Lobardi: Half-Life 2 to be passed on to Vivendi "within days"

I'm seriously starting to believe that it will go gold soon. About it being released mid-late September.

Doom3 went gold July 15th. Released August 3rd (in certain countries). -> No collectors edition, no dvd version, no simultaneous release.

Half-Life 2 gold prediction (within days-August 10th?). Released 20th September, why the delay you ask? --> Collectors editions, dvd version, standard version + SIMULTANEOUS WORLD WIDE RELEASE, all those things were missing from doom3.

More radnom predictions - HL2 will start preloading this week. lol. haha. Playing through doom 3 has just put me in such an optimistic mood. God i'm pathetic.

/me beats himself to a bloody pulp.
This thread = lol.

Cybernoid said:
What year? 2003 or 2004? It's probably bullshit in any case.
Thursday 29th July 2004
HL2 should go gold towards the end of the month, and indeed September 21st sounds like a very reasonable date.
i dont know why everyone picks on Lambardi, hes the only one who tried to keep HL2 fans hopes up. even if it aint truthful at least he acknowledges HL2 on those levels.
YEAH! Finally! Woot! 26th august here it comes bitches!
I wish that MR. Lombardi would just STHU(SHUT THE HELL UP!)

One think that always struck me is:

If VALVE used it's own money to develop HL2 then why it is up to Vivendi to make the decisions as to when it will be released. Second it does not take ove a month and a half to have the game duplicated and released.

ValveBULGE said:
If VALVE used it's own money to develop HL2 then why it is up to Vivendi to make the decisions as to when it will be released.
Because you do not know anything about how a game is published. Let's just say that VU own rights to all retail versions of HL HL-based mods.
ValveBULGE said:
I wish that MR. Lombardi would just STHU(SHUT THE HELL UP!)

One think that always struck me is:

If VALVE used it's own money to develop HL2 then why it is up to Vivendi to make the decisions as to when it will be released. Second it does not take ove a month and a half to have the game duplicated and released.

I think they already learnt that lesson.....oh wait no they didn't :D.

Anyway as far as going gold is concerned i strongly believe the version they give to Vivendi in a few days IS the final version. Unless there is some CATASTROPHIC bug it'll go gold. They would have already been working with Vivendi this whole time sorting things out. Valve handle the playtesting, Vivendi handle the money grabbing. And they'll just throw whatever version of CS:S they have at the moment in there as well and have a patch ready to go on release date through steam.....if it needs a patch.

Remember, random people on forums know everything. Employees from Valve and popular retailers know nothing!! :)

Have you ever heard more unsubstantiated guess work in your life? THIS IS AMAZING!! Hohohoho.
Mr-Fusion said:
Remember, random people on forums know everything. Employees from Valve and popular retailers know nothing!! :)

Quote of the month :)

But seriously, with all due respect, this one will most likely be sent back to valve for fixing something that they've missed. Then they will fix it and send it back again to Vivendi.
Yea let them delay! vivendi is in need of money, so let they delay and perish like a good old headcrab!

MaxiKana said:
Quote of the month :)

But seriously, with all due respect, this one will most likely be sent back to valve for fixing something that they've missed. Then they will fix it and send it back again to Vivendi.

With the amount of time Valve have been 'fixing their practicly finished game) I doubt it ;)
I would like to say: It's all starting over again

But then again, this might be it, Lombardi might have told the truth without knowing it.
This time, there seems to be more reasons to believe then to disbelieve, so come on ppl, have a little faith!
ferd said:
Lombardi might have told the truth without knowing it.


Accidental truth. Is that like an accidental fart?
bliink said:
"The release date remains unchanged" -Doug Lombardi, 'within days' of September 30 2003 ;)

Yeah, if you could "Within Days" as being about a month before the 30th of September.
CR0M said:
1 'Day' - passage of time based on rotation of Earth in accordance with cycle of sun
1 'Year' - timespan of 365 days, complete Earth orbit of sun
1 'Lombardi' - 4th dimensional timeframe prone to 'slippage' (ref. black holes, p.1034. see also Hawking Vacant Time theories, p.3553).

rofl :cheers:
Maybe someone could mail Doug, asking to confirm it.
About the RC and CS: Source thing.

I think this is likely to happen. (Based on the fact, the CS: Source preloading date and the "Bug free date" are the same).

Come to 5th of August, Half-Life 2 is apparently bug free. They preload CS:Source and give an RC to Vivendi. Both are being tested at the same time, so after they get the bug list from Vivendi, they'll also have bugs from CS: Source to fix. They then submit the fixed RC to Vivendi. This saves more time than if they just fixed CS: Source then submitted the first RC.

And Half-Life 2 can go gold before the CS: Source beta has finished. It could still be in beta after Half-Life 2 has been released.
Having recently hacked into valves computers, I avoided downloading any boring, Half-Life 2 related information that could be traced to me. Instead, I can bring you an incomplete but very revealing glimpse into the Valve public relations dictionary, issued to all employees via hidden Microsoft Word files. Prepare to be shocked:

It's going well - We have beer and pizza.
It's approaching release - We've started.
It's nearly done - We've done some brainstorming.
It's in testing - Oh crap, It's supposed to have weapons!
We're confident about it - Only five nervous breakdowns today.
We're fixing a couple of bugs - Damn! It doesn't work.
We need to fix some tiny glitches - Crap! It really doesn't work.
We've fixed the bugs! - Hell with it, we'll do a patch next year.
The release date is unchanged - Just not the release date you're thinking of.
The team is working really well - Five of us just joined forces to keep the gag in Lombardi's mouth.

and some time phrases:

When it's done - Don't get your hopes up anytime soon.
Soon - A long time.
Very soon - A very long time.
A couple of days - A couple of Lombardis (see definition in this thread)
A couple if weeks - A couple dozen weeks.
Sometime - Never.

And finally, I can exclusively reveal some of the contents of Doug "Pants on Fire" Lombardi's exclusive personal dictionary, issued to him by persons unknown:

[Anything] - [Something Else]

[Something Specific and Important, a Revelation for HL2 fans] - The linguistic equivelant of a yawn, something that happens spontaneously and subconciously when bored and usually surrounded by journalists.

As you can see, truly amazing.
Within days means up to seven days, what's more than that he should use the phrase: within weeks.
Like I said from day one at these forums september release date...woohoo its almost here guys man but the last two weeks are always the longest! :rolling:
Even longer for me: I've just dished out the best part of £500 upgrading my computer and I'm waiting for the parts to arrive! :O
Like I said from day one at these forums september release date...woohoo its almost here guys man but the last two weeks are always the longest! :rolling:

Yeah, the problem is I feel like i've sat through the 'last two weeks' at least once already!
I told you a 14th to 28th september date was possible :p

Now it seems to be true.

Also Chris_D if there's no problems it should get an ok after the first rc, all depending on what you mean by 'no slips'.
Anyone remember Steelhed? Search for his posts. He posted in the beginning of September and was convinced that Half-Life 2 was going to come out in September 2004.

Disturbing to think that he was right...
lol @ Pantsonfire for a middle name.

That made tea come out of my nose.
Thats a bit harsh DrunkPanda, some of you guys really need to pull back and get a grip sometimes, this is a game, and its dougs job to do the PR for it.
I seriously have lost every last bit of hope and or want for HL2 to go gold.
I will ONLY get excited when I actually see an offiical press release
Varsity said:
Because you do not know anything about how a game is published. Let's just say that VU own rights to all retail versions of HL HL-based mods.
Not to mention that VU are the ones who print and distribute the game. A fairly important part of the game-producing process, I would have thought.
Feath said:
Anyone remember Steelhed? Search for his posts. He posted in the beginning of September and was convinced that Half-Life 2 was going to come out in September 2004.

Disturbing to think that he was right...

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Shuzer said:
Not a digital clock.

Depends on how broken it is, it could flash at 12:00 which would make it right twice a day, or it could just stop working.

/me smacks Shuzer in the face

NEVER question me AGAIN! You here me?!
But what if the digital clock is running the 24h system and is blinking 23:04?

edit -

This is getting a bit spammy.