/logout /exit (my goodbye thread)

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Farrowlesparrow said:

People always go on about the glory days, well guess what...they didn't exist. I can remember since the very start people were complaining about the forums going down hill. You know what, Its not a problem with the site, its a problem with you.

Its the same in everypart of society. You just can't handle new blood coming and taking over. Old people are scared of and dispise young people. The newbie is this evil entity that must be feared and kept out of our precious site...Well guess what, it aint gonna happen. Where ever you go, new people will turn up. If they don't then it will go stale, and you will become bored of it, perhaps without you noticing. Believe me, I remember what it was like at the start, and it was great but if it were still the same people here...I would have stopped visiting a long time ago. You have to accept change for what it is, you have to move out of your comfort zone and not run away from new things.


I agree completely. Shuzer has been here for a long time and I like the guy but this whole bitching about how good it used to be is really irritating
Farrowlesparrow said:
I think things were going along relatively well until the incident with that thread...that really drew in a lot from other parts of the site....Unsavoury parts of the site :) Trust me, it will heal in time. You just have to rough it out. We are bound to have lots of annoying people, since there are so many people coming to the site at the moment due to the gold release.

What thread? :rolling:

Bye Shuzer.
Hey - Halflife2.net still has a personality. Yes more and more new users are coming in and it's changing - happens with all forums. But there are still people around breathing life into the place, it's not like it's suddenly gonna become steampowered.com or anything.
Farrowlesparrow said:
What thread? The "Post your picture (Ladies only)" thread.

Its gone now.

Yes, I left only two hours in the thread, so I didn't see what happend. Glad I didn't.
I never expected Shuzer to make a goodbye thread... :|
shuzer, you were always a good member of our community and always had good things to say. however, im with everyone else who agrees with farrow. things change, but its not as scary as it appears. we get used to it. this is still the best place for news and discussion about a game i already love. i hope that you come back a couple months after release, because i really see that as being the best time here; when theres no longer the hype, the flame wars or the anticipation. all there will be is discussion about what was good about the game and what the community can now do to prolong the game through mods. itll be a shame if you abandon that. oh well, do what you will. later shuzer.
Cya m8,

You will always be rememberd :)


there will be alot more to talk about when the game comes out :D

Tr0n said:
I never expected Shuzer to make a goodbye thread... :|

Sad in it :| :(
Aww Shuzer.

Sad thing is I completley agree with everything you just said.

This community did used to be brilliant (pre- 9/30/03) and now it is just the same old re-hash of shit over and over again. The community is like a relationship between two people that's somehow gone sour and we're now stuck for things to talk about. To be honest I think us Vets (heh, I said vets.) have just been part of this community for too long.

I contemplated leaving the community myself, but to be honest I know I'd have kept coming back from time to time, so I just didnt see the point (although I hardly post anymore now).

I'll definitely be leaving for most of November (so hopefully I'll miss the influx of wankers joining posting even more crap), but I will return.

Hope to see you around anyway.
Good luck in the future Shuzer, you're a forum legend :)
The newbs will always be here posting rubbish in the hl2 discussion forums, which atm is why i dont go there. Off-topic is still a good place.
You got to keep your patience and help out the newbies posting the some old shit because thats what being an experienced and respected member of the forums is all about. Come back soon.
I'd like to wish you well but I'm sure you'd see through my insincerity. The forums are what you make of it, maybe you've just become more intolerant
Feck, I come back to this.. ;(

I don't think you'll be able to stay away though, max a week :p
Good riddance, you big jerk :angry:

<3 u shuz :E

ill see U ON aIM!!!1

oh yeah, and I agree, it really has gone downhill sharply, I don't see how you can say it hasn't farrow :\ it really did used to be a lot lighter and more casual/fun in here.

oh well, I might end up leaving myself soon, but then again I might not on the principal of why bother? just don't come as much.
Ghost Freeman said:
He'll be back.

However I am suprised this went on for as long as it did.

No he won't. Not with all this bullshit going around.
u guys make me fell bad that i that came here a few weaks ago and signed up here.....


Well.. It was teh fun... You are (were) probably the best member.. You would always have the right answer to questions... Always add humor to your posts... Always made me laugh..

I don't really need to be sad or anything, I see you on AIM all the time!

Hope you come back soon.. Will be neat to see ya after a while. :)

Must.. Make.. Failed Weapon Designs 2... And.. Have something to do with.. Shuzer leaving...

Ohhh yes it will be goooood...

Next person who leaves the forums will be banned!!

SpuD said:

Next person who leaves the forums will be banned!!


Yes, ban their blasphemic ass.

SpuD said:

Next person who leaves the forums will be banned!!


I hate to say it. But that was THE most ironic thing I have ever read. Ever. :|
And another one bites the dust...

The IQ of the forum continues to plummet. A sad day indeed.
Later man, keep it real ;). Meh Im basically gone as well, I dont post as much as used to and once hl2 comes out, Im gone.
I also don't really see the point in formally leaving a forum, I mean it's not like it's some club where everyone's a tight knit bunch of friends, We hardly know each other, and if you want to post here for whatever reason in the future (to say Half-Life 2 rocks/sucks) well you've already negated your "Hey look at me! I'm leaving" thread and that make's you look like an attention seeker. If you want to post, post, if you don't ,don't, it's really that simple.
Top Secret said:
I hate to say it. But that was THE most ironic thing I have ever read. Ever. :|

Well I will quite enjoy saying this.

His comment was purposeful in every meaning ;)
Cya Shuzer, I didn't really know ya that well, just always thought of you as a mature cool guy to have around these forums. As much as I was a part of that "Thread" I can't help but feel as if it killed a part of hl2.net that will never heal.
NJD2003 said:
Cya Shuzer, I didn't really know ya that well, just always thought of you as a mature cool guy to have around these forums. As much as I was a part of that "Thread" I can't help but feel as if it killed a part of hl2.net that will never heal.
You helped with 25% of it...:P j/k
NJD2003 said:
Cya Shuzer, I didn't really know ya that well, just always thought of you as a mature cool guy to have around these forums. As much as I was a part of that "Thread" I can't help but feel as if it killed a part of hl2.net that will never heal.

Shuzer, mature ? pff, I can remember him contributing to many a flame war! ;)
I think I had like 80 posts in that "Thread", jeeze what a waste of a day.
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