my little near-death (ish) thing is to do with skiing.

Not exactly to do with it though. We were going up the winding roads on a bus and to save time the bus-driver had only put snow-chains on the front wheels, even though it was snowing.

Anyway about half way up the bus stopped, and the back wheels started spinning. There was complete silence on the entire bus for about a minute, then a little girl started crying and that set everyone else off. The driver continued to try and stop the bus sliding slowly towards the cliff face. Luckly it did stop sliding and he said we could get off if we wanted - needless to say we all did. Eventually they got a peste-basher to drag it up the rest of the way.
My apendix (sp?) was close to bursting once, if I had not got rushed in and got it removed I would of died, I was about 12 or something, far as I remember.
One day i was running up a hill in Prince edward island and i was looking backwards. My mom called so i stoped running, answered and looked in front of me, it was not a hill: it was a CLIFF! Like 100meters high and below was the sea, if i had kept running, i'd be dead for sure.
Once some idiot diriving fast between a line of cars and a wall almost hit my car
my foot got run over once, i was wearing my dads shoes for some reason and it went over the leather end which didnt have my foot in. This may have been a dream. Once i was walkin home from school and i was | | that close to getting run over by a man in a truck. i didnt look before i crossed because i was depressed. i think i almost gave the guy a heart attack.
chimpmunk said:
One day i was running up a hill in Prince edward island and i was looking backwards. My mom called so i stoped running, answered and looked in front of me, it was not a hill: it was a CLIFF! Like 100meters high and below was the sea, if i had kept running, i'd be dead for sure.

Whoa, lucky you man, hahaha, amazing.
Once I was sleepwalking, I was supose to be going to the bathroom, but I wen directly to the balcony, if I diden't hit myself with the door, I would have jump. hehe.
The only time I remember is when me and my mom were driving on some road and she was going too fast...I always tell a person to slow down if I notice, but she was going normal speed, except for this nasty little turn that came up, and I didn't see the slow down sign.

Needless to say, we smoked the guard rail, we did a 180 I think, then we were on the opposite side of the road. Luckily no cars were coming...which would have been bad.

There was this other time I was driving with my sister's friends, a long time ago, but all we did was a 180 onto the other side of the road, and no one was coming, so we didn't crash, it was just scary.
its strange how a lot of these deal with cliffs and cars... more stories!! keep em real people no "one time a guy shot at me with a rocket launcher and I matrix dodged it lol lucky huh" .... lol only real stories plz

Once I was driving home in the snow, and I had to cross this old bridge over the green river, anyway the bridge goes up hill then downhill once you get on the other side. Well I didn't realise how slick the bridge was so I started skidding sideways and I went down the bridge sideways almost running off the edge, luckily there were no cars traveling the other way, this bridge was barely big enough for one car in both lanes, let alone me completely sideways + another one. It was freakin' scary as hell.
Adrien C said:
Once I was sleepwalking, I was supose to be going to the bathroom, but I wen directly to the balcony, if I diden't hit myself with the door, I would have jump. hehe.
this scares me, i'm affraid of killing myself while sleeping. ;( :dork:
When I was 3 my mom went to shop, and for some reason that time I didn't want to be alone home, but she had locked the door, so I climed out of our window hanged there and let my self fall, it was a 6 meter drop, but the injuries were minor, I only spent a week in the hospital. If I had hit the ground a different angle i would have been dead.
Further then that I lived in a war for a time, and there were days when shells hit about 200 m or less from me, I rememebr once I was eating pudding and out of a sudden I hear a explosion and about half a second later shard flew against our window, luckely it was coverd by a wooden cover and they didn't go trough.
Once it hit the neburing house, fortunatly the neighbur was not at home and about 5 or 6 times a house 50 meters down the road, I don't know why, maybe they used the house as way to determin if their calculations where correct before they started to shoot at their targets. Once my cousin brought an unesploded shell home, and some of them have time triggers, so we all feared it would exlplode, another time a friend of my uncle fired an AK47 just above me when I was coming trough a hallway. He sat next to where I walked if he had aimed the gun a few centimeters below I would be dead.
Now I live in Holland, but I'm a war refugee, I was born in Bosnia, just if any of you were wondering. Luckly I spent most of the war in parts of croatia so i didn't have to experience ground fighting.
My mom is croatian and my dad is a serbian, so after a time we went from croatia to serbia via slovenia and Hungary I think, now there we stayed for a year and I had to go to school, now for you folks that don't know it was an ethnic conflict so croatians hated the serbs deeply and vise versa, by that time we had a croatian passport, we took it into serbia becasue if we wanted out the croatian passport was widely accepted, now one day we had to for some reason bring it in to school and give it to a teacher, but the bimbo left it on her desk on a break and all the SERBIAN kids saw I had a CROATIAN passport, it could have ended ugly but somehow we convienced them of something that I can't remember anymore, I was very young. When we left serbia for holland we got searched and had to leave our bus becasue they found the croatian passports, we were to be brought back. Luckely we hichhiked with a man when the guards left.Don't know if that counts as a life and death situation but it sure felt like it. Oh yeah and a funny one, we went not so long ago to vacation there and there you have a lot of small twisting roads in the mountains, wel on one we were going upwards about 10 km faster that it was allowed, but thats not the scary part, the scary part is the fact that we were being overtaken by a big truck that carried treetrunks, and a car came from the other direction, you can imagine that the moron in the truck didn't hesitate to go out of its way, even if it meant pushing us off the road. If my dad didn't brake like hell we would be dead.

(P.S. I never hated oslims, serbs or croations, I have friends from all those groups, in fact my best friend is a serbian, now that we look at it we laugh, oh yeah and the guy that tookus out of Serbia I gave a Babuschka, I had recieved 2 fro ma friend when I left serbia.)
i almost ran over a bunny last night driving home....but i swerved and missed it. yay mr. bunny! or was this supposed to be about MY life?
I was 5, the light was out of the socket in the fridge.

I stuck my finger in it.

heh.. yeah...
had a few...even before I was born...

when my mom was pregnant she had a miscarriage(sp?) with my twin brother...could have been me.

when I was born, my airways was blocked and I didn't breath for a couple of minutes after delivery...

age 2, visiting my grand-parents, red coloured lamp-oil...little me thinks it's soda and is rushed to the hospital dangerously ill.

age 5, holiday in Germany, got into deep and nearly drowned...
PriNcE oF SpAcE said:
had a few...even before I was born...

when my mom was pregnant she had a miscarriage(sp?) with my twin brother...could have been me.

when I was born, my airways was blocked and I didn't breath for a couple of minutes after delivery...

age 2, visiting my grand-parents, red coloured lamp-oil...little me thinks it's soda and is rushed to the hospital dangerously ill.

age 5, holiday in Germany, got into deep and nearly drowned...

You have someone looking over you for sure.
damn gray fox, those are some pretty heavy stories. i cant imagine what its like, even though the conflicts over there have always been of interest to me. im an american, but nearly all croatian, and some czech. its terrible to know that those areas have experienced so much devastation.
kaf11 said:
damn gray fox, those are some pretty heavy stories. i cant imagine what its like, even though the conflicts over there have always been of interest to me. im an american, but nearly all croatian, and some czech. its terrible to know that those areas have experienced so much devastation.

Well like I said I was incredibly lucky, my aunt called us just before the war started to go to Croatia, that had actually been at war with the serb bosnians, at that time it was peace in bosnia still. In fact the bridge that we crossed to go in to Croatia was partially destroyed, we had to walk across 1m narrow wooden shelfs from one side to the other, and the day after the whole bridge was destroyed, but to go back to my point, I actually never had to live in an area where there was ground fighting, so I'm incredibly lucky, millions unfortunatly didn't have that luck. Hey but I as far as I can see it's as dangerouse in some parts in the U.S. as it was in bosnia, I mean I wouldn't want to live in a bad part of L.A.
Grey Fox said:
Well like I said I was incredibly lucky, my aunt called us just before the war started to go to Croatia, that had actually been at war with the serb bosnians, at that time it was peace in bosnia still. In fact the bridge that we crossed to go in to Croatia was partially destroyed, we had to walk across 1m narrow wooden shelfs from one side to the other, and the day after the whole bridge was destroyed, but to go back to my point, I actually never had to live in an area where there was ground fighting, so I'm incredibly lucky, millions unfortunatly didn't have that luck. Hey but I as far as I can see it's as dangerouse in some parts in the U.S. as it was in bosnia, I mean I wouldn't want to live in a bad part of L.A.
well, its great that you and your family were able to make it through those times.
When I was in yr 4, I had to go to the bathroom to fill up a jar of water for the painting we were about to do. I look to my right and see a 120 volt power point.
In all my wisdom I decided to throw water over it, with water being everyone and on the ground, when I threw water onto the powerpoint, the water was still coming out of the jar when the water connected with the powerpoint, a surge went through me.
All I felt was a tingle, I should have been killed.

Go me!
Grey Fox, I hope you are staying where you are now!

Btw, will you be able to play Half Life 2 ?
Yes, about a month ago I fell down and something puncture my right armpit. It just stung for a bit.(I didn't notice it punctured my side) So I was just continuing my normal thing and then my dad asked me why I was bleeding. I lifted up my shirt and the blood was all over my shirt. I didn't go to the hospital until like four hours later. I got there and I had to wait another hour. Then I finally got it stitched up and they told me the puncture was about two inches deep. They told me I was lucky it didn't puncture my lungs. Yes, praise the lord!
i don't remember anything of what happened to me now, but i do have a friend who fell off a horse because his pants were not adjusted correctly to the horse (or something). So when the guy was getting up, his hat touched the horse's legs (or something like that) and it kicked him hard in the head. His head was burst and his brain showed and it was filled with dirt. Anyway the guy was like 8 and he was in a coma for a few weeks/months. But now the guy is completely cured :thumbs:
I've hit my head on hard objects an extraordinary number of times during my relatively early childhood.

hmm...... well this one time at band camp...... :naughty:

seriously I have come closer to death more times than the grim reaper.

The last time was a while ago. Whatching Mike Tyson look at me while I covered up my Ear as he stood next to me in a movie line.
Yakuza said:
hmm...... well this one time at band camp...... :naughty:

seriously I have come closer to death more times than the grim reaper.

The last time was a while ago. Whatching Mike Tyson look at me while I covered up my Ear as he stood next to me in a movie line.
are you ****ing serious? omg.
hehe, no I didn't cover my ear. Besides I wouls put mike sown for a nizzap if he messed with me.
i was walking over a pedestrian crossing and there was a bus stoped, somthing told me to stop. just then some ****wit mounted the pavement to go around the bus where i would have been standing and flew past about 3 inches away.

goin pretty fast, enough to kill me.
Okey, since other people are posting their stories in this thread, and I only provided a number I'll say some of them that have affected me the most.

Before I left for hitchhiking around the world, I decided that I'd climb Kebenekaise one last time, this time everything went horribly wrong. It wasn't a cold day, it was beutyful weather although very cloudy, but that was one of the main reasons I was going up there so I'd see above the clouds.

Well, there is alot of glaciers on this mountains, and they're slippery. My main tactic is firing a small gaspowered rocket with a line into the ice on the other side of the glaciere. This will get you over much more secure, even of you have spikeshoes.

So, I started going over the whole thing. The first thing that came to my mind was that it was not that slippery today, and since everything seemed okey I lost focus for just a second. Just that second a huge wind came, knocked me over and made me go sliding down the whole god damn thing.

The rope catched up with me, flinched and then snapped. I got back to the world and tried to slow myself down or atleast seeing where I went.
I saw a huge crack in the ice and thought "Oh shi-", just to fall down. I managed to land on my legs, though breaking both of them but it's better then my back.

I past out, came back and managed my wounds since my right bone was going through the skin. In the special forces, I was trained for a sniper and combat medic, so I have the approtiate gear in my backpack, including an emergency satelite beacon for helicopter aid.

I laughed a bit at the situation, going on vacation in a few days and reached for the beacon. Damn, it was broken. I waited for dark, since it was winter it wouldn't take so long and fired a red emergency flare, followed by a white one. It didn't take long before I was found and got up.

I have horrible luck in my life, but I've learned to laugh at the situations I get myself in. It's quite fun actully. :)
When I was a little boy I used to like running really really fast, as fast as my legs could carry me. Once we were out on some boring family walk and I was running about like a little nutter as usual. Now, I don't know if any of you has done this, but it's possible to run so fast that you lose control of your legs, including your ability to stop... In my case this happened going straight downhill towards a cliff. If my dad hadn't caught me at the bottom of the hill I would have been simply dead.

Of course, at the time I didn't really notice because I was so young. But looking back now it scares the crap out of me, and it must've given my poor dad a heart attack. One thing's for sure, if I ever have kids I'll be watching them very very carefully.
just yesterday a headcrab nearly got me... oh wait that's just a game....

FAlling out of a tree.

consisted of me going ah crack ow and my spine nearly snapping

counldnt walk for 2 weeks :/
i dont think i understand "why can't i realise that i wont change my opinion" my opinion is that for a very specific reason, it is my opinion, and until i see proof or some other form of suggestive material to sway me otherwise i am confident i will retain that opinion. in fact, i will counter your rather odd statement with a rather odd statement of my own

"sausages may melt like butter, but Moppe begins to multiply on a normal basis for timeframes"

of course, you yourself moppe are guilty of "not realising your wont change your opinion" o_O quite clearly due to the fact that even after 6 pages of suggestions about why you happen to be incorrect, or perhaps simply a little uneducated on the subject or what-have-you, you have yet to change your opinion.

[ back on topic slightly i did nearly choke to death on a quarter when i was 5, it was an accident, the shiny currency just looked sooooo appealing, i just had to play with it -_- ]
NeonSpyder said:
i dont think i understand "why can't i realise that i wont change my opinion" my opinion is that for a very specific reason, it is my opinion, and until i see proof or some other form of suggestive material to sway me otherwise i am confident i will retain that opinion. in fact, i will counter your rather odd statement with a rather odd statement of my own

"sausages may melt like butter, but Moppe begins to multiply on a normal basis for timeframes"

of course, you yourself moppe are guilty of "not realising your wont change your opinion" o_O quite clearly due to the fact that even after 6 pages of suggestions about why you happen to be incorrect, or perhaps simply a little uneducated on the subject or what-have-you, you have yet to change your opinion.

[ back on topic slightly i did nearly choke to death on a quarter when i was 5, it was an accident, the shiny currency just looked sooooo appealing, i just had to play with it -_- ]
I'm sorry. Please post that again so that I'll understand it.