Limp Bizkit

Rocks or not?

  • It F**king Rocks

    Votes: 3 6.1%
  • It's alright, not great though

    Votes: 8 16.3%
  • Im a bizkit hater, they can stick their new single up their ass

    Votes: 26 53.1%
  • I really don't care

    Votes: 12 24.5%

  • Total voters


Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
Eat you alive

check out the new single and tell us what you think

i think it rocks but their are alot of bizkit haters out there
Umm i used to be a big bizkit fan, but they just faded away, so i wont vote for anyting.
did you open the link, or do you just refuse to because you think there awful
i think their new song is pretty kool, its a bit harder

less rap/rock shit and more rock
I used to hate Bizkit, then I started to like them because of maturer stuff like Boiler. Then I heard story upon stopy about how Durst is a cock, and shit that the band pulled, so now I'm right back at hating.
I just don't like them OR their music .... but I added a 'I really don't care' option.... since no-one ever puts that in :). Theres nothing wrong with good music of any genre... this just isn't :p
I like emo, some hot water bands too.

Dashboard Confessional is my favorite band.
Durst was playin live once, this 16 yr old girl in the crowd was being crushed and he was mocking the security guard trying to help her thru the mic. She ended up dieing in hospital, then later he lied to the press saying he visited her beforehand. What a dick :/
Originally posted by Sgt.Igneri
Umm i used to be a big bizkit fan, but they just faded away, so i wont vote for anyting.
Same - I used to love them but now I just think they're an embarassment. He should really just settle down and act his age (I swear he's middle age now right?) - same goes for Metal-licker.
Durst's a complete and utter c*ckmaster. And he shagged Britney - he's like 3 times her age... Eeeew. No wonder Wes Boreland - who's actually a very good guitarist - left. Man had some sense, even if his side-project was w*nk. It all went downhill after he left. After they had a DANCE ROUTINE (Rollin').
Godawful band.
Originally posted by Bad^Hat
Durst was playin live once, this 16 yr old girl in the crowd was being crushed and he was mocking the security guard trying to help her thru the mic. She ended up dieing in hospital, then later he lied to the press saying he visited her beforehand. What a dick :/

thats so sad ;(
Yeap, I like Bizkit, the guitarist is wicked :D I mean look at him! So yeah nothing against LB, but Durst is an assmonkey. I also hate the fact that Max let him cameo in that Soulfly song, damn his hip hop influence on one of the finest metal bands out there today >_<
looks like i lost the poll,

ps: bizkit refused to go out onstage because the crowd was acting stupid, thats when the girl got crushed and thats why they went to court, for being the band that caused the death, thats what i heard, they werent encouraging them or mocking security guards

the reason they faded away is cause wes left, they had to find a new gutairist and it set the new album back over a year and a half.

i fully suport new directions with the band and will be lineing up on sept 23 for the new album, wich will rock harder than ever. (one of the two lines in september i will be joining :cheese:, hint hint)
I bought their first album when it came out, and to this day, I think it's a very good album.

Significant Other has some good songs on it.

Anyways, they suck. :)

Edit: Bill Hicks would say they are "Suckers of Satan's cock."

I really don't like them or their music, I've said that before.... i prefer slightly more intelligent music, not just: "OK guys, we got an image now, lets play badly!".... I kinda liked their cover of Faith though....

/me has realised he's just shot himsellf in the foot

Originally posted by Siirolon
I bought their first album when it came out, and to this day, I think it's a very good album.

Significant Other has some good songs on it.

Anyways, they suck. :)

Edit: Bill Hicks would say they are "Suckers of Satan's cock."


"Ballless, soulless suckers of satans cock each and every one of them."
Originally posted by burnzie
bizkit refused to go out onstage because the crowd was acting stupid
First off: What the f*ck?
secondly: They recently got booed off stage at one of their OWN GIGS. Hmmm.
The song is pretty good. I don't like the lyrics or anything. Ignoring those, though, the background noise is good I guess. Although I listen to much softer stuff to be honest.

In general, I don't go out of my way to listen to this sort of music. I have no problem with the band.
If he learned how to sing, and rest of the band learned how to play, I would vote option 1. But they don't, so who cares.

Song, by the way, sucked too. Oh I am such a hater.
I liked two songs by limp bizkit,

FAITH (yer that so rocks)
the other one that i can't remember right now...but other than that they never really grew on me...
i guess im the only fan in the forum

*burnzie cranks the bizkit and fogets he ever made this thread
I think and have thought for quite some time that Limp Bizkit would be a 100 times better without Fred Durst, no matter what the rest of the band do and how musically accomplished they are, it is ruined by Fred Durst and possibly DJ Lethal as well. I'm so ashamed I know their names.
Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead
"Ballless, soulless suckers of satans cock each and every one of them."

"Says here on your application, you have no talent, and yet you want to be a star. I think something can be arranged. Whuh. Suck Satan's cock. Gnoor. I will lower the standards of the earth. I will put 56 channels of American Gladiators on every TV. I will put all the money in the hands of 14 year old girls. They will think you are charismatic, deep and edgy. GnnooOOooOor."
well i hate Fred "the d**khead durst for a few reasons.. and my best reason is that moron has something against Trent Reznor.. if anyone spent any time reading my sig, they would know why its a reason :p

second reason would be stuff i read almost 2 years ago or something.. (the time when they were looking for a new guitarist) and they held "auditions" (in Chicago i think, sorry i can't remember too much now) and every performer had to perform original material...but that wasn't the problem.. what was the problem? every person auditioning signed some contract which said the material they are performing is no longer theirs, and they can never perform it again.. something to that effect

yup. that and the girl incident did it for me.. i lost all respect for this band and the moron that runs the band..

nuff said i think. :flame:
Originally posted by Dr. Freeman
second reason would be stuff i read almost 2 years ago or something.. (the time when they were looking for a new guitarist) and they held "auditions" (in Chicago i think, sorry i can't remember too much now) and every performer had to perform original material...but that wasn't the problem.. what was the problem? every person auditioning signed some contract which said the material they are performing is no longer theirs, and they can never perform it again.. something to that effect

That's exactly one of the stories I heard that made me dislike them. They'd also call off the audition whenever they felt like it, often screwing over people who had waited for hours.
Originally posted by $pazmatazz
That's exactly one of the stories I heard that made me dislike them. They'd also call off the audition whenever they felt like it, often screwing over people who had waited for hours.

yup.. now.. i have only heard about the fits he throws just before going on stage and stuff..

heard he wouldn't come out on stage because he was hungry and wanted some fastfood... pretty pathetic.
hey someone else voted it rocks, guess they were to shy to post around all the haters

oh well

who are you mistery fan?
Don't fear burnzie. They own and that song owns too.

I'm more of a punk person, but bands like LB and Linkin Park also get my attention.
Originally posted by mrBadger
I really don't like them or their music, I've said that before.... i prefer slightly more intelligent music, not just: "OK guys, we got an image now, lets play badly!".... I kinda liked their cover of Faith though....

* mrBadger has realised he's just shot himsellf in the foot



I'm not a 'hater', I just prefer to listen to different music.

I dont know how much truth there is in some of the stuff said in this thread, but a few posts have made me think a bit differently about the band (in a bad way).
I dont like bizkit and that new one sent me to sleep...
Originally posted by StarMonkey
I dont know how much truth there is in some of the stuff said in this thread, but a few posts have made me think a bit differently about the band (in a bad way).

well some of the negative stuff has been reported in reputable newspapers.. i don't think they would risk reporting wrongly on this.. theres better things to be mis-reporting on besides a lead singer of a band hes given a bad rap to.
Freddy in my opinion is a typical dwarf bitch. A no talent hack that would have ever gotten anywhere if it wern't for that monkey boy guitarist. And I hear he likes to breed donkeys with his mouth in his spare time. What a sad era in music history. If you can even call that crap music. hehe.