lol @ germany

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Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
taken from gib.cpp

	if ( g_Language.GetInt() == LANGUAGE_GERMAN )
		// no sticky gibs in germany right now!
I think it's because of censorship laws in Germany - Remember how they had to replace all of the humans with robots in Half-Life 1's German version?
Yeah, its pretty pathetic isn't it? I thought Europe, being a more liberal minded group (Watchin' porn on broadcast, no editing for language etc.) would have no problem with violence in videogames, but I guess I was wrong.

I also heard that Liesure Suit Larry was banned in Australia,(And I believe a few GTA titles were banned too) now I know its not Europe but common, you have the choice to NOT buy it. Why ban it for everyone? Its not Semtex or Cocaine.
Milkman said:
Yeah, its pretty pathetic isn't it? I thought Europe, being a more liberal minded group (Watchin' porn on broadcast, no editing for language etc.) would have no problem with violence in videogames, but I guess I was wrong.

I also heard that Liesure Suit Larry was banned in Australia,(And I believe a few GTA titles were banned too) now I know its not Europe but common, you have the choice to NOT buy it. Why ban it for everyone? Its not Semtex or Cocaine.
Europe doesn't have such a problem, Germany does.

They're still a little edgy over that "Hitler" guy, remember?
Bobcat said:
Europe doesn't have such a problem, Germany does.

They're still a little edgy over that "Hitler" guy, remember?

Jesus IS hitler after all....
I used to play City of Heroes. There's 5th column nazis in the game.

It was announced that CoH's was going to be available in Germany and that the 5th column were leaving in fear over some unnamed new enemy.

Now that's a coincidence...
cyberpitz said:
Jesus IS hitler after all....
Poor Jews were fooled all along then?

Returning to the topic:
What gibs anyway? I never really saw anything except what the eventual barnacle barfed out...
I used to play City of Heroes. There's 5th column nazis in the game.

It was announced that CoH's was going to be available in Germany and that the 5th column were leaving in fear over some unnamed new enemy.

Now that's a coincidence...

I haven't played in months. They got rid of the 5th Column?? :(

What gibs anyway? I never really saw anything except what the eventual barnacle barfed out...

The Ant Lions gib pretty easily.

Cutting the zombies in half might count as a gib.

Yeah, its pretty pathetic isn't it? I thought Europe, being a more liberal minded group (Watchin' porn on broadcast, no editing for language etc.) would have no problem with violence in videogames, but I guess I was wrong.

America is tough on sex but has no problem with violence. Europe is tough on violence but has no problem with sex.
sticky gibs could also be refering to the ability to pin corpses to solid objects
Milkman said:
Yeah, its pretty pathetic isn't it? I thought Europe, being a more liberal minded group (Watchin' porn on broadcast, no editing for language etc.) would have no problem with violence in videogames, but I guess I was wrong.

I also heard that Liesure Suit Larry was banned in Australia,(And I believe a few GTA titles were banned too) now I know its not Europe but common, you have the choice to NOT buy it. Why ban it for everyone? Its not Semtex or Cocaine.

im jus glad no games are banned here in the uk :D
Pertaining to the Australian ban on GTA:

My understanding is that GTA3 was pulled from the shelves and banned after its release, but Rockstar made a modified version that removed old ladies and the homeless and the prostitute pick-up code, because the Australian censor people (I forget the name of the organization) had a problem with:

1) Brutally attacking the elderly and homeless.
2) Picking up prostitutes and using their services.

After Rockstar removed those for a modified Australian release, it hit the shelves again. That's what I read anyway.

I think Germany is a little touchier than the rest of Europe, but I think someone else here said it right when saying America is tough on sex but doesn't care about violence, and Europe is the other way around.

I think the European approach makes more sense (violence is instrinsically bad, sex is not) but I'm against censorship in general so either way it ticks me off. I think some nations in Europe are pretty liberal all around, though. I mean, hey, Snatch was made in the UK, and that was brutally violent in an even more disturbing way than most American films like Kill Bill. And, they had Monty Python singing about sperm and the brother of Christ sleeping aroundand preaching anti-Christ dogma, along with full frontal female nudity in Monty Python movies before mainstream American movies could show boobies. =p

America's pretty hardcore on censorship too, just on very different things.
i was wondering.. is there any swearing on american TV?
cos theres is on ours.. (but after the 9pm watershed)
anything can be broadcast on out tv after 9pm..

btw, sorry for slightly changing the subject :D
KoreBolteR said:
i was wondering.. is there any swearing on american TV?
cos theres is on ours.. (but after the 9pm watershed)
anything can be broadcast on out tv after 9pm..

btw, sorry for slightly changing the subject :D

It depends. The rules are different for each of the three kinds of American TV.

1) Broadcast networks.

On broadcast networks, it's kind of vague, but words that are definitely out include sh*t, the F word, most racial or sexual orientation-slurs, and just about anything referencing to sexual organs besides penis, breasts, boobs, or vagina (and even those are used sparingly).

It gets a little more lenient about specific content in the evening but they stay strong on the language.

2) Basic Cable

Much more lenient. Some of the edgier channels say sh*t (this is new though; about two years ago South Park on Comedy Central did it for the first time, and they made a huge deal about it -- they even had a counter in the corner of the screen keeping track of the number of times they said it), and after 11 or 12 at night you can get away with just about anything but the F word.

3) Premium Channels & Digital Cable or Satellite

Channels like HBO, Showtime, etc, which you pay an additional monthly fee to subscribe to have no language restrictions whatsoever. In fact, they're much more open than even movie theaters tend to be. Also, some digital cable channels like the Independent Film Channel and Sundance Channel are now giving pretty much free reign on content.

So basically network TV is really strict about a few words, especially anything that's a graphic word with a sexual meaning, and racial slurs unless they're used "appropriately" -- that is, by the bad person in a drama specifically dealing with the issue of racism or homosexuality in such a way as to promote diversity, but most everything else goes, even really mean words I've always hated because they're so hateful and disrespectful, like "bitch." Really, none of it makes any sense.

There are also some weird differences about what words are bad words. Someone I know in Australia says there's virtually no taboo there about the word "damn," but while it can be said on TV here, lots of parents get up in arms about it.

On the other hand, "bloody" and "bugger" don't phase anyone at all here. I don't know how much of a big deal they are elsewhere but I've been told they're considered swear words. Here, sometimes they say them in kids movies just to indicate a character is British (as if the accent isn't enough).
Yeah I could never quite understand our censorship in the US. The most pathetic things are censored like "finger" (in reference to the middle finger) on TBS. They broadcast Sex and the City and yet replace finger with "Flipper" wtf?!
Sex and the City is on one of the premium channels, that's why it's so explicit. I think it's on a basic cable channel too but they edit it to death.
Milkman said:
Yeah, its pretty pathetic isn't it? I thought Europe, being a more liberal minded group (Watchin' porn on broadcast, no editing for language etc.) would have no problem with violence in videogames, but I guess I was wrong.

I also heard that Liesure Suit Larry was banned in Australia,(And I believe a few GTA titles were banned too) now I know its not Europe but common, you have the choice to NOT buy it. Why ban it for everyone? Its not Semtex or Cocaine.

Yeah some dickhead tryed to get GTA:SA banned but they arnt being banned =D, they banned manhunt...about 2 weeks ago or so...which is stupid, not sure about liesure suit larry though
australia bans everything. worse than nazi germany. all our gta's have been edited and censored and hl2 barely made it in. we have no porn and we cant have automatic rifles. and films get banned here aswell. facism indeed.
That's one thing Britain rules for, however.. our Goverment's "one rule for the muslims, another for the rest" pisses me off.
what do you mean?
the govt is shitting on muslims or are they giving they special le-way.
Most censorship here in the UK has seemed to be pretty reasonable as far as I can see. I mean, we get everything but at the right times and all that.

But I don't see how seeing a few gibs in a computer game is any more likely to turn the Germans back into Nazis than it will us...
I mean, last time it was caused by the Allies basically raping their country after World War One and I don't see any games coming out soon that include both a simulated Treaty of Versailles AND gibs...
PrivateerLunatic said:
Pertaining to the Australian ban on GTA:

My understanding is that GTA3 was pulled from the shelves and banned after its release, but Rockstar made a modified version that removed old ladies and the homeless and the prostitute pick-up code, because the Australian censor people (I forget the name of the organization) had a problem with:

1) Brutally attacking the elderly and homeless.
2) Picking up prostitutes and using their services.

After Rockstar removed those for a modified Australian release, it hit the shelves again. That's what I read anyway.

I think Germany is a little touchier than the rest of Europe, but I think someone else here said it right when saying America is tough on sex but doesn't care about violence, and Europe is the other way around.

I think the European approach makes more sense (violence is instrinsically bad, sex is not) but I'm against censorship in general so either way it ticks me off. I think some nations in Europe are pretty liberal all around, though. I mean, hey, Snatch was made in the UK, and that was brutally violent in an even more disturbing way than most American films like Kill Bill. And, they had Monty Python singing about sperm and the brother of Christ sleeping aroundand preaching anti-Christ dogma, along with full frontal female nudity in Monty Python movies before mainstream American movies could show boobies. =p

America's pretty hardcore on censorship too, just on very different things.
I feel pretty much like you, although what really surprises is the way language is censored in the us, it's just so annoying.
Example: The Simpsons in 1991, had to have every writer sign a petition for their constitutional right to say the word: Genatalia on air.
In sweden in the 1970s something, there was a sketch on a public service channel at eight o clock which featured the word dick around 40 times I would say.
Censorship in general is very bad thing, and what I've read in this thread about censorship in australia kinda frightens me. Down with censorship! We need more violence, more swearing and more full frontal nudity in TV and Video Games!!!
krupa said:
what do you mean?
the govt is shitting on muslims or are they giving they special le-way.

Giving them special le-way, for example.. soon their getting their own court and legal system.
Biggleska said:
Giving them special le-way, for example.. soon their getting their own court and legal system.

you bloody idiot, the BNP are a bunch of racist dickheads, anything they say can be considered utter shit.
Biggleska said:
You are such a loser, uninfomed kiddy.

*sighs* Okay, whatever, I'm sure you know plenty of things I don't know and the BNP are really lovely fellows just very patriotic and fun at parties.

How about a fun extract from their manifesto:
The British National Party exists to secure a future for the indigenous peoples of these islands in the North Atlantic

I love how they don't actually give any good reason either. But I can't think why they wouldn't be able to give any reason why someone should have any more rights than someone else just because they were born in a certain place. It's such an open-minded and intelligent long-term perspective.
USA, Europa, Austrailia, they all suck :p

Here in Norway we are so rich no one gives a damn.

We actually had a minister who cried when she saw GTA3 because of the violence. Though she was from Krf, a Christian party.

Oh well, no one gives a shit what they mean, they cant ban it if they want :LOL:
rumblefish said:
what are sticky gibs?


Probably gibs that stick to a wall. But good thing that you pointed that out. Actually to clarify a bit:

Germany had a law prohibting video games from feasting on excessive violence. 'Excessive' was defined by not being necessary for telling the game's story. Games had to be altered if the publisher wanted to make it available for everybody. That's the reason why robots chased Gordon in HL1.

This has chenged mostly due the massive import of UK and US versions. Today games get a rating. In case it's 18+ they are only sold to persons over 18. That's the reason why HL2 is not altered in the German version as far as I know (got the UK one).

And on a personal note: For me it does make an awful lot of sense to protect children from playing games like HL2. For those about to cry censorship and belonging to the state of Greater Texas, here's one word: Janet.
And to sum it up; censorship never brought anything good.
It's just taking away regular peoples choices.
Not quite sure how a democratic country justifies making the choice for the people.
instead of censoring everything they should talk about games like GTA more and explain to parents what the game is about etc censorship is bad in Germany we have big problmes with it
Milkman said:
Yeah, its pretty pathetic isn't it? I thought Europe, being a more liberal minded group (Watchin' porn on broadcast, no editing for language etc.) would have no problem with violence in videogames, but I guess I was wrong.

I also heard that Liesure Suit Larry was banned in Australia,(And I believe a few GTA titles were banned too) now I know its not Europe but common, you have the choice to NOT buy it. Why ban it for everyone? Its not Semtex or Cocaine.

Actually, in most countries violence is more regulated than sex, North America is a little strange that way. What we would call "Adult" video games or television shows would be okay there, but highly regulated here. Frankly the European way makes sense - make LOVE not WAR :p
Don't know if it has been responded to, but to whoever said that antlions gib easily -- I think Germany's laws allow blood from aliens and such if its really minimalistic or something like that. I'm not sure. Still, Germany gets screwed in terms of gaming. I'm sure someone would just remove that part of the code and compile it, but if they released it, would they have a fear of the German government trying to catch them?

I'm just glad such a stupid law (although it may be proposed one day), does not exist in many places around the world. :cheers:
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