
Sep 9, 2004
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When I'm mapping for half life 2 and I test the maps it acts like if it had a leak, the map is as bright as it can get. Even when I did a box, completely sealed off, no leaks, it's still bright! How do I make it dark so I can do light effects?
Wolfy Snackrib said:
When I'm mapping for half life 2 and I test the maps it acts like if it had a leak, the map is as bright as it can get. Even when I did a box, completely sealed off, no leaks, it's still bright! How do I make it dark so I can do light effects?
You need to add a light to make it dark (heh funny I know) if Source doesn't find any lights in your map it turns on mat_fullbright (you can turn it off again if you want)

So make sure atleast one light is in your map.

light_environment - distant light effect, like the Sun
light - regular point light
light_spotlight - spotlights, obviously
light_dynamic - realtime lights, nothing too fancy but do look cool

There's also a neat feature in the light properties that let you build your own flickering effect, similar to the regular preset versions only giving more control, haven't tried it fully but it looks very useful.
I've tryed putting out lights but it's still as brigt as it can get! Without or with lights and the light isn't supposed to make it as bright as it could get, trust me it aint there the problem lies. Just tell me how you turn off mat_fullbright please.
make sure when you are compiling it that you run vrad @ normal...

YES I KNOW, I know what you mean by setting mat_fullbright to 0 but I can't find where? please tell me how to do it, under what menu or property it is please.
Oh... never mind, I just figured out how to do it :D just type mat_fullbright 0 in those parameter thingy when u press F9 to set up test map options :)
Glad you got it working - good luck in your mapping endeavors :)